Commit 25585ef8 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added multicamera sync and initialization of the LWIR16 camera

parent 5751116b
# Runs 'make', 'make install', and 'make clean' in specified subdirectories # Runs 'make', 'make install', and 'make clean' in specified subdirectories
SUBDIRS := src/php_top src/python_tests src/debugfs-webgui src/jp4-canvas src/update src/eyesis4pi src/index src/pointers src/snapshot src/jp4-viewer src/photofinish src/multicam src/diagnostics # src1 SUBDIRS := src/php_top src/python_tests src/debugfs-webgui src/jp4-canvas src/update src/eyesis4pi \
src/index src/pointers src/snapshot src/jp4-viewer src/photofinish src/multicam src/diagnostics src/lwir16 # src1
INSTALLDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%) INSTALLDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
CLEANDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=clean-%) CLEANDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=clean-%)
OWN = -o root -g root
INSTALL = install
DOCS= index.html \
@echo "make all in src"
@echo "make install in src"
@echo "make clean in src"
<html><head><title>Running LWIR16 sequences</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta content="">
<script language="JavaScript">
var initialized = false;
var seq_counter = 0;
var duration = 100;
var pre_delay = 5.0;
var ffc_period = 30;
var run = true;
var want_run = true;
var next_ffc_sec = 0; // will be overdue
function parse_response(resp){
var result = "";
if (resp.getElementsByTagName("result").length!=0){
result = resp.getElementsByTagName("result")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
}else if (resp.getElementsByTagName("reboot").length!=0){
result = resp.getElementsByTagName("reboot")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
}else if (resp.getElementsByTagName("error").length!=0){
result = resp.getElementsByTagName("error")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
result = "Error";
document.getElementById("btn_response").innerHTML = result;
function send_request(rq,callback){
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', rq, true);
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var resp = this.responseXML;
request.onerror = function() {
console.log("request error");
function init_lwir(){
document.getElementById('idpre_delay').value= ""+pre_delay;
document.getElementById('idduration').value= ""+duration;
document.getElementById('idffc_period').value= ""+ffc_period;
function init_response(resp){
initialized = true;
// alert ("LWIR16 initialized");
document.getElementById('idStartStop').innerHTML= run? 'STOP': 'START';
console.log("LWIR16 initialized");
want_run = run;
function capture_response(resp){
// document.getElementById('idcount').innerHTML=""+seq_counter;
if (want_run) {
run = true;
// send_request(""+duration+"&pre_delay="+pre_delay,capture_response);
} else {
run = false;
function updatePreDelay(field_id){
var v=parseDouble(document.getElementById(field_id).value);
if (isNaN(v)){
v = 5.0;
pre_delay = v;
function updateDuration(field_id){
var v=parseInt(document.getElementById(field_id).value);
if (isNaN(v)){
v = 100;
duration = v;
function updateFFCPeriod(field_id){
var v=parseInt(document.getElementById(field_id).value);
if (isNaN(v)){
v = 100;
ffc_period = v;
function clickedRun(field_id){
want_run = !run;
// alert("want_run="+want_run);
if (want_run){
run = true;
// send_request(""+duration+"&pre_delay="+pre_delay,init_response);
function captureSet(){
var now_sec = 0.001 * ((new Date()).getTime());
var ffc_cmd = "";
if (now_sec > next_ffc_sec) {
ffc_cmd = "&ffc";
next_ffc_sec = now_sec + ffc_period;
} else {
document.getElementById('idffc').value=""+ (0.01 * Math.round(100*(next_ffc_sec - now_sec)));
<body onload='init_lwir()'>
<td>Pre-capture delay</td><td>
<input id="idpre_delay" name="npre_delay" size="10" maxlength="10" value="?" onchange="updatePreDelay('idpre_delay')" type="text">
<td><button id="idStartStop" name = "nStartStop" onclick="clickedRun('idStartStop')">???</button></td>
<td>Sequence length (@60Hz)</td><td>
<input id="idduration" name="nduration" size="10" maxlength="10" value="?" onchange="updateDuration('idduration')" type="text">
<td>FFC period</td><td>
<input id="idffc_period" name="nffc_period" size="10" maxlength="10" value="?" onchange="updateFFCPeriod('idffc_period')" type="text">
<td>Sequence count</td><td>
<input id="idcount" name="ncount" size="10" maxlength="10" value="?" type="text" disabled >
<td>Time to ffc</td><td>
<input id="idffc" name="ncount" size="10" maxlength="10" value="?" type="text" disabled >
*! FILE NAME : lwir.php
*! DESCRIPTION: Subcameras initialization and capturing of synchronized scene
* sequences
*! Copyright (C) 2021 Elphel, Inc
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*! (at your option) any later version.
*! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*! GNU General Public License for more details.
*! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*! along with this program. If not, see <>.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
set_include_path ( get_include_path () . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/www/pages/include' );
include 'show_source_include.php';
include "elphel_functions_include.php"; // includes curl functions
define("REG_FFC_FRAMES", "SENSOR_REGS4"); // Register for the number of FFC frames to integrate
define("REG_FFC_RUN", "SENSOR_REGS26"); // Register to trigger FFC
define("SCRIPT_RESET", "reset_frames.php"); // Reset frame numbers
define("SCRIPT_WAIT", "wait_frame.php"); // wait frame
$duration = 100;
$pre_delay = 5.0; // seconds
$compressor_run = 0; // stop all
$ffc = false; // perform FFC before starting a sequence (and before delay? reduce delay ?)
$ffc_groups = 2; // 1/2/4 - do not run FFC on all channels simultaneously (43 failed)
$ffc_frames = 8; // read actual?
$ffc_wait_frames = 10; // extra wait after FFC finished (2xffc_frames)
// public static final String REG_FFC_FRAMES= "SENSOR_REGS4"; // Register for the number of FFC frames to integrate
// public static final String REG_FFC_RUN= "SENSOR_REGS26"; // Register to trigger FFC
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) {
if (($key == 'ip') || ($key == 'ips')){ // multicamera operation
$ips = explode(',',$value);
} else if (($key == 'lwir16') || ($key == 'cmd')){
$lswir16cmds = explode(',',$value);
} else if ($key == 'pre_delay'){
$pre_delay = (double) $value; // only used with capture
} else if (($key == 'd') || ($key == 'duration')){
$duration = (int) $value; // EO - make 1/6 +1 frames
} else if (($key == 'de') || ($key == 'duration_eo')){
$duration_eo = (int) $value; // EO - make 1/6 +1 frames
} else if ($key == 'nowait'){
$nowait = 1;
} else if ($key == 'run'){
$compressor_run = 2;
} else if ($key == 'ffc'){
$ffc = true;
if ($value) { // string "0" will also be false
$v = (int) $value;
if (($v == 1) || ($v == 2) || ($v == 4)){
$ffc_groups = $v;
// printf("<!--\n");
// printf('$ffc_groups= '.$ffc_groups."\n");
// printf('$ffc= '.$ffc."\n");
// printf("-->\n");
if (!isset ($ips)){
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
if ($duration < 1){
$duration = 1;
if (!isset($duration_eo)){
$duration_eo = ($duration/6) + 1; // default
if ($duration_eo < 1){
$duration_eo = 1;
if (isset($lswir16cmds)){
// exit(0);
$lwir_trig_dly = 0;
$eo_quality = 97;
$exposure = 1000; // 1 ms
$autoExposureMax= 500000;
$autoExp= 1;
$gain= 2*0x10000;
$rScale = 1*0x10000;
$bScale = 1*0x10000;
$gScale = 1*0x10000;
$autoWB = 1;
$extra = 2;
$wait = 1;
if ($nowait){
$wait = 0;
$COLOR_JP4 = 5;
$COLOR_RAW = 15;
$REG_FFC_FRAMES= 'SENSOR_REGS4'; // Register for the number of FFC frames to integrate
$REG_FFC_RUN= 'SENSOR_REGS26'; // Register to trigger FFC
// print("1");
// print("2");
// exit(0);
$lwir_ips= array($ips[0],$ips[1],$ips[2],$ips[3]);
// $twoIPs= array($ips[0],$ips[4]);
$twoIPs= $ips; // array($ips[0],$ips[4]); wait all
// print_r($lswir16cmds);
// exit(0);
for ($ncmd = 0; $ncmd < count($lswir16cmds); $ncmd++){
$cmd = $lswir16cmds[$ncmd];
// print('cmd='.$cmd);
// exit(0);
if ($cmd == 'init'){
// print_r($twoIPs);
// exit(0);
$results0 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 2);
// print_r($results0);
$results1 = resetIPs($ips); // sync channels in each subcamera
// print_r($results1);
$results2 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // was 1
// print_r($results2); print("<br/>");
$urls = array(); // eo - individual
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($ips) + 3); $i++){
$nip = $i;
if ($nip >= count($ips)){
$nip = count($ips)-1;
$urls[$i] = 'http://'.$ips[$nip].'/parsedit.php?immediate&sensor_port='.($i - $nip);
$urls[$i] .= '&TRIG_OUT=0x66555'.
// print_r($urls); print("<br/>");
// exit(0);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lwir_ips); $i++){
$urls[$i] .= '&TRIG_DELAY='.$lwir_trig_dly.'&*TRIG_DELAY=15'. // apply to all ports
'&'.$REG_FFC_FRAMES.'='.$FFC_FRAMES .'&*'.$REG_FFC_FRAMES.'=15'; // apply to all channels
$urls[$i] .= '&COMPRESSOR_RUN=2&*COMPRESSOR_RUN=15';
// print_r($urls); print("<br/>");
for ($chn = 0; $chn < 4; $chn++){
$urls[count($ips)-1 + $chn] .=
"&QUALITY=". $eo_quality.
"&EXPOS=". $exposure.
"&AUTOEXP_ON=". $autoExp.
"&GAING=". $gain.
"&RSCALE=". $rScale.//"*0".
"&BSCALE=". $bScale.//"*0".
"&GSCALE=". $gScale.//"*0". // GB/G ratio
"&WB_EN=". $autoWB.//"*0".
if (lrp.eo_full_window) {
$urls[count($ips)-1 + $chn] .=
if ($chn == 0) {
$urls[count($ips)-1] .= '&COMPRESSOR_RUN=2&*COMPRESSOR_RUN=15';
// print_r($urls);
// exit(0);
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results3= curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$results4 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16);
// set external trigger mode for all LWIR and EO cameras
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$urls[] = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/parsedit.php?immediate&sensor_port=0&TRIG=4&*TRIG=15'.
