Commit 7e9dba1a authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Video class clean up: remove commented code, reorder debug output

parent d8ae21c5
......@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cerr << "|" << (*it).first << "| == |" << (*it).second << "|" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
// for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
pthread_attr_t attr;
cout << "Start thread " << i << endl;
streamers[i] = new Streamer(args, i);
......@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
using namespace std;
//#undef VIDEO_DEBUG
//#undef VIDEO_DEBUG_2 // for timestamp monitoring
//#undef VIDEO_DEBUG_3 // for FPS monitoring
//#undef VIDEO_DEBUG_2 // for timestamp monitoring
//#undef VIDEO_DEBUG_3 // for FPS monitoring
#define VIDEO_DEBUG_2 // for timestamp monitoring
#define VIDEO_DEBUG_3 // for FPS monitoring
#define VIDEO_DEBUG_2 // for timestamp monitoring
#define VIDEO_DEBUG_3 // for FPS monitoring
#define D(s_port, a) \
......@@ -75,18 +75,6 @@ using namespace std;
#define D3(a)
#define D_FOLLOW(a) \
do { \
a; \
} while (0)
#define D(a)
//Video *video = NULL;
/** The length of interframe parameters in bytes */
#define METADATA_LEN 32
/** Convert byte offset to double word offset */
......@@ -94,15 +82,6 @@ using namespace std;
/** Convert double word offset to byte offset */
#define DW2BYTE(x) ((x) << 2)
//int fd_circbuf = 0;
//int fd_jpeghead = 0; /// to get quantization tables
//int fd_fparmsall = 0;
//int lastDaemonBit = DAEMON_BIT_STREAMER;
//struct framepars_all_t *frameParsAll;
//struct framepars_t *framePars;
//unsigned long *globalPars; /// parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions
static const char *circbuf_file_names[] = {
......@@ -112,15 +91,21 @@ static const char *jhead_file_names[] = {
* @brief Start one instance of video interface for circbuf: open and mmap circbuf,
* start RTP stream in new thread.
* @param port sensor port number this instance should work with
* @param pars pointer to parameters instance for the current sensor port
* @return None
Video::Video(int port, Parameters *pars) {
string err_msg;
D(sensor_port, cerr << "Video::Video() on sensor port " << port << endl);
params = pars;
sensor_port = port;
stream_name = "video";
// params = Parameters::instance();
// waitDaemonEnabled(-1); /// <0 - use default
D(sensor_port, cerr << "Video::Video() on sensor port " << port << endl);
fd_circbuf = open(circbuf_file_names[sensor_port], O_RDONLY);
if (fd_circbuf < 0) {
err_msg = "can't open " + static_cast<ostringstream &>(ostringstream() << dec << sensor_port).str();
......@@ -128,7 +113,9 @@ Video::Video(int port, Parameters *pars) {
buffer_length = lseek(fd_circbuf, 0, SEEK_END);
/// mmap for all the lifetime of the program, not per stream. AF
waitDaemonEnabled(-1); // <0 - use default
// mmap for all the lifetime of the program, not per stream. AF
buffer_ptr = (unsigned long *) mmap(0, buffer_length, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd_circbuf, 0);
if ((int) buffer_ptr == -1) {
err_msg = "can't mmap " + *circbuf_file_names[sensor_port];
......@@ -136,14 +123,14 @@ Video::Video(int port, Parameters *pars) {
buffer_ptr_end = (unsigned char *)(buffer_ptr + BYTE2DW(buffer_length));
/// Skip several frames if it is just booted
/// May get stuck here if compressor is off, it should be enabled externally
// Skip several frames if it is just booted
// May get stuck here if compressor is off, it should be enabled externally
D(sensor_port, cerr << " frame=" << params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME) << " buffer_length=" << buffer_length << endl);
while (params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME) < 10) {
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_TOWP, SEEK_END); /// get to the end of buffer
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END); /// wait frame got ready there
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_TOWP, SEEK_END); // get to the end of buffer
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END); // wait frame got ready there
/// One more wait always to make sure compressor is actually running
// One more wait always to make sure compressor is actually running
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
D(sensor_port, cerr << " frame=" << params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME) << " buffer_length=" << buffer_length <<endl);
......@@ -167,6 +154,11 @@ Video::Video(int port, Parameters *pars) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << "finish constructor" << endl);
* @brief Close and unmap circbuf files
* @param None
* @return None
Video::~Video(void) {
cerr << "Video::~Video() on port " << sensor_port << endl;
if (buffer_ptr != NULL) {
......@@ -179,68 +171,53 @@ Video::~Video(void) {
/// Compressor should be turned on outside of the streamer
void Video::Start(string ip, long port, int _fps_scale, int ttl) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << "_play=" << _play << endl);
if (_play) {
cerr << "ERROR-->> wrong usage: Video()->Start() when already play!!!" << endl;
// statistic
v_t_sec = 0;
v_t_usec = 0;
v_frames = 0;
// create udp socket
// create UDP socket
struct video_desc_t video_desc = get_current_desc(false);
f_width = video_desc.width;
f_height = video_desc.height;
used_width = f_width;
used_height = f_height;
// f_width = width();
// f_height = height();
fps_scale = _fps_scale;
if (fps_scale < 1)
fps_scale = 1;
fps_scale_c = 0;
/// start compressor...NOTE: Maybe it should not?
