Commit 278cdd5e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

update lwir16.php and related files

parent 3b0788d7
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ INSTALL = install
DOCS= img.html \
index.html \
index.php \
index1.php \
ips = ",,,,"
port_masks= "15,15,15,15,15"
duration = 100
pre_delay = 3.0
ffc_period = 30.0
ffc_groups = 2
ffc_frames = 8
ffc = 1
tiff_telem = 1
tiff_mn = 0
tiff_mx = 65535
tiff_bin_shift = 1
tiff_auto = 0
debug = 1
# no spaces around commas!
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,7 +36,18 @@
define('CONF_LWIR16', '/etc/elphel393/lwir16.ini');
define('EO_DECIMATE', 6);
// GLOBALS field name
define('CAM_IP_PREF', 'cam_'); // camera
define('CAM_PORT_SEP', '_'); // camera ip to port seperator
define('IPS', 'ips');
define('PORT_MASKS', 'port_masks');
define('ALL_PORTS', 15);
define('IMGSRV_PORT0', 2323);
define('TIFF_TELEM', 'tiff_telem');
define('TIFF_MN', 'tiff_mn');
define('TIFF_MX', 'tiff_mx');
define('TIFF_BIN_SHIFT', 'tiff_bin');
define('TIFF_STATS', 'tiff_stats');
define('TIFF_AUTO', 'tiff_auto');
define('DURATION', 'duration');
define('DURATION_EO', 'duration_eo');
define('PRE_DELAY', 'pre_delay');
......@@ -74,6 +85,13 @@
// $ffc = false;
$GLOBALS[FFC_GROUPS] = 2; // 1/2/4 - do not run FFC on all channels simultaneously (43 failed)
$GLOBALS[FFC_FRAMES] = 8; // read actual?
$GLOBALS[TIFF_TELEM] = 1; // one top line
$GLOBALS[TIFF_MX] = 0xffff;
$GLOBALS[TIFF_BIN_SHIFT] = 1; // bin_size = 2
$GLOBALS[TIFF_AUTO] = 0; // use very min/veri max (1 - 0.1%, 2 - 0.5%, 3 - 1%, 4 - 5%, 5 - 10%)
$ini = parse_ini_file(CONF_LWIR16);
......@@ -94,9 +112,14 @@
unset ($masks);
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) {
if (($key == 'ip') || ($key == 'ips')){ // multicamera operation
$GLOBALS[IPS] = explode(',',$value);
unset ($GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS]); // invalidate
} else if ($key == PORT_MASKS){ //
$masks = explode(',',$value);
unset ($GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS]); // invalidate
} else if (($key == 'lwir16') || ($key == 'cmd')){
$lswir16cmds = explode(',',$value);
} else if ($key == 'pre_delay'){
......@@ -118,11 +141,33 @@
else if ($key == TIFF_TELEM) $GLOBALS[TIFF_TELEM] = (int) $value;
else if ($key == TIFF_MN) $GLOBALS[TIFF_MN] = (int) $value;
else if ($key == TIFF_MX) $GLOBALS[TIFF_MX] = (int) $value;
else if ($key == TIFF_BIN_SHIFT) $GLOBALS[TIFF_BIN_SHIFT] = (int) $value;
else if ($key == TIFF_AUTO) $GLOBALS[TIFF_AUTO] = (int) $value;
if (!isset($GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS])){
for ($i = 0; $i < count($GLOBALS[IPS]); $i++){
// print ('<pre>'.$i."\n</pre>");
if (isset($masks) && (count($masks) > $i)){
$GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS][$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]] = (int) ($masks[$i]);
} else {
// print ('<pre>'.$i."->".$GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS][$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]]."\n</pre>");
// print_r($lswir16cmds);
// exit(0);
echo"<pre>\n"; //****************
if (isset($duration) && !isset($duration_eo)){
$duration_eo = (int) ($duration/EO_DECIMATE + 1);
......@@ -173,7 +218,7 @@
$results = runInit();
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><lwir16_init/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($results); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]);
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild (CAM_IP_PREF.$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
......@@ -232,23 +277,80 @@
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
exit (0);
} else if ($cmd == TIFF_STATS) {
echo "<pre>\n"; // ****************
echo "</pre>";
$urls = array();
$xml_names = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($GLOBALS[IPS]); $i ++) {
for ($port = 0; $port < 4; $port ++) if ($GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS][$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]] & (1 << $port)){
$url = 'http://' . $GLOBALS[IPS][$i] . ':'.(IMGSRV_PORT0+$port).
$urls[] = $url;
$xml_names[] = CAM_IP_PREF.$GLOBALS[IPS][$i].CAM_PORT_SEP.$port;
/// echo "<pre>\n"; // ****************
/// print_r($urls);
$curl_data = curl_multi_start($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
/// print_r($xml_names);
// if ($debug) {
/// printf("--- results:\n");
/// print_r($results);
// }
// echo "</pre>";
// exit(0);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><".TIFF_STATS."/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($results); $i++){
$xml_ip_port = $xml->addChild ($xml_names[$i]);
/// echo("\n".$xml_names[$i]);
/// print_r($results[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
/// var_dump($xml);
/// echo $rslt;
/// echo "</pre>";
/// exit(0);
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
} else { // Just output usage?
echo <<<EOT
This script supports initialization of the LWIR16 camera (16 LWIR 640x512 sensors and 4 2592x1936 color ones)
and capturing of short image sequences (100 frames fit into 64MB per-channel image buffer) for (relatively)
slow recording with camogm. Untill videocompression for 16-bit TIFFs is not implemented, recording is not fast
enough for continupous recording. This script should be launched in the 'master' subcamera only, it will
communidate with the other ones.
