Commit 8b997f12 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added statistics and auto-range mode

parent 6bae3b5b
...@@ -197,15 +197,31 @@ const char url_args[] = "This server supports sequence of commands entered in th ...@@ -197,15 +197,31 @@ const char url_args[] = "This server supports sequence of commands entered in th
" camera should be set in triggered mode (TRIG=4), internal (TRIG_CONDITION=0).\n" " camera should be set in triggered mode (TRIG=4), internal (TRIG_CONDITION=0).\n"
" No effect on free-running or \"slave\" cameras, so it is OK to send it to all.\n" " No effect on free-running or \"slave\" cameras, so it is OK to send it to all.\n"
"timestamp_name - format file name as <seconds>_<useconds>_<channel>.<ext>\n" "timestamp_name - format file name as <seconds>_<useconds>_<channel>.<ext>\n"
"bchn[n]- base channel = n, <channel> = n + port number (0-3) - for unique naming of multicamera systems." "bchn[n]- base channel = n, <channel> = n + port number (0-3) - for unique naming of multicamera systems.\n"
"tiff_* commands to preview 16-bit TIFF files as 8-bit indexed BMP ones (always buffered), they should be inserted before /bimg)\n"
"tiff_convert - enable conversion, replace TIFF with BMP\n"
"tiff_palette=[value] - select palette: 0 - white hot, 1 - black hot, 2 - colored ('fire')\n"
"tiff_telem=[value] - remove telemetry line(s): >0 top lines, <0 - bottom lines\n"
"tiff_mn=[value] - minimal value (all below mapped to output index 0)\n"
"tiff_mx=[value] - maximal value (all above mapped to output index 255)."
"Generating statistics for TIFF-16 uncompressed images, providing minimal, maximal, mean and several percentiles as XML file.\n"
"In this mode tiff_mn and tiff_mx are used for histogram generation (if uncertain may use 0 and 65535), tiff_telem - telemetry.\n"
"tiff_bin=<power-of-2> specifies bin size as a power of 2: 0 - bin size == 1, 1 - bin size is 2, 2 -> 4, etc.\n"
"tiff_stats is the command itself, it should be after the required parameters: tiff_mn=<...>/tiff_mx=<...>/tiff_telem=<...>/tiff_bin=<...>/tiff_stats.\n"
"tiff_auto=[value] may preceed tiff_convert and calculate and set min/max for conversion using tiff_stat internally.\n"
" Value 0 - use bsolute min/max values, 1 - 0.1% to 99.9%, 2 - 0.5% to 99.5%, 3 - 1% to 99%, 4 - 5% to 95% and >=5 - 10% to 90%."
; ;
// path to file containing serial number // path to file containing serial number
static const char path_to_serial[] = "/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-init/serial"; static const char path_to_serial[] = "/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-init/serial";
int sendImage(struct file_set *fset, int bufferImageData, int use_Exif, int saveImage, int sendImage(struct file_set *fset, int bufferImageData, int use_Exif, int saveImage,
int tiff_convert, int tiff_mn, int tiff_mx, int tiff_palette, int tiff_telem); int tiff_convert, int tiff_mn, int tiff_mx, int tiff_palette, int tiff_telem);
int getBmpHeader(uint8_t * buffer, int width, int height, int palette, int telem);
uint8_t * convertImage (uint8_t *dst, uint16_t *src, int *offs, int len, int mn, int mx,
int width, int height, int telem);
void sendBuffer(void * buffer, int len); void sendBuffer(void * buffer, int len);
void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset); void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset);
void errorMsgXML(char * msg); void errorMsgXML(char * msg);
...@@ -913,6 +929,273 @@ int framePointersXML(struct file_set *fset) ...@@ -913,6 +929,273 @@ int framePointersXML(struct file_set *fset)
return 0; return 0;
} }
