Commit 203b583d authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Go back to single mmap video buffer

Second mmap to the fixed address in the end of the first mmapped buffer
results in application crash. Do not use double mmapping and process
buffer roll over.
parent e7b3122e
......@@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cerr << "|" << (*it).first << "| == |" << (*it).second << "|" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
// for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
pthread_attr_t attr;
cout << "Start thread " << i << endl;
streamers[i] = new Streamer(args, i);
......@@ -420,3 +420,13 @@ bool Socket::send3v(void **v_ptr, int *v_len) {
return true;
return false;
bool Socket::send_vect(const struct iovec *iov, int num)
bool ret_val = false;
if (::writev(fd, iov, num))
ret_val = true;
return ret_val;
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public:
bool send(const string data);
bool send2v(void **v_ptr, int *v_len);
bool send3v(void **v_ptr, int *v_len);
bool send_vect(const struct iovec *iov, int num);
static int poll(list<Socket *> &s, int timeout = -1);
void listen(int in);
......@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ using namespace std;
//Video *video = NULL;
/** The length of interframe parameters in bytes */
#define METADATA_LEN 32
/** Convert byte offset to double word offset */
#define BYTE2DW(x) ((x) >> 2)
/** Convert double word offset to byte offset */
#define DW2BYTE(x) ((x) << 2)
//int fd_circbuf = 0;
//int fd_jpeghead = 0; /// to get quantization tables
......@@ -104,7 +110,7 @@ Video::Video(int port, Parameters *pars) {
sensor_port = port;
stream_name = "video";
// params = Parameters::instance();
waitDaemonEnabled(-1); /// <0 - use default
// waitDaemonEnabled(-1); /// <0 - use default
fd_circbuf = open(circbuf_file_names[sensor_port], O_RDONLY);
if (fd_circbuf < 0) {
err_msg = "can't open " + static_cast<ostringstream &>(ostringstream() << dec << sensor_port).str();
......@@ -118,12 +124,6 @@ Video::Video(int port, Parameters *pars) {
err_msg = "can't mmap " + *circbuf_file_names[sensor_port];
throw runtime_error(err_msg);
buffer_ptr_s = (unsigned long *) mmap(buffer_ptr + (buffer_length >> 2), 100 * 4096,
PROT_READ, MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, fd_circbuf, 0); /// preventing buffer rollovers
if ((int) buffer_ptr_s == -1) {
err_msg = "can't create second mmap for " + *circbuf_file_names[sensor_port];
throw runtime_error(err_msg);
/// Skip several frames if it is just booted
/// May get stuck here if compressor is off, it should be enabled externally
......@@ -162,10 +162,6 @@ Video::~Video(void) {
munmap(buffer_ptr, buffer_length);
buffer_ptr = NULL;
if (buffer_ptr_s != NULL) {
munmap(buffer_ptr_s, buffer_length);
buffer_ptr_s = NULL;
if (fd_circbuf > 0)
if (fd_jpeghead > 0)
......@@ -267,41 +263,54 @@ long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, lo
long this_pointer = 0;
if (ptr_before > 0) {
/// if we need some before frame, we should set pointer to saved one (saved with before == 0)
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, ptr_before, SEEK_SET); /// restore the file pointer
// if we need some before frame, we should set pointer to saved one (saved with before == 0)
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, ptr_before, SEEK_SET); // restore the file pointer
if (ptr_before < 0) {
/// otherwise, set pointer to the actual frame
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_TOWP, SEEK_END); /// byte index in circbuf of the frame start
// otherwise, set pointer to the actual frame
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_TOWP, SEEK_END); // byte index in circbuf of the frame start
if (ptr_before == 0)
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, 0, SEEK_CUR); /// save orifinal file pointer
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, 0, SEEK_CUR); // save original file pointer
char *char_buffer_ptr = (char *) buffer_ptr;