unsigned long write_data[4];
write_data[0] = FRAMEPARS_SETFRAME;
write_data[1] = params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME) + 1;
write_data[2] = P_COMPRESSOR_RUN;
write_data[3] = COMPRESSOR_RUN_CONT;
write(fd_fparmsall, write_data, sizeof(write_data));
RTP_Stream::Start(ip, port, ttl);
void Video::Stop(void) {
if (!_play)
_play = false;
// destroy udp socket
// destroy UDP socket
prev_jpeg_wp = 0;
* @brief check if this application is enabled (by appropriate bit in P_DAEMON_EN), if not -
* @brief Check if this application is enabled (by appropriate bit in P_DAEMON_EN), if not -
* and wait until enabled (return false when enabled)
* @param daemonBit - bit number to accept control in P_DAEMON_EN parameter
* @param daemonBit bit number to accept control in P_DAEMON_EN parameter
* @return (after possible waiting) true if there was no waiting, false if there was waiting
bool Video::waitDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit) { // <0 - use default
bool Video::waitDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit) { // <0 - use default
if ((daemonBit >= 0) && (daemonBit < 32))
lastDaemonBit = daemonBit;
unsigned long this_frame = params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME);
/// No semaphors, so it is possible to miss event and wait until the streamer will be re-enabled before sending message,
/// but it seems not so terrible
// No semaphores, so it is possible to miss event and wait until the streamer will be re-enabled before sending message,
// but it seems not so terrible
D(sensor_port, cerr << " lseek(fd_circbuf" << sensor_port << ", LSEEK_DAEMON_CIRCBUF+lastDaemonBit, SEEK_END)... " << endl);
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_DAEMON_CIRCBUF + lastDaemonBit, SEEK_END); ///
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_DAEMON_CIRCBUF + lastDaemonBit, SEEK_END);
D(sensor_port, cerr << "...done" << endl);
if (this_frame == params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME))
......@@ -249,14 +226,13 @@ bool Video::waitDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit) { // <0 - use default
* @brief check if this application is enabled (by appropriate bit in P_DAEMON_EN)
* @param daemonBit - bit number to accept control in P_DAEMON_EN parameter
* @brief Check if this application is enabled (by appropriate bit in P_DAEMON_EN)
* @param daemonBit bit number to accept control in P_DAEMON_EN parameter
* @return (after possible waiting) true if there was no waiting, false if there was waiting
bool Video::isDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit) { // <0 - use default
if ((daemonBit >= 0) && (daemonBit < 32))
lastDaemonBit = daemonBit;
// return((framePars[GLOBALPARS(G_THIS_FRAME) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_DAEMON_EN] & (1 << lastDaemonBit)) != 0);
return ((params->getFrameValue(P_DAEMON_EN) & (1 << lastDaemonBit)) != 0);
......@@ -265,9 +241,9 @@ bool Video::isDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit) { // <0 - use default
* @brief Return (byte) pointer to valid frame 'before' current(if current is invalid - use latest,
* wait if none are ready. Restore (or modify if had to wait) file pointer.