int TiffStats(struct file_set * fset,
int tiff_auto, // -1 - return XML, >=0 set tiff_min and tiff_max (if non-NULL)
int * tiff_min,
int * tiff_max,
int bin_shift, // binsize = 1 << bin_shift
int hist_size, // size of the histogram = ( 1 << size_shift)
int hist_min, // subtract from value before binning
int tiff_telem)
int frameParamPointer = 0;
struct interframe_params_t frame_params;
int buff_size;
int jpeg_len; // bytes
int jpeg_start; // bytes
int l, i, j;
int color_mode;
int timestamp_start;
int width;
int height;
int bin_size = 1 << bin_shift;
int hist16_size = sizeof(int) * hist_size;
int * hist16 = 0; // memset((char*)&sock, 0, sizeof(sock));
int tiff_offs;
char *out_str; // 1024
char *out_strp;
char perc_name[64];
int out_size = 4096; // 15 percentiles - 827, should be sufficient to fit XML
// const float percentiles[] = {0.1,1.0,10,50.0,90.0,99.0,99.9};
// const int num_percentiles = sizeof(percentiles)/sizeof(float);
const char * spercentiles[] = {"0.1","0.5","1","5","10","20","30","40","50","60","70","80","90","95","99","99.5","99.9"};
const int num_percentiles = sizeof(spercentiles)/sizeof(char *);
float percentile_values[num_percentiles];
float mean;
int min_val = 0xffff;
int max_val = 0;
long long sum_val = 0;
int num_pix;
int ibin;
int iperc;
int prev_bin, this_bin;
float perc_val;
float perc_val0, perc_val1, perc_diff; // just debug
if (tiff_auto > (num_percentiles/2)){ // 0 is for absolute min/max, <0 - for XML
tiff_auto = num_percentiles/2;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): tiff_auto=%d, tiff_min = %p, tiff_max = %p\n",tiff_auto,tiff_min,tiff_max));
jpeg_start = lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); //get the current read pointer
/* find total buffer length (it is in defines, actually in c313a.h */
buff_size = lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_END); // it is supposed to be open?
/* restore file poinetr after lseek-ing the end */
lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, jpeg_start, SEEK_SET);
D(fprintf(stderr, "position (longs) = 0x%x\n", (int)lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR)));
/* now let's try mmap itself */
frameParamPointer = jpeg_start - sizeof(struct interframe_params_t) + 4;
if (frameParamPointer < 0)
frameParamPointer += buff_size;
memcpy(&frame_params, (unsigned long*)&ccam_dma_buf[frameParamPointer >> 2], sizeof(struct interframe_params_t) - 4);
jpeg_len = frame_params.frame_length;
color_mode = frame_params.color;
width = frame_params.width;
height = frame_params.height;
D(fprintf(stderr, "color_mode = 0x%x\n", color_mode));
if (color_mode == COLORMODE_RAW) { // should check bits too?
// return -1; // provide meaningful errno?
// }
if (frame_params.signffff != 0xffff) {
fprintf(stderr, "wrong signature signff = 0x%x \n", (int)frame_params.signffff);
for (i=0; i< sizeof(struct interframe_params_t)/4;i++){
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx ",ccam_dma_buf[(frameParamPointer >> 2) + i]);
if (!((i+1) & 0x7)){
fprintf(stderr, "\n ");
fset->jphead_fd = -1;
return -4;
// Copy timestamp (goes after the image data)
timestamp_start=jpeg_start+((jpeg_len+CCAM_MMAP_META+3) & (~0x1f)) + 32 - CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC; // magic shift - should index first byte of the time stamp
if (timestamp_start >= buff_size) timestamp_start-=buff_size;
memcpy (&(frame_params.timestamp_sec), (unsigned long * ) &ccam_dma_buf[timestamp_start>>2],8);
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): color_mode=0x%x, tiff_telem=%d, hist_size=%d, hist16_size=%d\n",color_mode, tiff_telem, hist_size, hist16_size));
