Commit c7f0d18e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

modified for lwir images

parent f407bad4
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* @file extract_images.php
* @brief split mov/bin/img's (by exif header) into single image files - looks one dir down from the specified path
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel Inc.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Elphel Inc.
* @author Elphel Inc. <>
* @par <b>License</b>:
......@@ -20,12 +20,15 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
define('START_TIFF', hex2bin('4d4d002a')); // start of a TIFF, JP/JP4 also have this TIFF marker
define('START_JP', hex2bin('ffd8ffe1')); // start of JPEG/JP4, TIFF usually does not have JPEG/JP4 markers
//disable the default time limit for php scripts.
$chunksize=10000000; //10MB
$input_exts = array("img","bin","mov");
// use current dir
......@@ -35,7 +38,9 @@ $destination = "0";
$move_processed = false;
$processed_subdir = "processed";
$forced_ext = "tiff";
$forced_ext = "";
$add_to_chn = -1; // do not use and do not create scene directories
function print_help(){
global $argv;
......@@ -43,13 +48,14 @@ function print_help(){
echo <<<"TXT"
* Usage:
~$ {$argv[0]} path=[path-to-dir] dest_path=[dest-subdir] move_processed=[move-processed-files] ext=[forced-ext]
~$ {$argv[0]} path=[path-to-dir] dest_path=[dest-subdir] move_processed=[move-processed-files] ext=[forced-ext] chn_offs=[add-to-chn]
* path-to-dir - string - scan this path + 1 dir down
* dest-subdir - string - save results to "path-to-dir/dest-subdir/"
* move-processed-files - 0(default) or 1 - if not 1 - will not move the processed files
* forced-ext - string - override extensions from exifs with this one
* add-to-chn - integer - add to decoded channel number
* Examples:
** Split all *.img, *.bin and *.mov files in the current dir and 1 dir down, puts results to '0/':
......@@ -100,6 +106,10 @@ if (isset($_GET['ext'])){
$forced_ext = $_GET['ext'];
if (isset($_GET['chn_offs'])){
$add_to_chn = (integer) $_GET['chn_offs'];
$list = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir($path));
if (!is_dir("$path/$destination")) mkdir("$path/$destination",0777);
......@@ -109,7 +119,7 @@ foreach ($list as $item) {
if ($item==$processed_subdir) continue;
$sublist = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir("$path/$item"));
foreach($sublist as $subitem){
if (split_file("$path/$item","$subitem","../$destination")==0){
if (split_file("$path/$item","$subitem","../$destination",$add_to_chn)==0){
if ($move_processed){
if (!is_dir("$path/$item/$processed_subdir")){
......@@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ foreach ($list as $item) {
if (split_file("$path","$item","$destination")==0){
if (split_file("$path","$item","$destination",$add_to_chn)==0){
if ($move_processed){
if (!is_dir("$path/$processed_subdir")){
......@@ -130,21 +140,41 @@ foreach ($list as $item) {
function split_file($path,$file,$destination){
//./extract_images_tiff.php path=/home/eyesis/captures/tests/jp4/ dest_path=results chn_offs=16
function split_file($path,$file,$destination,$add_to_chn=-1){
global $startMarkerWithExif;
// global $startMarkerWithExif = START_JP; // START_TIFF
global $chunksize;
global $input_exts;
global $forced_ext;
if (in_array(get_ext("$path/$file"),$input_exts)) {
echo "Splitting $path/$file, results dir: $path/$destination\n";
echo date(DATE_RFC2822).": Splitting $path/$file, results dir: $path/$destination\n";
$file_type = 0; // JP4/JPEG
$offset =0;
$s = fread($f,$chunksize);
$pos_jp = strpos($s,START_JP);
$pos_tiff = strpos($s,START_TIFF);
if (($pos_jp === false) && ($pos_tiff === false)) {
print ("None of TIFF (".bin2hex(START_TIFF).") or JP4/JPEG (".bin2hex(START_JP).") markers found in the first ".$chunksize." bytes of the file $path/$file\n");
return -1;
if ($pos_jp === false) {
$file_type = 1; // tiff
} else if (($pos_tiff !== false) && ($pos_tiff < $pos_jp)){ // reducing probability of stray START_JP
$file_type = 1; // tiff
} else {
$file_type = 0; // jpeg/jp4
$startMarkerWithExif = $file_type? START_TIFF: START_JP; // START_TIFF
echo "Detected image type ".($file_type?'TIFF':'JPEG/JP4').".\n";
$forced_ext = $file_type?'tiff':''; // was ".tiff":""
fclose($f); // not sure if feof is cleraed by fseek, closing/ reopening
//first scan
while (!feof($f)) {
......@@ -173,9 +203,13 @@ function split_file($path,$file,$destination){
$tmp_name = "$path/$destination/image.tmp";
$result_name = elphel_specific_result_name($tmp_name);
$result_name = elphel_specific_result_name($tmp_name,$add_to_chn);
$dest_image = "$path/$destination/$result_name"; // $result_name may now include "/"
$dest_set_dir = dirname($dest_image);
if (!is_dir($dest_set_dir)){
rename($tmp_name, $dest_image); // "$path/$destination/$result_name");
return 0;
......@@ -184,20 +218,26 @@ function split_file($path,$file,$destination){
function elphel_specific_result_name($file){
function elphel_specific_result_name($file,$add_to_chn=-10){
global $forced_ext;
// $add_to_chn<0 - do not use it and do not use scene directories
$use_scene_dirs = $add_to_chn >= 0;
if ($add_to_chn < 0){
$add_to_chn = 0;
$exif = exif_read_data($file);
$exif = exif_read_data($file); // gets false find, what is wrong
$ext = elphel_specific_result_ext($exif,$forced_ext);
//converting GMT a local time GMT+7
$timestamp_local=strtotime($exif['DateTimeOriginal']);/*-25200;*/ //
$subsecs = $exif['SubSecTimeOriginal'];
$subsecs = $exif['SubSecTimeOriginal']; //
$tmp = explode("_",$exif['Model']);
$tmp = explode("_",$exif['Model']); //
if (count($tmp)==2){
if (trim($tmp[0])=="Eyesis4pi393"){
......@@ -223,11 +263,14 @@ function elphel_specific_result_name($file){
$k = intval($exif['PageNumber'])+1;
$k = intval($exif['PageNumber'])+1; //
if ($use_scene_dirs) {
$k += $add_to_chn;
return "{$timestamp_local}_{$subsecs}/{$timestamp_local}_{$subsecs}_$k.$ext";
} else {
return "{$timestamp_local}_{$subsecs}_$k.$ext";
function get_ext($filename) {
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