* fill provided frame_pars with the metadata (including the time stamp)
* @param frame_pars - pointer to a interframe parameters structure
* @param before - how many frames before current pointer is needed
* @return pointer (offset in circbuf) to the frame start
* @param frame_pars pointer to a interframe parameters structure
* @param before how many frames before current pointer is needed
* @return pointer (offset in circbuf) to the frame start
long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, long ptr_before) {
long cur_pointer, p;
......@@ -303,7 +279,7 @@ long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, lo
/// copy the interframe data (time stamps are not yet there)
// copy the interframe data (time stamps are not yet there)
long metadata_start = cur_pointer - METADATA_LEN;
if (metadata_start >= 0) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << " before=" << before << " metadata_start=" << metadata_start << endl);
......@@ -334,8 +310,6 @@ long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, lo
cerr << dec << endl;
return -1;
} else {
// cerr << hex << (metadata_start/4) << dec << endl; ///************* debug
// find location of the time stamp and copy it to the frame_pars structure
long timestamp_start = (cur_pointer) + ((jpeg_len + CCAM_MMAP_META + 3) & (~0x1f)) + 32- CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC; //! magic shift - should index first byte of the time stamp
......@@ -343,16 +317,19 @@ long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, lo
timestamp_start -= buffer_length;
memcpy(&(frame_pars->timestamp_sec), &char_buffer_ptr[timestamp_start], 8);
if (ptr_before == 0)
lseek(fd_circbuf, this_pointer, SEEK_SET); /// restore the file pointer
lseek(fd_circbuf, this_pointer, SEEK_SET); // restore the file pointer
return cur_pointer;
/// In the next function I assume that the frame pointed by current file pointer in circbuf is ready. Otherwise
/// (if it points at next frame to be acquired) we need to increase argument of getValidFrame(long before) by 1
/// get all parameters together
#define FRAMEPARS_BEFORE 0 /// Change to 1 if frames are not yet ready when these functions are called
* @brief Return description of the current video frame, i.e. current video parameters
* In the next function I assume that the frame pointed by current file pointer in circbuf is ready. Otherwise
* (if it points at next frame to be acquired) we need to increase argument of getValidFrame(long before) by 1
* get all parameters together
#define FRAMEPARS_BEFORE 0 // Change to 1 if frames are not yet ready when these functions are called
struct video_desc_t Video::get_current_desc(bool with_fps) {
struct interframe_params_t frame_pars, prev_pars;
struct video_desc_t video_desc;
......@@ -374,8 +351,6 @@ struct video_desc_t Video::get_current_desc(bool with_fps) {
video_desc.valid = true;
// video_desc.width = (used_width = frame_pars.width);
// video_desc.height = (used_height = frame_pars.height);
video_desc.width = frame_pars.width;
video_desc.height = frame_pars.height;
video_desc.quality = frame_pars.quality2;
......@@ -385,7 +360,7 @@ struct video_desc_t Video::get_current_desc(bool with_fps) {
void Video::fps(float fps) {
if (fps < 0.01)
/// currently limiting FPS only works with free running TODO: Add external trigger frequency support.
// currently limiting FPS only works with free running TODO: Add external trigger frequency support.
unsigned long write_data[6];
long target_frame = params->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME) + FRAMES_AHEAD_FPS;
write_data[0] = FRAMEPARS_SETFRAME;
......@@ -394,10 +369,8 @@ void Video::fps(float fps) {
write_data[3] = (unsigned long) fps * 1000;
write_data[4] = P_FPSFLAGS;
write_data[5] = 3;
// long rslt = write(fd_fparmsall, write_data, sizeof(write_data));
int rslt = params->write(write_data, sizeof(write_data));
if (rslt == sizeof(write_data)) { /// written OK
// lseek(fd_fparmsall, LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS + target_frame + FRAMES_SKIP_FPS, SEEK_END); /// skip frames
params->lseek(LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS + target_frame + FRAMES_SKIP_FPS, SEEK_END); /// skip frames
......@@ -419,27 +392,33 @@ unsigned long Video::get_frame_len(unsigned long offset)
return len;
/** Get interframe parameters for the frame offset given and copy them to a buffer.
/** Get interframe parameters for the frame offset given and copy them to the buffer.