'&COMPRESSOR_RUN='.$compressor_run.'*5&*COMPRESSOR_RUN=15'; // delay turning off COMPRESSOR_RUN
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results5 = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$results6 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // make sure all previous parameters are applied // waits for both LWIR and EO
// second reset after cameras running synchronously
$results7 = resetIPs($ips); // sync channels in each subcamera
$results8 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // was 2
$results9 = resetIPs($ips); // sync channels in each subcamera
$results10 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // was 2
$results = $results10;
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><lwir16_init/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($results); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
} else if ($cmd == 'capture'){
$sensor_port = 0;
if ($ffc){ // may move after measuring time, but need to make sure it will be not too late
runFFC($lwir_ips, $ffc_groups, $ffc_frames, $ffc_wait_frames);
$timestamp = $this_timestamp + $pre_delay; // this will be a delay between capture sequences
// if ($ffc){ // may be here, then need to check that there is some time left
// runFFC($lwir_ips, $ffc_groups, $ffc_frames, $ffc_wait_frames);
// }
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/capture_range.php?sensor_port='.$sensor_port; //
$url .= '&ts='.$timestamp; // &timestamp" -> ×tamp
$url .= '&port_mask=15'; // .$port_mask[$i];
$dur = ($i < 4) ? $duration : $duration_eo;
$url .= '&duration='. $dur;
// $url .= '&maxahead='. $maxahead;
// $url .= '&minahead='. $minahead;
$url .= '&extra='. $extra;
if ($wait && ($i == (count($ips) - 1))){ // addd to the last ip in a list
$url .= '&wait';
$urls[] = $url;
// print ('URLs:'); print_r($urls); print ('<br/');
// exit(0);
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
// print ('results:'); print_r($results); print ('<br/');
// exit(0);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><capture_range/>");
$xml->addChild ('ffc', $ffc ? 'true':'false');
$xml->addChild ('ffc_groups',$ffc_groups);
$xml->addChild ('ffc_frames',$ffc_frames);
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
} else if ($cmd == 'reboot'){
//log_msg('running ['.implode(',',$IPs).'] pyCmd reboot');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><lwir16_reboot/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
// one of the next flushes prevent running reboot
// ob_flesh();
// flush();
exec ( ' ['.implode(',',$ips).'] pyCmd reboot', $output, $retval );
exit(0); // no time to close log
} else if ($cmd == 'state'){
// TODO: read all subcameras
$state = file('/var/state/camera');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><lwir16_state/>");
foreach ($state as $line){
$kv = explode('=',$line);
if (count ($kv) > 1){
$xml->addChild (trim($kv[0]),trim($kv[1]));
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
// printf('<!--');
// var_dump($_GET);
// printf( '-->');
exit (0);
} else { // Just output usage?
echo <<<EOT
This script supports initialization of the LWIR16 camera (16 LWIR 640x512 sensors and 4 2592x1936 color ones)