if (lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_VALID, SEEK_END) < 0) { /// Invalid frame - reset to the latest acquired
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_LAST, SEEK_END); /// Last acquired frame (may be not yet available if none are)
if (lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_VALID, SEEK_END) < 0) { // Invalid frame - reset to the latest acquired
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_LAST, SEEK_END); // Last acquired frame (may be not yet available if none are)
cur_pointer = this_pointer;
if (before == 0)
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
while (before && (((p = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_PREV, SEEK_END))) >= 0)) { /// try to get earlier valid frame
while (before && (((p = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_PREV, SEEK_END))) >= 0)) { // try to get earlier valid frame
cur_pointer = p;
/// if 'before' is still >0 - not enough frames acquired, wait for more
// if 'before' is still >0 - not enough frames acquired, wait for more
while (before > 0) {
lseek(fd_circbuf, this_pointer, SEEK_SET);
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
this_pointer = lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_NEXT, SEEK_END);
long metadata_start = cur_pointer - 32;
if (metadata_start < 0)
/// copy the interframe data (time stamps are not yet there)
long metadata_start = cur_pointer - METADATA_LEN;
if (metadata_start >= 0) {
D(sensor_port, cerr << " before=" << before << " metadata_start=" << metadata_start << endl);
memcpy(frame_pars, &char_buffer_ptr[metadata_start], METADATA_LEN);
} else {
// matadata rolls over the end of the buffer and we need to copy both chunks
size_t meta_len_first = METADATA_LEN - cur_pointer;
metadata_start += buffer_length;
/// copy the interframe data (timestamps are not yet there)
D(sensor_port, cerr << " before=" << before << " metadata_start=" << metadata_start << endl);
memcpy(frame_pars, &char_buffer_ptr[metadata_start], 32);
long jpeg_len = frame_pars->frame_length; //! frame_pars->frame_length is now the length of bitstream
memcpy(frame_pars, &char_buffer_ptr[metadata_start], meta_len_first);
D(sensor_port, cerr << "metadata rolls over: metadata_start = " << metadata_start << "first chunk len = " << meta_len_first);
size_t meta_len_second = METADATA_LEN - meta_len_first;
char *dest = (char *)frame_pars;
memcpy(&dest[meta_len_first], char_buffer_ptr, meta_len_second);
D(sensor_port, cerr << ", second chunk len = " << meta_len_second << endl);
long jpeg_len = frame_pars->frame_length; // frame_pars->frame_length is now the length of bitstream
if (frame_pars->signffff != 0xffff) {
cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__
<< " Wrong signature in getFramePars() (broken frame), frame_pars->signffff="
......@@ -309,7 +318,6 @@ long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, lo
int i;
long * dd = (long *) frame_pars;
cerr << hex << (metadata_start / 4) << ": ";
// for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
cerr << hex << dd[i] << " ";
......@@ -318,15 +326,14 @@ long Video::getFramePars(struct interframe_params_t *frame_pars, long before, lo
} else {
// cerr << hex << (metadata_start/4) << dec << endl; ///************* debug
/// find location of the timestamp and copy it to the frame_pars structure
// find location of the time stamp and copy it to the frame_pars structure
long timestamp_start = (cur_pointer) + ((jpeg_len + CCAM_MMAP_META + 3) & (~0x1f)) + 32- CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC; //! magic shift - should index first byte of the time stamp
if (timestamp_start >= buffer_length)
timestamp_start -= buffer_length;
memcpy(&(frame_pars->timestamp_sec), &char_buffer_ptr[timestamp_start], 8);
if (ptr_before == 0)
lseek(fd_circbuf, this_pointer, SEEK_SET); /// restore the file pointer
//D(cerr << __FILE__<< ":"<< __FUNCTION__ << ":" <<__LINE__ << " this_pointer=" << this_pointer << " cur_pointer=" << cur_pointer << endl;)
return cur_pointer;
......@@ -384,6 +391,47 @@ void Video::fps(float fps) {
/** Get frame length in bytes.
