Commit a788783f authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: compile RTSP server class without errors

parent 6f34e998
* @file FILENAME
* @copyright Copyright (C) YEAR Elphel Inc.
* @file rtsp.cpp
* @brief RTSP server implementation
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel Inc.
* @author AUTHOR <EMAIL>
* @par License:
......@@ -21,17 +21,16 @@
#include "rtsp.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "parameters.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#undef RTSP_DEBUG_2
//#define RTSP_DEBUG
//#define RTSP_DEBUG_2
//#undef RTSP_DEBUG
//#undef RTSP_DEBUG_2
#define RTSP_DEBUG
#define RTSP_DEBUG_2
#define D(a) a
......@@ -126,13 +125,14 @@ string _Responce::serialize() {
return rez;
RTSP_Server::RTSP_Server(int (*h)(void *, RTSP_Server *, RTSP_Server::event), void *handler_data, Session *_session) {
RTSP_Server::RTSP_Server(int (*h)(void *, RTSP_Server *, RTSP_Server::event), void *handler_data, Parameters *pars, Session *_session) {
socket_main_1 = NULL;
socket_main_2 = NULL;
// socket_main_3 = NULL;
handler_f = h;
this->handler_data = handler_data;
session = _session;
params = pars;
// _busy = NULL;
......@@ -143,82 +143,82 @@ void RTSP_Server::main(void) {
// once opened socket to listen can be closed and reopen again by Socket's implementation:
// opened port assigned to process id and is keeped all time while process is alive
// so, keep this socket
if(socket_main_1 == NULL) {
if (socket_main_1 == NULL) {
socket_main_1 = new Socket("", RTSP_PORT_1);
if(socket_main_2 == NULL) {
if (socket_main_2 == NULL) {
socket_main_2 = new Socket("", RTSP_PORT_2);
if(socket_main_3 == NULL) {
socket_main_3 = new Socket("", RTSP_PORT_3);
if(socket_main == NULL) {
// socket_main = new Socket("", 554);
//cerr << "create socket to listen port" << endl;
// socket_main = new Socket("", 554);
//cerr << "create socket to listen port" << endl;
socket_main = new Socket("", RTSP_PORT);
// Socket *socket_1 = new Socket("", 554);
// Socket *socket_2 = new Socket("", 8554);
// Socket *socket_3 = new Socket("", 7070);
// Socket *socket_1 = new Socket("", 554);
// Socket *socket_2 = new Socket("", 8554);
// Socket *socket_3 = new Socket("", 7070);
} else {
//cerr << "main socket already exist" << endl;
//cerr << "main socket already exist" << endl;
// s.push_back(socket_main_3);
D(static int count = 0;)
D(static int count = 0;)
bool to_poll = true;
// Parameters *params = Parameters::instance();
while(true) {
if(to_poll) {
while (true) {
if (to_poll) {
int poll_rez = Socket::poll(s, 500);
D( {if(count < 5) {
D( {if (count < 5) {
cerr << "poll..." << endl;
// TODO here:
// if client connected - check for changes of all possible parameters
// if client not connected - check only about enable/disable bit to prevent overhead
if(handler(PARAMS_WAS_CHANGED)) {
if (handler(PARAMS_WAS_CHANGED)) {
// stop all sessions, and restart streamer
if(poll_rez == 0) {
if (poll_rez == 0) {
/// poll was finished with timeout, not socket event
to_poll = true;
to_poll = true;
for(list<Socket *>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) {
for (list<Socket *>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) {
Socket::state state = (*it)->state_refresh();
if(state == Socket::STATE_IN || state == Socket::STATE_DISCONNECT) {
D2(cerr << endl << "something happen on the socket!" << endl;)
if(*it == socket_main_1 || *it == socket_main_2) {// || *it == socket_main_3) {
if (state == Socket::STATE_IN || state == Socket::STATE_DISCONNECT) {
D2(cerr << endl << "something happen on the socket!" << endl;)
if (*it == socket_main_1 || *it == socket_main_2) { // || *it == socket_main_3) {
// Socket *in = socket_main->accept();
Socket *in = (*it)->accept();
if(in) {
if (in) {
D2(cerr << "processed - s.push_back(in)" << endl;)
D2(fprintf(stderr, "added : 0x%08X\n", in);)
D2(cerr << "processed - s.push_back(in)" << endl;)
D2(fprintf(stderr, "added : 0x%p\n", in);)
} else {
// check for remove closed socket !
D2(cerr << "was with non-main socket" << endl;)
if(!process(*it)) {
D2(cerr << "process failed - remove it!" << endl;)
D2(fprintf(stderr, "delete: 0x%08X\n", *it);)
D2(cerr << "was with non-main socket" << endl;)
if (!process(*it)) {
D2(cerr << "process failed - remove it!" << endl;)
D2(fprintf(stderr, "delete: 0x%p\n", *it);)
delete *it;
// check about counters etc...
......@@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ D2(fprintf(stderr, "delete: 0x%08X\n", *it);)
// stop all - by TEARDOWN command
for(list<Socket *>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) {
for (list<Socket *>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) {
// keep the 'main' i.e. server socket
if(*it != socket_main_1 && *it != socket_main_2) {// && *it != socket_main_3) {
D2(fprintf(stderr, "delete: 0x%08X\n", *it);)
if (*it != socket_main_1 && *it != socket_main_2) { // && *it != socket_main_3) {
D2(fprintf(stderr, "delete: 0x%p\n", *it);)
delete *it;
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ D(cerr << __FILE__<< ":"<< __FUNCTION__ << ":" <<__LINE__ << " part_REQUEST: " <
// process...
request = new _Request(req);
Parameters *params = Parameters::instance();
// Parameters *params = Parameters::instance();
responce = new _Responce();
// responce->add_field("CSeq", (*request->get_fields().find("CSeq")).second);
responce->add_field("CSeq", (request->get_fields())["CSeq"]);
* @file FILENAME
* @copyright Copyright (C) YEAR Elphel Inc.
* @file rtsp.h
* @brief RTSP server implementation
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel Inc.
* @author AUTHOR <EMAIL>
* @par License:
......@@ -25,11 +25,14 @@
//#include "types.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "parameters.h"
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
......@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ public:
// if transport == NULL - wait for set_transport(), when client connected and ask DESCRIBE
RTSP_Server(int (*h)(void *, RTSP_Server *, RTSP_Server::event), void *handler_data, Session *_session = NULL);
RTSP_Server(int (*h)(void *, RTSP_Server *, RTSP_Server::event), void *handler_data, Parameters *pars, Session *_session = NULL);
// deprecated
......@@ -111,6 +114,7 @@ protected:
Socket *socket_main_1;
Socket *socket_main_2;
// Socket *socket_main_3;
Parameters *params;
#endif // _RTSP_H_
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