URL parameters:
<b>lwir16=init</b> - syncronize all 5 cameras, set acquisition parameters
<b>lwir16=capture</b> - wait specified time, synchronously turn on compressors in each channel of each subcamera,
acquire specified number of frames in each channel (reduced, and turn compressors off.
This script supports initialization of the LWIR16 camera (16 LWIR 640x512 sensors and 4 2592x1936 color ones)
and capturing of short image sequences (100 frames fit into 64MB per-channel image buffer) for (relatively)
slow recording with camogm. Untill videocompression for 16-bit TIFFs is not implemented, recording is not fast
enough for continupous recording. This script should be launched in the 'master' subcamera only, it will
communidate with the other ones.
URL parameters:
<b>lwir16=init</b> - syncronize all 5 cameras, set acquisition parameters
<b>lwir16=capture</b> - wait specified time, synchronously turn on compressors in each channel of each subcamera,
acquire specified number of frames in each channel (reduced, and turn compressors off.
// Watch EOT w/o any spaces!
......@@ -436,7 +538,8 @@ EOT;
$url = 'http://'.$GLOBALS[IPS][$i].'/capture_range.php?sensor_port='.$sensor_port; //
$url .= '&ts='.$timestamp; // &timestamp" -> ×tamp
$url .= '&port_mask=15'; // .$port_mask[$i];
// $url .= '&port_mask=15'; // .$port_mask[$i];
$url .= '&port_mask='.$GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS][$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]]; //indexed by IPs
$url .= '&duration='. $dur;
// $url .= '&maxahead='. $maxahead;
......@@ -459,11 +562,10 @@ EOT;
function runFFC($lwir_ips, $ffc_wait_frames, $debug=0) { // return number of frames used
$skipped = 0;
$port_masks =array();
foreach ($lwir_ips as $l){
$port_masks[] = 15; // select all 4 ports
foreach ($lwir_ips as $lip){
$port_masks[] = $GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS][$lip]; // select all 4 ports
if ($GLOBALS[FFC_GROUPS] == 1) $group_masks = array(15);
else if ($GLOBALS[FFC_GROUPS] == 2) $group_masks = array(5, 10);
......@@ -720,7 +822,22 @@ EOT;
function applyConf($arr){
if (isset($arr[IPS])) $GLOBALS[IPS] = explode(',',$arr[IPS]);
//port_masks= "15,15,15,15,15"
if (isset($arr[IPS])) {
$GLOBALS[IPS] = explode(',',$arr[IPS]);
if (isset ($arr[PORT_MASKS])){
$masks = explode(',',$arr[PORT_MASKS]);
// Add port masks incdexed by IPs. Changing IPs resets masks
for ($i = 0; $i < count($GLOBALS[IPS]); $i++){
if (isset($masks) && (count($masks) > $i)){
$GLOBALS[PORT_MASKS][$GLOBALS[IPS][$i]] = (int) $masks[$i];
} else {
if (isset($arr[DURATION])){
......@@ -734,6 +851,11 @@ EOT;
if (isset($arr[DEBUG])) $GLOBALS[DEBUG] = (int) $arr[DEBUG];
if (isset($arr[COMPRESSOR_RUN])) $GLOBALS[COMPRESSOR_RUN] = (int) $arr[COMPRESSOR_RUN]; // only after INIT
if (isset($arr[FFC])) $GLOBALS[FFC] = $arr[FFC]?1:0;
if (isset($arr[TIFF_TELEM])) $GLOBALS[TIFF_TELEM] = (int) $arr[TIFF_TELEM];
if (isset($arr[TIFF_MN])) $GLOBALS[TIFF_MN] = (int) $arr[TIFF_MN];
if (isset($arr[TIFF_MX])) $GLOBALS[TIFF_MX] = (int) $arr[TIFF_MX];
if (isset($arr[TIFF_BIN_SHIFT])) $GLOBALS[TIFF_BIN_SHIFT] = (int) $arr[TIFF_BIN_SHIFT];
if (isset($arr[TIFF_AUTO])) $GLOBALS[TIFF_AUTO] = (int) $arr[TIFF_AUTO];
......@@ -178,12 +178,16 @@ function curl_multi_finish($data, $use_xml=true, $ntry=0, $echo = false, $with_h
$xml = simplexml_load_string (curl_multi_getcontent ($ch));
curl_multi_remove_handle ($curl_mh, $ch);
$results[$i] = array ();
foreach ($xml as $tag => $value) {
$svalue = (string) $value;
if (strlen ($svalue) > 0) {
if ($svalue[0] == '"') $results[$i][$tag] = trim ($svalue, '"');
else $results[$i][$tag] = (int) $svalue;
try {
foreach ($xml as $tag => $value) {
$svalue = (string) $value;
if (strlen ($svalue) > 0) {
if ($svalue[0] == '"') $results[$i][$tag] = trim ($svalue, '"');
else $results[$i][$tag] = (int) $svalue;
} catch (exception $e) {
// empty array?
} else {
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