Commit cd6f78cf authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

addressed different bayer shifts

No related merge requests found
......@@ -388,6 +388,20 @@
var MakerNote = EXIF.getTag(src,"MakerNote");
bayer_mode = 0; // r gr / gb b
if (typeof MakerNote !== 'undefined'){
bayer_mode = (MakerNote[10]>>2)&0x3;
console.log("Bayer mode = "+bayer_mode);
case 0: BAYER = [["Gr","R"],["B","Gb"]];break;
case 1: BAYER = [["R","Gr"],["Gb","B"]];break;
case 2: BAYER = [["B","Gb"],["Gr","R"]];break;
case 3: BAYER = [["Gb","B"],["R","Gr"]];break;
default:BAYER = [["Gr","R"],["B","Gb"]];
if (typeof MakerNote !== 'undefined'){
FLIPH = (MakerNote[10] )&0x1;
......@@ -405,6 +419,7 @@
settings.mosaic = BAYER;
//console.log("MakerNote: Flips: V:"+FLIPV+" H:"+FLIPH);
//COLOR_MODE ----------------------------------------------------------------
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