* @param offset byte offset of a frame in cirbuf
* @return The length of the frame in bytes
unsigned long Video::get_frame_len(unsigned long offset)
unsigned long len;
long long len_offset = BYTE2DW(offset) - 1;
if (len_offset < 0) {
len_offset = BYTE2DW(buffer_length - offset) - 1;
len = buffer_ptr[len_offset];
return len;
/** Get interframe parameters for the frame offset given and copy them to a buffer.
* @param frame_pars buffer for interframe parameters
* @param offset starting offset of the frame in circbuf (in bytes)
* @return None
void Video::get_frame_pars(void *frame_pars, unsigned long offset)
unsigned long remainder;
unsigned long pos;
if (offset >= METADATA_LEN) {
memcpy(frame_pars, &buffer_ptr[BYTE2DW(offset - METADATA_LEN)], METADATA_LEN);
} else {
// copy the chunk from the end of the buffer
remainder = METADATA_LEN - offset;
pos = buffer_length - offset;
memcpy(frame_pars, &buffer_ptr[BYTE2DW(pos)], remainder);
// copy the chunk from the beginning of the buffer
char *dest = (char *)frame_pars + remainder;
memcpy(dest, buffer_ptr, offset);
long Video::capture(void) {
long frame_len;
......@@ -404,39 +452,37 @@ long Video::capture(void) {
lseek(fd_circbuf, LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
frame_ptr = (char *) ((unsigned long) buffer_ptr + latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
//fprintf(stderr, "frame_ptr == %08X; ", frame_ptr);
if (latestAvailableFrame_ptr < 32)
latestAvailableFrame_ptr += buffer_length;
latestAvailableFrame_ptr >>= 2;
frame_len = buffer_ptr[latestAvailableFrame_ptr - 1];
// read timestamp
frame_len = get_frame_len(latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Frame length " << frame_len << endl);
// read time stamp
char *ts_ptr = (char *) ((unsigned long) frame_ptr + (long) (((frame_len + CCAM_MMAP_META + 3) & (~0x1f)) + 32 - CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC));
unsigned long t[2];
memcpy(&t, (void *) ts_ptr, 8);
f_tv.tv_sec = t[0];
f_tv.tv_usec = t[1];
// read Q value
char *meta = (char *) frame_ptr;
meta -= 32;
if (meta < (char *) buffer_ptr)
meta += buffer_length;
struct interframe_params_t *fp = (struct interframe_params_t *) meta;
/// See if the frame parameters are the same as used when starting the stream,
/// Otherwise check for up to G_SKIP_DIFF_FRAME older frames and return them instead,
/// If that number is exceeded - return exception
/// Each time the latest acquired frame is considered, so we do not need to save frmae poointer additionally
struct interframe_params_t curr_frame_params;
struct interframe_params_t *fp = &curr_frame_params;
get_frame_pars(fp, latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "frame_pars->signffff " << fp->signffff << endl);
// See if the frame parameters are the same as were used when starting the stream,
// otherwise check for up to G_SKIP_DIFF_FRAME older frames and return them instead.
// If that number is exceeded - return exception.
// Each time the latest acquired frame is considered, so we do not need to save frame pointer additionally
if ((fp->width != used_width) || (fp->height != used_height)) {
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Looks like frame size changed, new params: h = " << fp->height << ", w = " << fp->width << endl);
for (before = 1; before <= (int) params->getGPValue(G_SKIP_DIFF_FRAME); before++) {
if (((frameStartByteIndex = getFramePars(&frame_pars, before)))
&& (frame_pars.width == used_width) && (frame_pars.height == used_height)) {
/// substitute older frame instead of the latest one. Leave wrong timestamp?
/// copying code above (may need some cleanup). Maybe - just move earlier so there will be no code duplication?
// substitute older frame instead of the latest one. Leave wrong timestamp?