* @param frame_pars buffer for interframe parameters
* @param offset starting offset of the frame in circbuf (in bytes)
* @return None
void Video::get_frame_pars(void *frame_pars, unsigned long offset)
unsigned long *ptr;
unsigned long remainder;
unsigned long pos;
if (offset >= METADATA_LEN) {
memcpy(frame_pars, &buffer_ptr[BYTE2DW(offset - METADATA_LEN)], METADATA_LEN);
ptr = &buffer_ptr[BYTE2DW(offset - METADATA_LEN)];
memcpy(frame_pars, ptr, METADATA_LEN);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Read interframe params, ptr: " << (void *)ptr << endl);
} else {
// copy the chunk from the end of the buffer
remainder = METADATA_LEN - offset;
pos = buffer_length - offset;
memcpy(frame_pars, &buffer_ptr[BYTE2DW(pos)], remainder);
ptr = &buffer_ptr[BYTE2DW(pos)];
memcpy(frame_pars, ptr, remainder);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Read interframe params (first chunk), ptr: " << (void *)ptr << endl);
// copy the chunk from the beginning of the buffer
char *dest = (char *)frame_pars + remainder;
memcpy(dest, buffer_ptr, offset);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Read interframe params (second chunk), ptr: " << (void *)buffer_ptr << endl);
......@@ -447,24 +426,26 @@ void Video::get_frame_pars(void *frame_pars, unsigned long offset)
long Video::capture(void) {
long frame_len;
struct interframe_params_t frame_pars;
// long len;
struct interframe_params_t curr_frame_params;
struct interframe_params_t *fp = &curr_frame_params;
int quality;
unsigned long latestAvailableFrame_ptr;
unsigned long frameStartByteIndex;
int before;
///Make sure the streamer is not disabled through the bit in P_DAEMON_EN
// if((framePars[pars->getGPValue(G_THIS_FRAME) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_DAEMON_EN] & (1 << lastDaemonBit)) == 0) {
// make sure the streamer is not disabled through the bit in P_DAEMON_EN
if ((params->getFrameValue(P_DAEMON_EN) & (1 << lastDaemonBit)) == 0) {
return -DAEMON_DISABLED; /// return exception (will stop the stream)
return -DAEMON_DISABLED; // return exception (will stop the stream)
frameStartByteIndex = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_TOWP, SEEK_END); /// byte index in circbuf of the frame start
frameStartByteIndex = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_TOWP, SEEK_END); // byte index in circbuf of the frame start
latestAvailableFrame_ptr = frameStartByteIndex;
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
frame_ptr = (char *) ((unsigned long) buffer_ptr + latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
frame_len = get_frame_len(latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Frame start byte index: " << frameStartByteIndex << ", Frame length " << frame_len);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Frame start byte index: " << frameStartByteIndex <<
", frame pointer: " << (void *)frame_ptr <<
", frame length: " << frame_len << endl);
// read time stamp
unsigned char *ts_ptr = (unsigned char *) ((unsigned long) frame_ptr + (long) (((frame_len + CCAM_MMAP_META + 3) & (~0x1f)) + 32 - CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC));
......@@ -475,26 +456,16 @@ long Video::capture(void) {
memcpy(&t, (void *) ts_ptr, 8);
f_tv.tv_sec = t[0];
f_tv.tv_usec = t[1];
// read Q value
struct interframe_params_t curr_frame_params;
struct interframe_params_t *fp = &curr_frame_params;
get_frame_pars(fp, latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D_FOLLOW(cerr << ", frame_pars->signffff " << fp->signffff << endl);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "fp->signffff " << fp->signffff << endl);
// See if the frame parameters are the same as were used when starting the stream,
// otherwise check for up to G_SKIP_DIFF_FRAME older frames and return them instead.
// If that number is exceeded - return exception.
// Each time the latest acquired frame is considered, so we do not need to save frame pointer additionally
if ((fp->width != used_width) || (fp->height != used_height)) {
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Looks like frame size changed, new params: h = " << fp->height << ", w = " << fp->width << endl);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "shoud be h = " << used_height << ", w = " << used_width << endl);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "latestAvailableFrame_ptr: " << latestAvailableFrame_ptr << endl);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Interframe params:" << endl);
unsigned int *iframe_data = (unsigned int *)fp;
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(struct interframe_params_t) / 4; j++)
cerr << setfill('0') << setw(2) << "0x" << hex << iframe_data[j] << " ";
cerr << dec << endl;
for (before = 1; before <= (int) params->getGPValue(G_SKIP_DIFF_FRAME); before++) {
if (((frameStartByteIndex = getFramePars(&frame_pars, before)))
&& (frame_pars.width == used_width) && (frame_pars.height == used_height)) {
......@@ -512,9 +483,7 @@ long Video::capture(void) {
f_tv.tv_sec = t[0];
f_tv.tv_usec = t[1];
//cerr << "skip frame: before == " << before << endl;
//cerr << "used_width == " << used_width << "; current_width == " << frame_pars.width << endl;
/// update interframe data pointer
// update interframe data pointer
