Commit 054ec863 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev


parent 0fe31330
......@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
include '';
include 'include/show_source_include.php';
//default parameters
$cmd = "start";
$file = "/usr/html/CF/imu_log.log";
$file = "/mnt/sda1/imu_log.log";
$index = 1;
$n = 5000000;
$mount_point = "/usr/html/CF";
$mount_point = "/mnt/sda1";
$force_dev = false;
......@@ -72,11 +72,9 @@ if ($cmd=="start") {
//$dev = "/dev/hda1";
if (!$force_dev) {
$hda1 = exec("cat /proc/diskstats | grep 'hda1'");
$hdb1 = exec("cat /proc/diskstats | grep 'hdb1'");
$sda1 = exec("cat /proc/diskstats | grep 'sda1'");
if (strlen($hda1)>0) $dev = "/dev/hda1";
else if (strlen($hdb1)>0) $dev = "/dev/hdb1";
if (strlen($sda1)>0) $dev = "/dev/sda1";
else {
$xml .= "\t<error>CF cards not found</error>\n";
......@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ if ($cmd=="start") {
exec("mount $dev $mount_point");
exec("/usr/local/bin/log_imu $file $index $n >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
exec("/usr/bin/log_imu $file $index $n >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
$xml .= "\t<result>ok</result>\n";
......@@ -112,11 +110,11 @@ function send_response($xml){
function _help(){
echo "<pre>\n";
echo "Usage example: '', where\n";
echo "Usage example: '', where\n";
echo "'file'- log name (includes absolute path), '/usr/html/CF/' is the 'dev's mount point\n";
echo "'index'- index added to the log name\n";
echo "'n'- max number of records in a single log file\n";
echo "'dev'- device name: '/dev/hda1' or '/dev/hdb1'\n";
echo "'dev'- device name: '/dev/sda1'\n";
function _usage(){
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