and capturing of short image sequences (100 frames fit into 64MB per-channel image buffer) for (relatively)
slow recording with camogm. Untill videocompression for 16-bit TIFFs is not implemented, recording is not fast
enough for continupous recording. This script should be launched in the 'master' subcamera only, it will
communidate with the other ones.
URL parameters:
<b>lwir16=init</b> - syncronize all 5 cameras, set acquisition parameters
<b>lwir16=capture</b> - wait specified time, synchronously turn on compressors in each channel of each subcamera,
acquire specified number of frames in each channel (reduced, and turn compressors off.
$ffc_groups = 2; // 1/2/4 - do not run FFC on all channels simultaneously (43 failed)
$ffc_frames = 8; // read actual?
$ffc_wait_frames = 10; // extra wait after FFC finished (2xffc_frames)
function runFFC($lwir_ips, $ffc_groups, $ffc_frames, $ffc_wait_frames) { // return number of frames used
$skipped = 0;
$port_masks =array();
foreach ($lwir_ips as $l){
$port_masks[] = 15; // select all 4 ports
if ($ffc_groups == 1) $group_masks = array(15);
else if ($ffc_groups == 2) $group_masks = array(5, 10);
else $group_masks = array(1, 2, 4, 8);
// printf("<!--\n");
// printf('$ffc_groups= '.$ffc_groups."\n");
// printf('$ffc_frames= '.$ffc_frames."\n");
// printf('$ffc_wait_frames='.$ffc_wait_frames."\n");
// print_r($group_masks);
// printf("-->\n");
for ($ig = 0; $ig < $ffc_groups; $ig++){
$urls = array();
$ip0 = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lwir_ips); $i++) { // start urls for 4 of lwir port0
$mask = $port_masks[$i] & $group_masks[$ig];
if ($mask != 0) {
for (;((1 << $p) & $mask) == 0; $p++); // find lowest non-zero bit
$urls[] = sprintf("http://%s/parsedit.php?immediate&sensor_port=%d&%s=1&*%s=%d",$lwir_ips[$i],$p,REG_FFC_RUN,REG_FFC_RUN,$mask);
if ($ip0 < 0) {
$ip0 = $i; // first used ip index
// printf("<!--\n");
// printf('$ig= '.$ig."\n");
// print_r($urls);
// printf("-->\n");
if ($urls){ // not empty
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$skip_frames = 2 * $ffc_frames + $ffc_wait_frames;
skipFrames(array($lwir_ips[$ip0]), $skip_frames);
return $skipped; // better read actual frame after
// define("REG_FFC_FRAMES", "SENSOR_REGS4"); // Register for the number of FFC frames to integrate
// define("REG_FFC_RUN", "SENSOR_REGS26"); // Register to trigger FFC
function resetIPs($ips) {
$frame = -2; // skip 2 frames before reset
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/'.SCRIPT_RESET.'?frame='.$frame; //
$urls[] = $url;
// printf("<!--\n");
// print_r($urls);
// printf("-->\n");
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
return curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
function skipFrames($ips,$skip) {
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
// $url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME].'?frame='.$frame; //
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/'.SCRIPT_WAIT.'?frame='.(-$skip); //
$urls[] = $url;
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
return curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ ...@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! *!
