Commit 78405738 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

cli mode

parent 50284d4a
......@@ -8,6 +8,58 @@
* Copyright (C) 2016 Elphel, Inc.
$CLI = (php_sapi_name()=="cli");
if ($CLI){
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = "localhost";
$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = "localhost";
$_GET['format'] = "csv";
$_GET['nth'] = 1;
$_GET['limit'] = -1;
$_GET['nogui'] = true;
if (isset($argv[1])) $_GET['file'] = $argv[1];
\033[91mERROR: Filename is not set.\033[0m
Command line usage examples:
* Minimal:
\033[1;37m~$ php thisscript.php logfile > logfile.csv\033[0m
* With a filter, IMU records only:
\033[1;37m~~$ php thisscript.php logfile 0x010 > logfile.csv\033[0m
* With a filter, GPS NMEA GPRMC records ony:
\033[1;37m~~$ php thisscript.php logfile 0x001 > logfile.csv\033[0m
* Filter bits:
External trigger source:
Image records:
0x100 channel 3
0x080 channel 2
0x040 channel 1
0x020 channel 0
GPS records:
0x008 - NMEA GPVTG
0x004 - NMEA GPGSA
0x002 - NMEA GPGGA (have coordinates)
0x001 - NMEA GPRMC (have coordinates)
$_GET['record'] = 0;
$thisname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$remoteaccess = ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']!=$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);
$hardcodeddir = "logs";
if (isset($_GET['format'])){
......@@ -16,15 +68,30 @@ if (isset($_GET['format'])){
$format = "html";
if (isset($_GET['nth'])){
$nth = $_GET['nth']+0;
$nth = 1;
if (isset($_GET['limit'])){
$limit = $_GET['limit']+0;
$limit = 0;
$limit = -1;
if (isset($_GET['nogui'])){
$nogui = true;
if ($format=="csv"){
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($_GET['file']).".".$format);
header("Content-Type: application/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
echo "<Document>\n";
//header("Content-Type: text/xml");
$nogui = false;
......@@ -39,7 +106,7 @@ if (isset($_GET['list'])){
if (isset($_GET['file'])){
if ($remoteaccess){
$file = $hardcodeddir."/".basename($_GET['file']);
$file = $_GET['file'];
......@@ -48,7 +115,7 @@ if (isset($_GET['file'])){
if (is_file($file)){
//for local access also check $hardcodeddir
if (is_file($hardcodeddir."/".$file)){
$file = $hardcodeddir."/".$file;
......@@ -62,6 +129,11 @@ if (isset($_GET['file'])){
$init = false;
if ($CLI){
$_GET['nrecords'] = $numRecordsInFile;
if (isset($argv[2])) $_GET['filter'] = $argv[2];
if (isset($_GET['record'])) $record = $_GET['record']+0;
else $record=0;
......@@ -79,6 +151,11 @@ if ($nRecords>($numRecordsInFile-$record)) $nRecords= $numRecordsInFile-$record;
if ($limit>0) $nRecords= $numRecordsInFile;
if (isset($_GET['showall'])){
$limit = $numRecordsInFile;
$nRecords= $numRecordsInFile;
if (isset($_GET['filter'])) $filter= intval($_GET['filter'],0);
else $filter= 0x3ff;
......@@ -92,6 +169,8 @@ else $filter= 0x3ff;
64 - ODOMETER (type 3)
if ($limit<0) $limit = $nRecords;
//list available files
echo html();
......@@ -109,9 +188,10 @@ $sindex = $record;
$eindex = $record+$nRecords;
if ($format=="csv"){
echo "<pre>Filename,$file\n";
echo "Filename,$file\n";
echo "Found Records,$numRecordsInFile\n";
echo "Record filter,0x$filterhex\n";
echo "Show limit, $limit\n";
echo "Start index,$sindex\n";
echo "End index,$eindex\n\n";
......@@ -120,6 +200,7 @@ if ($format=="csv"){
<tr><td>Found records</td><td>$numRecordsInFile</td></tr>
<tr><td>Show limit</td><td>$limit</td></tr>
<tr><td>Start index</td><td>$sindex</td></tr>
<tr><td>End index</td><td>$eindex</td></tr>
......@@ -164,6 +245,25 @@ imuLogParse($log_file,$record,$nRecords,$filter);
$gc = array(
function global_counters($i,$j){
global $gc, $nth;
if (($gc[$i][$j]%$nth)==0) {
$gc[$i][$j] = 1;
return true;
return false;
function imuLogParse($handle,$record,$nSamples,$filter,$tryNumber=10000){
global $timeShift;
......@@ -171,16 +271,21 @@ function imuLogParse($handle,$record,$nSamples,$filter,$tryNumber=10000){
global $imuFieldOrder;
global $format,$limit;
$gpsFilter= $filter&0xf;
global $gc;
$gpsFilter = ($filter)&0xf; //type=1
$imuFilter = ($filter>>4)&0x1; //type=0
$imgFilter = ($filter>>5)&0xf; //type=2
$extFilter = ($filter>>9)&0x1; //type=3
