Commit 8c90a903 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

CORS header for multi cams control

parent 9f570c69
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
*! PHP script
*! FILE NAME : parsedit.php
*! AUTHOR : Elphel, Inc.
*! Copyright (C) 2008 Elphel, Inc
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
$sensor_port=0; /// TODO: NC393 - add sensor port control, initially will use $sensor_port=0 for all php functions that require it
$sensor_port=0; /// TODO: NC393 - add sensor port control, initially will use $sensor_port=0 for all php functions that require it
$default_ahead= 3;
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
// $imgsrv="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].":8081";
$imgsrv_ports= array ("2323","2324","2325","2326");
/// $imglink="img"; /// use this for faster output (and safer in simultaneous accesses from multiple hosts
$imglink="bimg"; ///It was "img" - faster, but image may get corrupted if buffer is overrun before it is trasferred (network congestion)
$defaultImgScale=0.2; /// 20% image size
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
if ($isPost) {
......@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
exit (0);
$imgsrv = $imgsrv_base.$imgsrv_ports[$GLOBALS [sensor_port]];
if ($immediateMode){
......@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($msg)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
// allow CORS: needed for multicam controls
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
exit(0); // that's all
......@@ -239,14 +241,14 @@
function printDefaultPage() {
$url_port = "sensor_port=".$GLOBALS [sensor_port]."&";
$url_port = "sensor_port=".$GLOBALS [sensor_port]."&";
// $imgsrv="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].":8081";
$url_init= $url_port."embed&test&showseq&title=Camera+initialization+parameters"
."&TASKLET_CTL=0*0" /// at least ELPHEL_CONST_TASKLET_CTL_NOSAME bit should be 0 so initialization will not wait for the frame sync
."&MAXAHEAD=2" /// When servicing interrupts, try programming up to 2 frames ahead of the due to program time)
."&FPGA_XTRA=1000" /// Extra clock cycles needed to compress a frame (in addition to per macroblocs time)
."&EXTERN_TIMESTAMP=1" /// Use external timestamp when available
."&BITS=8" /// 8 bit data mode
."&BITS=8" /// 8 bit data mode
."&QUALITY=80" /// 80 percent JPEG image quality
."&COLOR=0" /// regular color mode (not mono or JP4 flavors)
."&COLOR_SATURATION_BLUE=200"/// 2.0 (200% blue/green color saturation (to compensate for effect of non-unity gamma)
......@@ -427,7 +429,7 @@ $url_ext_trigger=$url_port."embed=0.1&title=External+trigger+controls"
."&THIS_FRAME=@" /// Current frame
///Next parameters are non-zero only for external connections and should match particular I/O boards/connectors
."&TRIG_CONDITION=0" /// trigger condition, 0 - internal, else dibits ((use<<1) | level) for each GPIO[11:0] pin
/// 0x0 - from FPGA, 0x80000 - ext, 0x8000 - int, 0x88000 - any, 0x95555 - add ext, 0x59999 - add int
/// 0x0 - from FPGA, 0x80000 - ext, 0x8000 - int, 0x88000 - any, 0x95555 - add ext, 0x59999 - add int
."&TRIG_OUT=0x65555" /// trigger output to GPIO, dibits ((use << 1) | level_when_active). Bit 24 - test mode,
/// when GPIO[11:10] are controlled by other internal signals
/// 0x56555 - ext connector, 0x65555 - internal connector 0x66555 - both, 0x55555 - none
......@@ -448,7 +450,7 @@ $url_sample= $url_port
$url_ext_photofinish=$url_port."embed=0.2&&title=Photofinish+and+ oversize+controls"
."&WOI_TOP" /// WOI top - here used to adjust the acquisition line to the center of the screen
."&WOI_TOP" /// WOI top - here used to adjust the acquisition line to the center of the screen
."&WOI_HEIGHT" /// Total WOI height (composite image),<16384
."&WOI_WIDTH" /// Just WOI width (image height in photofinish mode)
."&PF_HEIGHT" /// Photofinish stripe height - minimal 2. Set to zero to turn photofinish mode off
......@@ -612,7 +614,7 @@ function showLastImages($numImg, $imagesPerRow, $imgScale) {
// /TODO: If all changes were later than the images shown - disregard $todo
// print_r($circbuf_pointers);
// print_r($done);
// echo "</pre>\n";
$meta = array ();
// end($circbuf_pointers);
......@@ -625,14 +627,14 @@ function showLastImages($numImg, $imagesPerRow, $imgScale) {