// Allocate histogram array
if (tiff_auto != 0) { // tiff_auto==0 - only calculate min, max (and sum/average - not used)
hist16 = malloc(hist16_size);
if (!hist16) {
D(fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error allocating hist16 %d (0x%x) bytes\n",hist16_size, hist16_size));
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s:%d malloc (%d) failed", __FILE__, __LINE__, hist16_size);
memset((char*)hist16, 0, hist16_size);
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(), sum_val=%ld\n",sum_val));
tiff_offs = 0;
num_pix = 0;
/* JPEG image data may be split in two segments (rolled over buffer end) - process both variants */
if ((jpeg_start + jpeg_len) > buff_size) { // two segments
D(fprintf(stderr, "Two-part image data, sum_val=%lld\n",sum_val));
// first part
num_pix += cumulHistImage (
(uint16_t *) &ccam_dma_buf[jpeg_start >> 2], // uint16_t * src,
&tiff_offs, // int * offs,
(buff_size - jpeg_start)/2, // int len,
width, // int width,
height, // int height,
tiff_telem, // int telem);
bin_shift, // int bin_shift,
hist_size, // int hist_size,
hist_min, // int hist_min,
hist16, // int * hist16,
&sum_val, // long long* sum_val,
&min_val, // int * mn,
&max_val); // int * mx
// int min_val = 0xffff;
// int max_val = 0;
// second part
l += buff_size - jpeg_start;
num_pix += cumulHistImage (
(uint16_t *)( &ccam_dma_buf[0], jpeg_len - (buff_size - jpeg_start)), // uint16_t * src,
&tiff_offs, // int * offs,
(jpeg_len - (buff_size - jpeg_start))/2, // int len,
width, // int width,
height, // int height,
tiff_telem, // int telem);
bin_shift, // int bin_shift,
hist_size, // int hist_size,
hist_min, // int hist_min,
hist16, // int * hist16
&sum_val, // long long* sum_val,
&min_val, // int * mn,
&max_val); // int * mx
D(fprintf(stderr, "Two parts (buffered), jpeg_start (long) = 0x%x\n", jpeg_start));
} else { /* single segment */
D(fprintf(stderr, "One-part image data, l=0x%x, sum_val=%lld\n",l,sum_val));
num_pix += cumulHistImage (
(uint16_t *) &ccam_dma_buf[jpeg_start >> 2], // uint16_t * src,
&tiff_offs, // int * offs,
(jpeg_len)/2, // int len,
width, // int width,
height, // int height,
tiff_telem, // int telem);
bin_shift, // int bin_shift,
hist_size, // int hist_size,
hist_min, // int hist_min,
hist16, // int * hist16
&sum_val, // long long* sum_val,
&min_val, // int * mn,
&max_val); // int * mx
D(fprintf(stderr, "One part (buffered), jpeg_start (long) = 0x%x, buff_size = 0x%x\n", jpeg_start, buff_size));
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats() - after cumulHistImage()\n")); // got here
// convert histogram to cumulative histogram
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): num_pix = %d, min_val=%d, max_val=%d\n",num_pix, min_val, max_val));
if (tiff_auto == 0){ // absolute min/max
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): tiff_auto=%d, *tiff_min=%d, *tiff_max=%d\n",tiff_auto, *tiff_min, *tiff_max));
*tiff_min = min_val;
*tiff_max = max_val;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): tiff_auto=%d, *tiff_min=%d, *tiff_max=%d\n",tiff_auto, *tiff_min, *tiff_max));
return 0; // no need to process more
// num_pix = hist16[hist_size - 1];
mean = 1.0* sum_val / num_pix;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): num_pix = %d, mean = %f, min_val=%d, max_val=%d\n",num_pix, mean, min_val, max_val));
// Allocate output string
out_str = malloc(out_size);
if (!out_str) {
D(fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error allocating hist16 %d (0x%x) bytes\n",out_size, out_size));
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s:%d malloc (%d) failed", __FILE__, __LINE__, out_size);