*/ */
// TODO set include path, like in set_include_path ( get_include_path () . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/www/pages/include' );
include 'include/show_source_include.php'; include 'include/show_source_include.php';
include "include/elphel_functions_include.php"; // includes curl functions
$minahead = 2; $minahead = 2;
$maxahead = $PARS_FRAMES - 4; // 3; $maxahead = $PARS_FRAMES - 4; // 3;
...@@ -83,24 +85,64 @@ USAGE; ...@@ -83,24 +85,64 @@ USAGE;
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) { foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) {
if ($key == 'sensor_port'){ if ($key == 'sensor_port'){
$sensor_port = (integer) $value; $sensor_port = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'a') || ($key == 'ahead')){ // will overwrite timestamp with this value (in seconds) from now
$ahead_now = (double) $value;
} else if (($key == 'ts') || ($key == 'timestamp')){ } else if (($key == 'ts') || ($key == 'timestamp')){
$timestamp = (double) $value; $timestamp = (double) $value;
} else if (($key == 'f') || ($key == 'frame')){ } else if (($key == 'f') || ($key == 'frame')){
$frame = (integer) $value; $frame = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'm') || ($key == 'port_mask')){ } else if (($key == 'm') || ($key == 'port_mask')){
$port_mask = (integer) $value; // $port_mask = (integer) $value;
$masklist = $value;
} else if (($key == 'd') || ($key == 'duration')){ } else if (($key == 'd') || ($key == 'duration')){
$duration = (integer) $value; // TODO: make durations optionally a list, same as port mask (for EO - different)
// wait - apply to the first IP in a list? or to the last?
// $duration = (integer) $value;
$duration_list = $value;
} else if (($key == 'mxa') || ($key == 'maxahead')){ } else if (($key == 'mxa') || ($key == 'maxahead')){
$maxahead = (integer) $value; $maxahead = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'mna') || ($key == 'minahead')){ } else if (($key == 'mna') || ($key == 'minahead')){
$minahead = (integer) $value; $minahead = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'w') || ($key == 'wait')){ // wait all done } else if (($key == 'w') || ($key == 'wait')){ // wait all done
$wait = true; $wait = true;
} else if (($key == 'e') || ($key == 'extra')){ // wait all done } else if (($key == 'e') || ($key == 'extra')){
$extra = (integer) $value; $extra = (integer) $value; // not used?