$typeFilter=(($gpsFilter!=0)?2:0) | ((($filter&0x10)!=0)?1:0) | ((($filter&0x20)!=0)?4:0) | ((($filter&0x20)!=0)?8:0);
$typeFilter = (($gpsFilter!=0)?2:0) | (($imuFilter!=0)?1:0) | ((($imgFilter)!=0)?4:0) | ((($extFilter)!=0)?8:0);
$skip_imu_cols = true;
$imu_cols_csv = "";
$imu_cols_html_header = "";
$imu_cols_html = "";
if ((($filter>>4)&0x1)==0x1) {
if ($imuFilter==0x1) {
$skip_imu_cols = false;
$imu_cols_csv_header = implode(",",$imuFieldOrder).",";
......@@ -212,22 +317,43 @@ TEXT;
echo "</tr>\n";
$gc = array(
for ($nSample=0;$nSample<$nSamples;$nSample++) {
$gps=($type==1)?($arr32[3]&0x3):0xf; // any if it is not GPS sample
if ((((1<<$type)&$typeFilter)!=0) && (($type!=1) || (((1<<$gps)&$gpsFilter)!=0))) {
if ($limit==-1){
$show_record = false;
case 0:
if ($imuFilter!=0) $show_record = global_counters($type,0);
case 1:
if ((($gpsFilter>>($arr32[3]&0x3))&1)==1) $show_record = global_counters($type,$arr32[3]&0x3);
case 2:
$subchannel = ($arr32[3] >> 24);
if ((($imgFilter>>$subchannel)&1)==1) $show_record = global_counters($type,$subchannel);
case 3:
if (($extFilter&1)==1) $show_record = global_counters($type,0);
if ($show_record) {
if ($limit==-1) break;
if ($format=="csv"){
......@@ -284,8 +410,8 @@ TEXT;
// Master (Sync) record
case 2:
$subchannel = ($arr32[3] >> 24);
if ($format=="csv"){
......@@ -297,8 +423,6 @@ TEXT;
echo "<td>".gmdate(DATE_RFC850,$masterTime)."</td>\n";
// Show hex data
......@@ -323,6 +447,7 @@ TEXT;
if ($format!="csv"){
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</Document>\n";
......@@ -513,14 +638,14 @@ eg3. $GPVTG,t,T,,,,N,,K*hh
function showlist(){
global $hardcodeddir;
global $remoteaccess;
$local = true;
if (isset($_GET['file'])) $file = $_GET['file'];
if ($remoteaccess){
$dir = $hardcodeddir;
$local = false;
if (!isset($file)||($file=="")){
$dir = ".";
......@@ -540,7 +665,7 @@ function showlist(){
$files = scandir($dir);
if ($dir=="."||(!$local)) $dirlink="";
if ($dir=="."||($remoteaccess)) $dirlink="";
else $dirlink="$dir/";
$res = "";
......@@ -562,19 +687,29 @@ function showlist(){
function html(){
global $file,$limit,$record,$nRecords;
global $file,$limit,$record,$nRecords,$filter,$nth;
global $init;
$ins_filter = array();
if ($init) {
$ins_file = $file;
$ins_limit = $limit;
$ins_rec = $record;
$ins_nrec = $_GET['nrecords']+$record;
if (($filter>>$i)&1==1) $ins_filter[$i] = "checked";
$ins_nth = $nth;
$ins_file = "imu.log";
$ins_limit = 5000;
$ins_limit = 500;
$ins_rec = 0;
$ins_nrec = 5000;
$ins_filter[$i] = "checked";
$ins_nth = 1;
$js = js();
......@@ -610,22 +745,22 @@ function html(){
<td colspan=''>Record filter:&nbsp;
<span title='External device'>EXT
<input id='filter_9' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()'>
<input id='filter_9' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[9]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='External source'>
<span title='Image trigger signal'>IMG
<input id='filter_8' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 3'>
<input id='filter_7' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 2'>
<input id='filter_6' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 1'>
<input id='filter_5' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 0'>
<input id='filter_8' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[8]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 3'>
<input id='filter_7' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[7]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 2'>
<input id='filter_6' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[6]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 1'>
<input id='filter_5' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[5]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='Sensor port 0'>
<span title='IMU'>IMU
<input id='filter_4' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()'>
<input id='filter_4' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[4]} onchange='getRqStr()'>
<span title='GPS'>GPS
<input id='filter_3' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPVTG'>
<input id='filter_2' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPGSA'>