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): malloc %d bytes OK\n",out_size));
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): hist_min=%d, bin_size=%d, hist_size=%d\n",hist_min, bin_size, hist_size));
// make histogram cumulative
for (i = 1; i < hist_size; i++){
hist16[i] += hist16[i-1];
for (i = 0; i < num_percentiles; i++){
iperc = num_pix * (0.01*strtod(spercentiles[i],NULL)); // should be ordered and <100%
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): i=%d, iperc=%d\n",i, iperc));
if (iperc > num_pix) iperc = num_pix;
// find first bin with cumulative pixels >= iperc;
for (; hist16[ibin] < iperc; ibin++); // should always be (ibin < hist_size)
prev_bin = 0;
this_bin = hist16[ibin];
if (ibin > 0) prev_bin = hist16[ibin-1];
// linear interpolate float
perc_val = ((iperc - prev_bin)* (1.0 / (this_bin - prev_bin)) + ibin - 0.5) * bin_size + hist_min ;
perc_val0 = (ibin - 1 + 0.5) * bin_size + hist_min ;
perc_val1 = (ibin + 0.5) * bin_size + hist_min ;
perc_diff = ((iperc - prev_bin)* (1.0 / (this_bin - prev_bin))) * bin_size;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): perc_val0=%f, perc_val=%f, perc_val1=%f, perc_diff=%f\n",perc_val0,perc_val,perc_val1,perc_diff));
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): i=%d, iperc=%d, ibin=%d, bin_size=%d, perc_val=%f\n",i, iperc,ibin,bin_size,perc_val));
percentile_values[i] = perc_val;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): i=%d, prev_bin=%d, this_bin=%d, perc_val=%f\n",i, prev_bin,this_bin,perc_val));
if (tiff_auto > 0) {
if (i == (tiff_auto-1)){
*tiff_min = (int) perc_val;
} else if (i == (num_percentiles - tiff_auto)){
*tiff_max = (int) perc_val;
if (tiff_auto >= 0) {
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): tiff_auto=%d, *tiff_min=%d, *tiff_max=%d\n",tiff_auto, *tiff_min, *tiff_max));
return 0;
out_strp = out_str + sprintf(out_str,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" \
"<tiff_stats>\n" \
" <min>%d</min>\n" \
" <max>%d</max>\n" \
" <mean>%f</mean>\n" \
" <points>%d</points>\n",
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): out_str=\n%s\n, num_percentiles=%d\n",out_str,num_percentiles));
for (i = 0; i < num_percentiles; i++){
out_strp += sprintf(out_strp," <percentile_%s>%f</percentile_%s>\n", spercentiles[i], percentile_values[i], spercentiles[i]);
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): strlen(out_str)=%d\n",strlen(out_str)));
out_strp += sprintf(out_strp,"</tiff_stats>\n");
} else { // incompatible color mode
D(fprintf(stderr, "Reporting incompatible color_mode \n"));
out_str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" \
"<tiff_stats>\n" \
" <error>This functionality is defined only for 16-bit uncompressed data</error>\n"
printf("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
printf("Server: Elphel Imgsrv\r\n");
printf("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n");
printf("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Disposition\r\n");
printf("Content-Length: %d\r\n", strlen(out_str));
printf("Content-Type: text/xml\r\n");
printf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n");
if (color_mode == COLORMODE_RAW) { // only then allocated
if (hist16) free(hist16); // not used if tiff_auto == 0
return 0;
int frameNumbersXML(struct file_set *fset) int frameNumbersXML(struct file_set *fset)
{ {
// very rarely exceeds 512 // very rarely exceeds 512
...@@ -1319,6 +1602,74 @@ uint8_t * convertImage ( ...@@ -1319,6 +1602,74 @@ uint8_t * convertImage (
return dst; return dst;
} }
int cumulHistImage ( // returns number of pixels
