Commit 435f1aca authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

comment note

parent 7ab2e64b
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
$table_contents .= "<div style='text-align:center;'>";
$table_contents .= "port $i: ";
$table_contents .= "<a title='single image' href='$href1'>bimg</a>, ";
$table_contents .= "<a href=\"img.html?port=$i\" title='single image, auto refreshed on load'>img</a>, ";
$table_contents .= "<a href=\"img.html?port=$i\" title='single image, auto refreshed on load, LOW RES, displays jpeg, tiff and jp4 formats'>img</a>, ";
$table_contents .= "<a title='multi-part image stream (M-JPEG). Played in browser as is.' href='$href2'>mimg</a>, ";
$table_contents .= "<a href=\"mjpeg.html?port=$i\" title='MJPEG stream played in html canvas' class='canvas_mjpeg'>canvas</a>";
$table_contents .= "</div>";
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