Commit bf1493f4 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

1. valid values 2. comments

parent 659c7529
......@@ -105,8 +105,33 @@ var Elphel = {
// Pixel manipulation
* Name: reorderJP4Blocks_lowres
* Description: clear from the function's name except for the image must
* be already scaled to W/lowres x H/lowres
* the image is passed as an array of pixels from <canvas>
* @pixels - pixel array, read from origin canvas
* pixels is a long 1-D array with the following structure:
* pix[i+0] - red
* pix[i+1] - green
* pix[i+2] - blue
* pix[i+3] - alpha
* @width - origin canvas width
* @height - origin canvas height
* @format - value comes from exif.js function
* 'jpeg' - skip reordering
* 'jp4' - jp4 reordeing
* 'jp46' - jp46 reordering
* @mosaic - [["Gr","R"],["B","Gb"]] - value comes from application
* odd lines: Gr,R,Gr,R
* even lines: B,Gb,B,Gb
* @lowres - valid values: 1 (not scaled), 2, 4, 8 (lowest resolution)
reorderBlocksJP4_lowres: function(pixels,width,height,format="JP4",mosaic=[["Gr","R"],["B" ,"Gb"]],lowres){
// the output image is 1/4 because demosaicing = 4 single color channel pixels are put into 1 rgb pixel
var oPixels = new Uint8Array(pixels.length/4);
// check
......@@ -640,7 +665,7 @@ var Elphel = {
* Name: l2g
* Desctiptin: convert a value from linear to gamma encoded,
* Description: convert a value from linear to gamma encoded,
* close to square root
l2g: function(pv){
......@@ -650,9 +675,9 @@ var Elphel = {
return tmp;
* Name: g2l
* Desctiptin: convert a value gamma encoded to linear,
* Description: convert a value gamma encoded to linear,
* close to square
g2l: function(pv){
......@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
var PIXELS = [];
// only valid values are allowed otherwise - disable
if ((settings.lowres!=0)&&(settings.lowres!=1)&&(settings.lowres!=2)&&(settings.lowres!=4)&&(settings.lowres!=8)){
settings.lowres = 0;
var cnv_working = $("<canvas>",{id:"working"});
var cnv_display = $("<canvas>",{id:"display"});
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