uint16_t * src,
int * offs,
int len,
int width,
int height,
int telem,
int bin_shift,
int hist_size,
int hist_min,
int * hist16, // if null, will only calculate *sum_val, *mn and *mx
long long* sum_val,
int * mn,
int * mx
// uint16_t pix16;
int ibin;
int start_pix = 0; // index in src to start copying
int end_pix = len; // index in src to end copying
if (telem > 0) {
if (*offs < telem * width) {
start_pix = telem * width - *offs;
} else if (telem < 0){
if (*offs +len > width * (height+telem)){
end_pix = width * (height+telem) - *offs;
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): telem= %d, start_pix=%d, end_pix=%d, *sum_val=%ld, size of (long) = %d\n", telem, start_pix, end_pix, *sum_val, sizeof(long)));
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): *offs= %d, len=%d, width=%d, height=%d,telem=%d\n",
*offs, len, width,height,telem));
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): bin_shift= %d, hist_size=%d, hist_min=%d \n", bin_shift, hist_size, hist_min));
int max_bin = 0;
int min_bin = hist_size;
int num_pix = end_pix-start_pix;
for (; start_pix < end_pix; start_pix++) {
ibin = __bswap_16 (src[start_pix]);
*sum_val += ibin;
if (ibin < *mn) *mn = ibin;
if (ibin > *mx) *mx = ibin;
if (hist16) { // only calculate sum (for average, min and max if hist16== null
ibin -= hist_min;
if (ibin < 0) ibin = 0;
ibin >>= bin_shift;
if (ibin >= hist_size) ibin = hist_size - 1;
if (ibin < min_bin) min_bin = ibin;
if (ibin > max_bin) max_bin = ibin;
hist16[ibin] ++;
*offs = end_pix; // index in the whole image (including telem)
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): min_bin= %d, max_bin=%d\n",min_bin, max_bin));
if (hist16) {
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): hist16[min...]= %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): hist16[...max]= %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage(): *mn= %d, *mx=%d, *sum_val=%lld\n",*mn, *mx, *sum_val));
D(fprintf(stderr, "histImage()->: *offs= %d\n",*offs));
return num_pix;
/** /**
* @brief Read, prepare and send single image file * @brief Read, prepare and send single image file
* *
...@@ -1369,23 +1720,6 @@ int sendImage(struct file_set *fset, ...@@ -1369,23 +1720,6 @@ int sendImage(struct file_set *fset,
jpeg_start = lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); //get the current read pointer jpeg_start = lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); //get the current read pointer
D(fprintf(stderr, "jpeg_start (long) = 0x%x, bufferImageData=%d\n", jpeg_start,bufferImageData)); D(fprintf(stderr, "jpeg_start (long) = 0x%x, bufferImageData=%d\n", jpeg_start,bufferImageData));
#if 0
if (fset->jphead_fd<0)
fset->jphead_fd = open(fset->jphead_fn, O_RDWR);
if (fset->jphead_fd < 0) { // check control OK
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", fset->jphead_fn);
return -1;
lseek(fset->jphead_fd, jpeg_start + 1, SEEK_END); // create JPEG header, find out it's size
head_size = lseek(fset->jphead_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (head_size > JPEG_HEADER_MAXSIZE) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Too big JPEG header (%d > %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, head_size, JPEG_HEADER_MAXSIZE );
fset->jphead_fd = -1;
return -2;
/* find total buffer length (it is in defines, actually in c313a.h */ /* find total buffer length (it is in defines, actually in c313a.h */
buff_size = lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_END); // it is supposed to be open? buff_size = lseek(fset->circbuf_fd, 0, SEEK_END); // it is supposed to be open?