} else if (($key == 'ip') || ($key == 'ips')){ // multicamera operation
$ips = explode(',',$value);
} }
} }
if (isset($ahead_now)){
$timestamp = $this_timestamp + $ahead_now;
// if ips are provided, treat port mask as commaseparated list
// $port_mask = (integer) $value;
if (isset($ips)){
$pml = explode(',', $masklist);
$port_mask = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
if ($i < count($pml)){
$port_mask[] = (integer) $pml[$i];
} else {
$port_mask[] = 15; // default - all sensors
$durl = explode(',', $duration_list);
$duration = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
if ($i < count($durl)){
$duration[] = (integer) $durl[$i];
} else {
$duration[] = $duration[0]; // at least one duration should be provided
} else {
$port_mask = (integer) $masklist; // single valude
$duration = (integer) $duration_list; // single valude
// convert provided timestamp to even number of frame timestamp
if (($frame !=0) || ($timestamp !=0.0)) { if (($frame !=0) || ($timestamp !=0.0)) {
if (($frame <=0) && ($timestamp > 0.0)){ if (($frame <=0) && ($timestamp > 0.0)){
$frame = elphel_ts2frame($sensor_port,$timestamp); $frame = elphel_ts2frame($sensor_port,$timestamp);
...@@ -108,6 +150,44 @@ USAGE; ...@@ -108,6 +150,44 @@ USAGE;
$timestamp = elphel_frame2ts($sensor_port,$frame); // update, even if provided to fit better integer number of frames $timestamp = elphel_frame2ts($sensor_port,$frame); // update, even if provided to fit better integer number of frames
} }
if (isset($ips)){ // start parallel requests to all cameras ($ips should include this one too), collect responses and exit
// prepare URLs
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME].'?sensor_port='.$sensor_port; //
$url .= '&ts='.$timestamp; // &timestamp" -> ×tamp
$url .= '&port_mask='.$port_mask[$i];
$url .= '&duration='. $duration[$i];
$url .= '&maxahead='. $maxahead;
$url .= '&minahead='. $minahead;
$url .= '&extra='. $extra;
if ($wait && ($i == (count($ips) - 1))){ // addd to the last ip in a list
$url .= '&wait';
$urls[] = $url;
// print_r($urls);
// exit(0);
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><capture_range/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><capture_range/>"); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><capture_range/>");
$flags = 0; $flags = 0;
if (isset($port_mask)){ // start or stop compressor if (isset($port_mask)){ // start or stop compressor
...@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ function curl_multi_finish($data, $use_xml=true, $ntry=0, $echo = false, $with_h ...@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ function curl_multi_finish($data, $use_xml=true, $ntry=0, $echo = false, $with_h
do { do {
$curl_mrc = curl_multi_exec ($curl_mh, $curl_active); $curl_mrc = curl_multi_exec ($curl_mh, $curl_active);
} while ($curl_mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM ); } while ($curl_mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM );
} else {
break; // all activity was over before call to curl_multi_finish()
} }
if ($echo) echo colorize("$curl_active ",'YELLOW',1); if ($echo) echo colorize("$curl_active ",'YELLOW',1);
$nrep++; $nrep++;
...@@ -29,14 +29,298 @@ ...@@ -29,14 +29,298 @@
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! *!
*/ */
// TODO set include path, like in set_include_path ( get_include_path () . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/www/pages/include' );
include 'include/show_source_include.php'; include 'include/show_source_include.php';
include "include/elphel_functions_include.php"; // includes curl functions
$sysfs_all_frames = '/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-framepars@0/all_frames'; // read all frames, write - reset frames $sysfs_all_frames = '/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-framepars@0/all_frames'; // read all frames, write - reset frames
$frame = -1; // positive - wait absolute frame number for the master port, negative - skip frame(s) $frame = -1; // positive - wait absolute frame number for the master port, negative - skip frame(s)
$duration = 100;
$pre_delay = 5.0; // seconds
$compressor_run = 0; // stop all
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) { foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) {
if (($key == 'f') || ($key == 'frame')){ if (($key == 'f') || ($key == 'frame')){
$frame = (integer) $value; $frame = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'ip') || ($key == 'ips')){ // multicamera operation
$ips = explode(',',$value);
} else if ($key == 'lwir16'){
$lswir16cmds = explode(',',$value);
} else if ($key == 'pre_delay'){
$pre_delay = (double) $value; // only used with capture
} else if (($key == 'd') || ($key == 'duration')){
// TODO: make durations optionally a list, same as port mask (for EO - different)
// wait - apply to the first IP in a list? or to the last?