// copying code above (may need some cleanup). Maybe - just move earlier so there will be no code duplication?
latestAvailableFrame_ptr = frameStartByteIndex;
frame_ptr = (char *) ((unsigned long) buffer_ptr + latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
if (latestAvailableFrame_ptr < 32)
latestAvailableFrame_ptr += buffer_length;
latestAvailableFrame_ptr >>= 2;
frame_len = buffer_ptr[latestAvailableFrame_ptr - 1];
frame_len = get_frame_len(latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Frame length " << frame_len << endl);
/// read timestamp
ts_ptr = (char *)((unsigned long)frame_ptr + (long)(((frame_len + CCAM_MMAP_META + 3) & (~0x1f)) + 32 - CCAM_MMAP_META_SEC));
......@@ -447,12 +493,8 @@ long Video::capture(void) {
//cerr << "skip frame: before == " << before << endl;
//cerr << "used_width == " << used_width << "; current_width == " << frame_pars.width << endl;
/// update interframe data pointer
// char *meta = (char *)frame_ptr;
meta = (char *) frame_ptr;
meta -= 32;
if (meta < (char *) buffer_ptr)
meta += buffer_length;
fp = (struct interframe_params_t *) meta;
get_frame_pars(fp, latestAvailableFrame_ptr);
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "frame_pars->signffff" << fp->signffff << endl);
......@@ -532,6 +574,8 @@ long Video::process(void) {
long offset = 0;
void *v_ptr[4];
int v_len[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
struct iovec iov[4];
int vect_num;
bool first = true;
while (to_send_len && _play) {
unsigned long pnum = htons(packet_num);
......@@ -581,34 +625,43 @@ long Video::process(void) {
rtp_octets += packet_len + 8; // data + MJPEG header
// send vector
vect_num = 0;
iov[vect_num].iov_base = h;
if (first) {
v_ptr[0] = h;
if (qtables_include) {
v_len[0] = 24;
v_ptr[1] = qtable;
v_len[1] = 128;
v_ptr[2] = data;
v_len[2] = packet_len;
rtp_socket->send3v(&v_ptr[0], &v_len[0]);
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = 24;
iov[vect_num].iov_base = qtable;
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = 128;
} else {
v_len[0] = 20;
v_ptr[1] = data;
v_len[1] = packet_len;
rtp_socket->send2v(&v_ptr[0], &v_len[0]);
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = 20;
first = false;
} else {
v_ptr[0] = h;
v_len[0] = 20;
v_ptr[1] = data;
v_len[1] = packet_len;
rtp_socket->send2v(&v_ptr[0], &v_len[0]);
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = 20;
// --==--
if ((data + packet_len) <= (unsigned char *)(buffer_ptr + BYTE2DW(buffer_length))) {
iov[vect_num].iov_base = data;
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = packet_len;
data += packet_len;
} else {
// current packet rolls over the end of the buffer, split it and set data pointer to the buffer start
int overshoot = (data + packet_len) - (unsigned char *)(buffer_ptr + BYTE2DW(buffer_length));
int packet_len_first = packet_len - overshoot;
iov[vect_num].iov_base = data;
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = packet_len_first;
iov[vect_num].iov_base = buffer_ptr;
iov[vect_num++].iov_len = overshoot;
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Current data packet rolls over the buffer, overshoot: " << overshoot <<
", packet_len_first: " << packet_len_first << endl);
data = (unsigned char *)buffer_ptr + overshoot;
rtp_socket->send_vect(iov, vect_num);
data += packet_len;
offset += packet_len;
D3(sensor_port, cerr << "Packets sent: " << packet_num << endl);
//D(cerr << "]";)
// return true;
return 1;
......@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ protected:
// struct timeval f_tv;
long buffer_length;
unsigned long *buffer_ptr;
unsigned long *buffer_ptr_s; /// Second copy of the circbuf just after the end of the first to prevent rollovers
void *frame_ptr;
int fd_circbuf;
int fd_jpeghead;
......@@ -85,6 +84,8 @@ protected:
long capture(void);
// bool process(void);
long process(void);
unsigned long get_frame_len(unsigned long offset);
void get_frame_pars(void *frame_pars, unsigned long offset);
// for statistic
long v_t_sec;
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