/* restore file poinetr after lseek-ing the end */ /* restore file poinetr after lseek-ing the end */
...@@ -1626,13 +1960,14 @@ int sendImage(struct file_set *fset, ...@@ -1626,13 +1960,14 @@ int sendImage(struct file_set *fset,
(uint8_t * ) &jpeg_copy[l], // uint8_t * dst, (uint8_t * ) &jpeg_copy[l], // uint8_t * dst,
(uint16_t *) &ccam_dma_buf[jpeg_start >> 2], // src, (uint16_t *) &ccam_dma_buf[jpeg_start >> 2], // src,
&tiff_offs, // int * offs, &tiff_offs, // int * offs,
(jpeg_len - (buff_size - jpeg_start))/2, // int len,// in pixels - number of pixels to copy (buff_size - jpeg_start)/2, // int len,// in pixels - number of pixels to copy
tiff_mn, // int mn, tiff_mn, // int mn,
tiff_mx, // int mx, tiff_mx, // int mx,
width, // int width, width, // int width,
height, // int height, height, // int height,
tiff_telem); // int telem); tiff_telem); // int telem);
// second part // second part
l += buff_size - jpeg_start;
convertImage ( convertImage (
out_ptr, // uint8_t * dst, continue from where stopped out_ptr, // uint8_t * dst, continue from where stopped
(uint16_t *)( &ccam_dma_buf[0], jpeg_len - (buff_size - jpeg_start)), // src, (uint16_t *)( &ccam_dma_buf[0], jpeg_len - (buff_size - jpeg_start)), // src,
...@@ -1748,10 +2083,19 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset) ...@@ -1748,10 +2083,19 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset)
int frame_number,compressed_frame_number; int frame_number,compressed_frame_number;
int iv; int iv;
int tiff_convert=0 ; // - convert tiff to bmp for preview int tiff_convert=0 ; // - convert tiff to bmp for preview
int tiff_mn= 20000; int tiff_mn= 0; // 20000;
int tiff_mx= 22000; int tiff_mx= 0xffff; // 22000;
int tiff_palette = 0; int tiff_palette = 0;
int tiff_telem = 0; // 0 - none,>0 - skip first rows, <0 - skip last rows int tiff_telem = 0; // 0 - none,>0 - skip first rows, <0 - skip last rows
int tiff_bin_shift = 3; // histogram bin size is 1<<3 == 8
int tiff_bin = 1;
int tiff_auto = -1;
// int bin_shift, // binsize = 1 << bin_shift
int tiff_hist_size; // size of the histogram = ( 1 << size_shift)
int tiff_hist_min; // subtract from value before binning
memset((char*)&sock, 0, sizeof(sock)); memset((char*)&sock, 0, sizeof(sock));
sock.sin_port = htons(fset->port_num); sock.sin_port = htons(fset->port_num);
...@@ -1816,25 +2160,6 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset) ...@@ -1816,25 +2160,6 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset)
fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout);
_exit(0); _exit(0);
} }
if ((strncmp(cp, "xframe", 6) == 0) || (strncmp(cp, "wxframe", 7) == 0)) {
if (strncmp(cp, "wxframe", 7) == 0) waitFrameSync(fset);
printf("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
printf("Server: Elphel Imgsrv\r\n");
printf("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n");
printf("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Disposition\r\n");
printf("Content-Type: text/xml\r\n");
printf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n");
printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" \
printf ("</frames>\n");
// now process the commands one at a time, but first - open the circbuf file and setup the pointer // now process the commands one at a time, but first - open the circbuf file and setup the pointer
if (fset->circbuf_fd<0) if (fset->circbuf_fd<0)
fset->circbuf_fd = open(fset->cirbuf_fn, O_RDWR); fset->circbuf_fd = open(fset->cirbuf_fn, O_RDWR);
...@@ -1975,16 +2300,71 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset) ...@@ -1975,16 +2300,71 @@ void listener_loop(struct file_set *fset)
} else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_palette", 12) == 0) { } else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_palette", 12) == 0) {
tiff_palette = iv; tiff_palette = iv;
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_palette=%d'\n",tiff_palette)); D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_palette=%d'\n",tiff_palette));