<input id='filter_1' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPGGA'>
<input id='filter_0' type='checkbox' checked onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPRMC'>
<input id='filter_3' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[3]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPVTG'>
<input id='filter_2' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[2]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPGSA'>
<input id='filter_1' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[1]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPGGA'>
<input id='filter_0' type='checkbox' {$ins_filter[0]} onchange='getRqStr()' title='NMEA GPRMC'>
......@@ -640,14 +775,19 @@ function html(){
<td>End</td><td><input id='end' type='text' value='$ins_nrec' style='width:100px;text-align:right;' onchange='getRqStr()'></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' id='show_limit_toggle' checked onchange='getRqStr()'></td>
<td>Show limit</td><td><input id='limit' type='text' value='$ins_limit' style='width:100px;text-align:right;' onchange='getRqStr()'></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' id='show_nth_toggle' checked onchange='getRqStr()'></td>
<td>Show every</td><td><input id='nth' type='text' value='$ins_nth' style='width:100px;text-align:right;' onchange='getRqStr()'> <sup>th</sup> record</td>
<td><button onclick='show()'>Show records</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id='csvlink'></span></td>
<td><button onclick='show()'>Show records</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id='csvlink'></span><span id='csvlink2'></span></td>
......@@ -660,6 +800,7 @@ TEXT;
function js(){
global $thisname;
global $init;
if ($init) $insert = "show();";
......@@ -678,8 +819,6 @@ function init(){
function show(){
report("status: waiting for response");
var rqstr = getRqStr();
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
......@@ -688,10 +827,8 @@ function show(){
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var resp = this.responseText;
report("status: parsing response");
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = "<br/>"+resp;
report("<a href='"+rqstr+"'>current view</a>, <a href='"+rqstr+"&nogui"+"&format=csv"+"'>csv</a>, <a href='"+rqstr+"&nogui"+"&format=html"+"'>html</a>");
......@@ -706,7 +843,7 @@ function show(){
function getList(){
var filename = document.getElementById("file").value;
var rqstr = "read_imu_log.php?list&nogui&file="+filename;
var rqstr = "$thisname?list&nogui&file="+filename;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', rqstr, true);
......@@ -731,7 +868,7 @@ function getRqStr(){
var filename = document.getElementById("file").value;
var filter = 0;
for(var i=0;i<7;i++){
for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
bit = (document.getElementById("filter_"+i).checked)?1:0;
filter += (bit<<i);
......@@ -745,6 +882,12 @@ function getRqStr(){
limit = "&limit="+document.getElementById("limit").value;
var nth = "";
if (document.getElementById("show_nth_toggle").checked){
nth = "&nth="+document.getElementById("nth").value;
var n = end - start;
if (n<0) {
......@@ -752,11 +895,11 @@ function getRqStr(){
n = 1;
var rqstr = "read_imu_log.php?file="+filename+"&record="+start+"&nrecords="+n+"&filter="+filter+limit;
var rqstr = "$thisname?file="+filename+"&record="+start+"&nrecords="+n+"&filter="+filter+limit+nth;
report("<a href='"+rqstr+"'>current view</a>, <a href='"+rqstr+"&nogui"+"&format=csv"+"'>csv</a>, <a href='"+rqstr+"&nogui"+"&format=html"+"'>html</a>");
report("<a href='"+rqstr+"'>share</a>, Download: <a href='"+rqstr+"&nogui"+"&format=csv'>csv</a>, <a href='"+rqstr+"&nogui"+"&format=csv&showall'>full csv</a>");
return rqstr;
......@@ -798,22 +941,28 @@ var loading_interval;
function loading(){
var tmp = document.getElementById("csvlink").innerHTML;
var tmp = document.getElementById("csvlink2").innerHTML;
if (tmp.length<2) tmp += ".";
else tmp = "";
document.getElementById("csvlink").innerHTML = tmp;
document.getElementById("csvlink2").innerHTML = tmp;
function help(){
global $thisname;
global $nogui;
$logslist = showlist();
$help = <<<TEXT