// $duration = (integer) $value;
$duration = (int) $value; // EO - make 1/6 +1 frames
} else if ($key == 'nowait'){
$nowait = 1;
} else if ($key == 'run'){
$compressor_run = 2;
} }
} }
// print_r($lswir16cmds);
// print('done');
// exit(0);
if (isset($lswir16cmds)){
// exit(0);
$lwir_trig_dly = 0;
$eo_quality = 97;
$exposure = 1000; // 1 ms
$autoExposureMax= 500000;
$autoExp= 1;
$gain= 2*0x10000;
$rScale = 1*0x10000;
$bScale = 1*0x10000;
$gScale = 1*0x10000;
$autoWB = 1;
$extra = 2;
$wait = 1;
if ($nowait){
$wait = 0;
$COLOR_JP4 = 5;
$COLOR_RAW = 15;
$REG_FFC_FRAMES= 'SENSOR_REGS4'; // Register for the number of FFC frames to integrate
$REG_FFC_RUN= 'SENSOR_REGS26'; // Register to trigger FFC
// print("1");
if (!isset ($ips)){
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
$ips[] = '';
// print("2");
// exit(0);
$lwir_ips= array($ips[0],$ips[1],$ips[2],$ips[3]);
// $twoIPs= array($ips[0],$ips[4]);
$twoIPs= $ips; // array($ips[0],$ips[4]); wait all
// print_r($lswir16cmds);
// exit(0);
for ($ncmd = 0; $ncmd < count($lswir16cmds); $ncmd++){
$cmd = $lswir16cmds[$ncmd];
// print('cmd='.$cmd);
// exit(0);
if ($cmd == 'init'){
// print_r($twoIPs);
// exit(0);
$results0 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 2);
// print_r($results0);
$results1 = resetIPs($ips); // sync channels in each subcamera
// print_r($results1);
$results2 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // was 1
// print_r($results2); print("<br/>");
$urls = array(); // eo - individual
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($ips) + 3); $i++){
$nip = $i;
if ($nip >= count($ips)){
$nip = count($ips)-1;
$urls[$i] = 'http://'.$ips[$nip].'/parsedit.php?immediate&sensor_port='.($i - $nip);
$urls[$i] .= '&TRIG_OUT=0x66555'.
// print_r($urls); print("<br/>");
// exit(0);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lwir_ips); $i++){
$urls[$i] .= '&TRIG_DELAY='.$lwir_trig_dly.'&*TRIG_DELAY=15'. // apply to all ports
'&'.$REG_FFC_FRAMES.'='.$FFC_FRAMES .'&*'.$REG_FFC_FRAMES.'=15'; // apply to all channels
$urls[$i] .= '&COMPRESSOR_RUN=2&*COMPRESSOR_RUN=15';
// print_r($urls); print("<br/>");
for ($chn = 0; $chn < 4; $chn++){
$urls[count($ips)-1 + $chn] .=
"&QUALITY=". $eo_quality.
"&EXPOS=". $exposure.
"&AUTOEXP_ON=". $autoExp.
"&GAING=". $gain.
"&RSCALE=". $rScale.//"*0".
"&BSCALE=". $bScale.//"*0".
"&GSCALE=". $gScale.//"*0". // GB/G ratio
"&WB_EN=". $autoWB.//"*0".
if (lrp.eo_full_window) {
$urls[count($ips)-1 + $chn] .=
if ($chn == 0) {
$urls[count($ips)-1] .= '&COMPRESSOR_RUN=2&*COMPRESSOR_RUN=15';
// print_r($urls);
// exit(0);
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results3= curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$results4 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16);
// set external trigger mode for all LWIR and EO cameras
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$urls[] = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/parsedit.php?immediate&sensor_port=0&TRIG=4&*TRIG=15'.