} else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_telem", 10) == 0) { } else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_telem", 10) == 0) {
tiff_telem = iv; tiff_telem = iv;
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_telem=%d'\n",tiff_telem)); D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_telem=%d'\n",tiff_telem));
} else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_bin", 8) == 0) {
tiff_bin_shift = iv;
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_bin=%d'\n",tiff_bin_shift)); // bin_shift
} else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_auto", 9) == 0) { // it is a command, not a parameter
tiff_auto = iv;
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_auto=%d'\n",tiff_auto));
if (sent2socket > 0) break; // image/xmldata was already sent to socket, ignore
// use tiff_min, tiff_max, tiff_bin to calculate histogram parameters;
tiff_bin = 1 << tiff_bin_shift;
tiff_hist_size = (tiff_mx - tiff_mn)/ tiff_bin;
if (tiff_mn + tiff_bin * tiff_hist_size < tiff_mx) tiff_hist_size++;
tiff_hist_size ++;
tiff_hist_min = tiff_mn - tiff_bin / 2;
if (tiff_hist_min < 0) tiff_hist_min = 0;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(auto=%d): tiff_bin_shift=%d, tiff_hist_size=%d, tiff_hist_min = %d, tiff_telem = %d\n",
tiff_auto, tiff_bin_shift, tiff_hist_size, tiff_hist_min, tiff_telem));
iv = TiffStats(
fset, // struct file_set fset,
tiff_auto, // int tiff_auto, // -1 - return XML, >=0 set tiff_min and tiff_max (if non-NULL)
&tiff_mn, // int * tiff_min,
&tiff_mx, // int * tiff_max,
tiff_bin_shift, // int bin_shift, // binsize = 1 << bin_shift
tiff_hist_size, // int hist_size, // size of the histogram = ( 1 << size_shift)
tiff_hist_min, // int hist_min, // subtract from value before binning
tiff_telem); // int tiff_telem);
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_auto command: DONE: tiff_auto=%d, tiff_mn=%d, tiff_mx=%d\n",tiff_auto, tiff_mn, tiff_mx));
} else {
D(fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized tiff_$ command: %s'\n",cp1)); // bin_shift
} }
} }
if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_convert", 12) == 0) { if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_convert", 12) == 0) {
tiff_convert = 1; tiff_convert = 1;
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_convert=%d'\n",tiff_convert)); D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_convert=%d'\n",tiff_convert));
} else if (strncmp(cp1, "tiff_stats", 10) == 0) { // it is a command, not a parameter
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_stats command\n"));
if (sent2socket > 0) break; // image/xmldata was already sent to socket, ignore
// use tiff_min, tiff_max, tiff_bin to calculate histogram parameters;
tiff_bin = 1 << tiff_bin_shift;
tiff_hist_size = (tiff_mx - tiff_mn)/ tiff_bin;
if (tiff_mn + tiff_bin * tiff_hist_size < tiff_mx) tiff_hist_size++;
tiff_hist_size ++;
tiff_hist_min = tiff_mn - tiff_bin / 2;
if (tiff_hist_min < 0) tiff_hist_min = 0;
D(fprintf(stderr, "TiffStats(): tiff_bin_shift=%d, tiff_hist_size=%d, tiff_hist_min = %d, tiff_telem = %d\n",
tiff_bin_shift, tiff_hist_size, tiff_hist_min, tiff_telem));
fset, // struct file_set fset,
-1, // int tiff_auto, // -1 - return XML, >=0 set tiff_min and tiff_max (if non-NULL)
NULL, // int * tiff_min,
NULL, // int * tiff_max,
tiff_bin_shift, // int bin_shift, // binsize = 1 << bin_shift
tiff_hist_size, // int hist_size, // size of the histogram = ( 1 << size_shift)
tiff_hist_min, // int hist_min, // subtract from value before binning
tiff_telem); // int tiff_telem);
D(fprintf(stderr, "tiff_stats command: DONE, sent2socket=%d\n", sent2socket));
sent2socket = 3;
fflush(stdout); // let's not keep client waiting - anyway we've sent it all even when more commands maybe left
// _exit(0);
} }
} else if (strcmp(cp1, "noexif") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(cp1, "noexif") == 0) {
exif_enable = 0; exif_enable = 0;
} else if (strcmp(cp1, "exif") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(cp1, "exif") == 0) {
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