get_frame_pars(fp, latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "frame_pars->signffff" << fp->signffff << endl);
......@@ -526,43 +495,29 @@ long Video::capture(void) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << " Waiting for the original frame size to be restored , using " << before << " frames ago" << endl);
///long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t * frame_pars, long before) {
///getGPValue(unsigned long GPNumber)
quality = fp->quality2;
if (qtables_include && quality != f_quality) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << " Updating quality tables, new quality is " << quality << endl);
lseek(fd_jpeghead, frameStartByteIndex | 2, SEEK_END); /// '||2' indicates that we need just quantization tables, not full JPEG header
lseek(fd_jpeghead, frameStartByteIndex | 2, SEEK_END); // '| 2' indicates that we need just quantization tables, not full JPEG header
read(fd_jpeghead, (void *) &qtable[0], 128);
f_quality = quality;
// check statistic
static bool first = true;
if(first) {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
first = false;
fprintf(stderr, "VIDEO first with time: %d:%06d at: %d:%06d\n", f_tv.tv_sec, f_tv.tv_usec, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
return frame_len;
long Video::process(void) {
//D(cerr << "< ";)
int _plen = 1400;
int to_send = _plen;
int _qtables_len = 128 + 4;
long frame_len = capture();
if (frame_len == 0) {
//D(cerr << "[";)
// return false;
return 0; /// now never here
return 0; // now never here
} else {
if (frame_len < 0) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << "capture returned negative" << frame_len << endl);
// return false;
return frame_len; /// attention (restart) is needed
return frame_len; // attention (restart) is needed
// check FPS decimation
......@@ -572,7 +527,6 @@ long Video::process(void) {
if (fps_scale_c >= fps_scale)
fps_scale_c = 0;
//cerr << "fps_scale == " << fps_scale << "; fps_scale_c == " << fps_scale_c << "; to_skip == " << to_skip << endl;
if (to_skip)
return 1;
......@@ -644,7 +598,7 @@ long Video::process(void) {
memcpy((void *) &h[22], (void *) &l, 2);
// update RTCP statistic
rtp_octets += packet_len + 8; // data + MJPEG header
rtp_octets += packet_len + 8; // data + MJPEG header
// send vector
vect_num = 0;
iov[vect_num].iov_base = h;
......@@ -660,7 +614,6 @@ long Video::process(void) {
} else {
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = 20;
// if ((data + packet_len) <= (unsigned char *)(buffer_ptr + BYTE2DW(buffer_length))) {
if ((data + packet_len) <= buffer_ptr_end) {
iov[vect_num].iov_base = data;
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = packet_len;
......@@ -684,7 +637,5 @@ long Video::process(void) {
offset += packet_len;
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Packets sent: " << packet_num << endl);
//D(cerr << "]";)
// return true;
return 1;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ using namespace std;
#define FRAMES_AHEAD_FPS 3 /// number of frames ahead of current to write FPS limit
#define FRAMES_SKIP_FPS 3 /// number of frames to wait after target so circbuf will have at least 2 frames with new FPS for calculation
/// structure to store current video description
/** structure to store current video description */
struct video_desc_t {
bool valid;
int width;
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ public:
Video(int port, Parameters *pars);
virtual ~Video(void);
/// return description of the current frame - i.e. current video parameters
struct video_desc_t get_current_desc(bool with_fps = true);
void fps(float);
......@@ -60,9 +59,9 @@ public:
void Stop(void);
Parameters *params;
/// Using Video class to interface global camera parameters
bool waitDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit); // <0 - use default
bool isDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit); // <0 - use default
// Using Video class to interface global camera parameters
bool waitDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit); // <0 - use default
bool isDaemonEnabled(int daemonBit); // <0 - use default
long getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t * frame_pars, long before, long ptr_before = 0);
......@@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ protected:
int f_quality;
bool qtables_include;
unsigned char qtable[128];
// struct timeval f_tv;
long buffer_length;
unsigned long *buffer_ptr;
unsigned char *buffer_ptr_end; // pointer to the end of the buffer
......@@ -84,7 +82,6 @@ protected:
int lastDaemonBit;
long capture(void);
// bool process(void);
long process(void);
unsigned long get_frame_len(unsigned long offset);
void get_frame_pars(void *frame_pars, unsigned long offset);
......@@ -93,14 +90,12 @@ protected:
long v_t_sec;
long v_t_usec;
int v_frames;
unsigned long used_width; ///frame width reported by Video::width(), used as the stream width
unsigned long used_height; /// similar to above
float used_fps; /// similar to above
unsigned long used_width; // frame width reported by Video::width(), used as the stream width
unsigned long used_height; // similar to above
float used_fps; // similar to above
int fps_scale;
int fps_scale_c; // counter for fps_scale
int fps_scale_c; // counter for fps_scale
//extern Video *video;
#endif // _VIDEO__H_
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