<span style='font-size:1.2em;'>$logslist</span>
<div style='font-size:1.2em;'>Source:
<li><a href="?source" >This program source</a></li>
<div style='font-size:1.2em;'>Usage:
......@@ -822,39 +971,57 @@ function help(){
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>remote != server address</i> - http://thisscriptrootpath/logs/filename<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>remote == server address</i> - any relative/absolute path
<li><b>Checkboxes</b> - checked = show</li>
<li><b>Record filter checkboxes</b> - checked = show</li>
<li><b>Begin</b> - offset, record index in log</li>
<li><b>End</b> - offset, record index in log</li>
<li><b>Show limit</b> - Number of filtered records to show, if enabled overrides <b>End</b></li>
<li><b>current view, csv, html</b> - if any parameter changed a link to csv or html data is created/updated</li>
<li><button onclick='getList()'>List log files</button> :
<li>remote access - list of files in <b>http://thisscriptrootpath/logs/</b></li>
<li>local access - list of files in <b>http://thisscriptrootpath/</b></li>
<button onclick='show()'>Show records</button> - after a file is selected.<br/>
If a folder is selected - <button onclick='getList()'>List log files</button> again to scan inside.
<li><a href='#'>share</a> - open this page with the same parameters (auto <b>show records</b>)</li>
<li><a href='#'>csv</a> - download csv: filter + limit</li>
<li><a href='#'>csv full</a> - download csv: filter + no limit</li>
<li>URL (see <b><i>current view, csv, html</i></b>):
<li>URL (see <b>share</b>,<b>csv</b>,<b>csv full</b>):
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>file</b> - with path<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>format</b> - accepts 'csv' or 'html'<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>limit</b> - limit the displayed records<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>record</b> - starting record index, default = 0<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>nrecords</b> - number of records to parse, default = 5000<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>filter</b> - filter out types of displayed records:<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x40 - display external trigger records only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x20 - display image records only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x10 - display imu records only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x200 - display external trigger records only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x100 - display image records, channel 3 only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x080 - display image records, channel 2 only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x040 - display image records, channel 1 only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x020 - display image records, channel 0 only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x010 - display imu records only<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;for gps records:<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x08 - display NMEA GPVTG records,<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x04 - display NMEA GPGSA records<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x02 - display NMEA GPGGA records (have coordinates)<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x01 - display NMEA GPRMC records (have coordinates)<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x008 - display NMEA GPVTG records,<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x004 - display NMEA GPGSA records<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x002 - display NMEA GPGGA records (have coordinates)<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x001 - display NMEA GPRMC records (have coordinates)<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;default = 0x7f (display everything)<br/>
<li><a href="?source" >PHP source</a></li>
<li>Command line:
<li><i>~$ php $thisname logfile filter [filter] > output.csv</i></li>
if (!$nogui) $help = "`<br/>$help`";
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