'&COMPRESSOR_RUN='.$compressor_run.'*5&*COMPRESSOR_RUN=15'; // delay turning off COMPRESSOR_RUN
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results5 = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$results6 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // make sure all previous parameters are applied // waits for both LWIR and EO
// second reset after cameras running synchronously
$results7 = resetIPs($ips); // sync channels in each subcamera
$results8 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // was 2
$results9 = resetIPs($ips); // sync channels in each subcamera
$results10 = skipFrames($twoIPs, 16); // was 2
$results = $results10;
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><lwir16_init/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($results); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
} else if ($cmd == 'capture'){
// $duration = 100;
// $pre_delay = 5.0; // seconds
$sensor_port = 0;
$timestamp = $this_timestamp + $pre_delay; // this will be a delay between capture sequences
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/capture_range.php?sensor_port='.$sensor_port; //
$url .= '&ts='.$timestamp; // &timestamp" -> ×tamp
$url .= '&port_mask=15'; // .$port_mask[$i];
$dur = ($i < 4) ? $duration :((int) ($duration/6) + 1);
if ($duration <= 0){
$dur = $duration; // for negaive (start) and zero (stop)
$url .= '&duration='. $dur;
// $url .= '&maxahead='. $maxahead;
// $url .= '&minahead='. $minahead;
$url .= '&extra='. $extra;
if ($wait && ($i == (count($ips) - 1))){ // addd to the last ip in a list
$url .= '&wait';
$urls[] = $url;
// print ('URLs:'); print_r($urls); print ('<br/');
// exit(0);
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
// print ('results:'); print_r($results); print ('<br/');
// exit(0);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><capture_range/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
// print("bug!");
// exit(0);
if (isset($ips)){ // start parallel requests to all cameras ($ips should include this one too), collect responses and exit
$results = resetIPs($ips);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><reset_frames/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
function resetIPs($ips) {
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME].'?frame='.$frame; //
$urls[] = $url;
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
return curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
function skipFrames($ips,$skip) {
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
// $url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME].'?frame='.$frame; //
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].'/wait_frame.php?frame='.(-$skip); //
$urls[] = $url;
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
return curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME].'?frame='.$frame; //
$urls[] = $url;
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$f = @fopen($sysfs_all_frames, "w"); $f = @fopen($sysfs_all_frames, "w");
if ($f===false) { if ($f===false) {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><error/>"); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><error/>");
...@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ ...@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! *!
*/ */
include 'include/show_source_include.php'; // TODO set include path, like in set_include_path ( get_include_path () . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/www/pages/include' );
include 'include/show_source_include.php';
include "include/elphel_functions_include.php"; // includes curl functions
$frame = -1; // positive - wait absolute frame number for the master port, negative - skip frame(s) $frame = -1; // positive - wait absolute frame number for the master port, negative - skip frame(s)
$sensor_port = 0; $sensor_port = 0;
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) { foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) {
...@@ -30,8 +32,34 @@ ...@@ -30,8 +32,34 @@
$sensor_port = (integer) $value; $sensor_port = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'f') || ($key == 'frame')){ } else if (($key == 'f') || ($key == 'frame')){
$frame = (integer) $value; $frame = (integer) $value;
} else if (($key == 'ip') || ($key == 'ips')){ // multicamera operation
$ips = explode(',',$value);
} }
} }
if (isset ($ips)){
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$url = 'http://'.$ips[$i].$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME].'?frame='.$frame; //
$urls[] = $url;
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
$enable_echo = false;
$results = curl_multi_finish($curl_data, true, 0, $enable_echo); // Switch true -> false if errors are reported (other output damaged XML)
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><wait_frames/>");
for ($i = 0; $i<count($ips); $i++){
$xml_ip = $xml->addChild ('ip_'.$ips[$i]);
foreach ($results[$i] as $key=>$value){
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
if ($frame < 0) { if ($frame < 0) {
elphel_skip_frames($sensor_port, -$frame); elphel_skip_frames($sensor_port, -$frame);
} else if ($frame > 0) { } else if ($frame > 0) {
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