$circbuf_pointers [$lastFrameIndex - ($numImg - 1) + $i] ['circbuf_pointer'] ),
'Exif' => elphel_get_exif_elphel (
$GLOBALS [sensor_port],
$circbuf_pointers [$lastFrameIndex - ($numImg - 1) + $i] ['exif_pointer'] )
$circbuf_pointers [$lastFrameIndex - ($numImg - 1) + $i] ['exif_pointer'] )
$lastFrameNumber = $circbuf_pointers [$lastFrameIndex - ($numImg - 1) + $i] ['frame'];
echo "<!--";
echo "-->";
$running = (elphel_get_P_value ( $GLOBALS [sensor_port], ELPHEL_COMPRESSOR_RUN ) == ELPHEL_CONST_COMPRESSOR_RUN_CONT) && (elphel_get_P_value ( $GLOBALS [sensor_port], ELPHEL_SENSOR_RUN ) == ELPHEL_CONST_SENSOR_RUN_CONT);
$page_title = sprintf ( "%s %d images acquired to the circular buffer (circbuf). Acquisition is %s. Last frame is %d", $framesAgo ? "$framesAgo frames (stored) ago" : "Latest", $numImg, $running ? "on - these frames are/will be overwritten in the camera memory" : "off", $lastFrameNumber );
......@@ -758,7 +760,7 @@ function showSequence($todo,$frame_zero) {
printf ( "</table>\n" );
......@@ -808,7 +810,7 @@ function applyPost_debug($todo,$noFinalWait=false) {
$frame_to_apply = $frame_zero+$since;
if ($since<0){
......@@ -837,7 +839,7 @@ function applyPost_debug($todo,$noFinalWait=false) {
if ($showSeqMode>0) {printf ("done, frame is %d, rslt=%d, frame_now was %d, waitingEnabled=%d\n",
elphel_get_frame($GLOBALS [sensor_port]), $rslt, $frame_now, $waitingEnabled);
ob_flush(); flush();
......@@ -933,7 +935,7 @@ function split_broadcast($pgmpars){
unset ($pgmpars[$name]);
foreach ($port_masks as $key=>$value){
// if (!in_array($value,$broadcast)) $broadcast[] = $value;
......@@ -962,14 +964,14 @@ function parsePost() {
if (!$posted_params[$index]) $posted_params[$index]=array();
/// Simulate POST from URL parameters if 'immediate' is present in the URL
function convertImmediateMode(){
global $posted_params,$global_params,$frame_params;
foreach ($global_params as $param) {
foreach ($global_params as $param) {
'name' => $param['name'],
'oldval' => $param['cur_value'],
......@@ -1110,6 +1112,8 @@ function parseGetNames() {
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
// allow CORS: needed for multicam controls
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
exit (0);
......@@ -1122,7 +1126,7 @@ function parseGetNames() {
if (isset($_GET["*$key"])) {
$port_mask = myval($_GET["*$key"]);
if (!$write_en) {
if (strlen($value)==1) $value="";
......@@ -1405,8 +1409,8 @@ function printPage($encoded_todo) {
//echo "width=$width, height=$height, embedImageScale=$embedImageScale<br />\n";
printf ("<tr style='text-align:center'>".
"<td colspan=$table_width>");
/// printf ("<a href='$imgsrv/%d/$imglink'><img src='$imgsrv/%d/$imglink' style='width:%dpx; height:%dpx;' /></a>",$circbuf_pointer,$circbuf_pointer, $width,$height);
printf ("<a href='$imgsrv/$imglink' target='new'><img src='$imgsrv/%d/$imglink' style='width:%dpx; height:%dpx;' title='Click on the image to open the last acquired one - it may be different than this one (if acquisition is going on)' /></a>",$circbuf_pointer, $width,$height);
/// printf ("<a href='$imgsrv/%d/$imglink'><img src='$imgsrv/%d/$imglink' style='width:%dpx; height:%dpx;' /></a>",$circbuf_pointer,$circbuf_pointer, $width,$height);
printf ("<a href='$imgsrv/$imglink' target='new'><img src='$imgsrv/%d/$imglink' style='width:%dpx; height:%dpx;' title='Click on the image to open the last acquired one - it may be different than this one (if acquisition is going on)' /></a>",$circbuf_pointer, $width,$height);
printf ("</td></tr>\n");
......@@ -1463,7 +1467,7 @@ function printPage($encoded_todo) {
printf ("<td style='text-align:center'>0x<input name='broadcast_%d' type='text' size='2' value='%x' id='id_broadcast_%d' style='text-align:center'".
" onchange='onchangeBroadcast(this,\"id_apply_%d\");'/></td>",$num,$par['port_mask'],$num,$num);
printf ("<td style='text-align:center'><input type='checkbox' name='apply_%d' value='1' %s id='id_apply_%d'/></td>",$num,$par['modified']?'checked':'',$num);
}else {
if (!$readonly) printf ("<td colspan='4'>&nbsp;</td>");
......@@ -1546,7 +1550,7 @@ function getDescription ($compositeName,$descriptions){
function getParDescriptions($autocampars) {
foreach ($file as $line) if ((strpos($line,'$configPath')!==false ) || ((strpos($line,"'configPath'")!==false)){
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