"function readInt($file)\n" "{\n" " $b1 = ord(fgetc($file)); $b2 = ord(fgetc($file));\n" " $b3 = ord(fgetc($file)); $b4 = ord(fgetc($file));\n" " return ($b1<<24)|($b2<<16)|($b3<<8)|$b4;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function readString($file)\n" "{\n" " $result=\"\";\n" " while (ord($c=fgetc($file))) $result.=$c;\n" " return $result;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function readHeader($file)\n" "{\n" " $header =fgetc($file); $header.=fgetc($file);\n" " $header.=fgetc($file); $header.=fgetc($file);\n" " return $header;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function computeIndex($word)\n" "{\n" " if (strlen($word)<2) return -1;\n" " // high char of the index\n" " $hi = ord($word{0});\n" " if ($hi==0) return -1;\n" " // low char of the index\n" " $lo = ord($word{1});\n" " if ($lo==0) return -1;\n" " // return index\n" " return $hi*256+$lo;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function search($file,$word,&$statsList)\n" "{\n" " $index = computeIndex($word);\n" " if ($index!=-1) // found a valid index\n" " {\n" " fseek($file,$index*4+4); // 4 bytes per entry, skip header\n" " $index = readInt($file);\n" " if ($index) // found words matching first two characters\n" " {\n" " $start=sizeof($statsList);\n" " $count=$start;\n" " fseek($file,$index);\n" " $w = readString($file);\n" " while ($w)\n" " {\n" " $statIdx = readInt($file);\n" " if ($word==substr($w,0,strlen($word)))\n" " { // found word that matches (as substring)\n" " $statsList[$count++]=array(\n" " \"word\"=>$word,\n" " \"match\"=>$w,\n" " \"index\"=>$statIdx,\n" " \"full\"=>strlen($w)==strlen($word),\n" " \"docs\"=>array()\n" " );\n" " }\n" " $w = readString($file);\n" " }\n" " $totalFreq=0;\n" " for ($count=$start;$count<sizeof($statsList);$count++)\n" " {\n" " $statInfo = &$statsList[$count];\n" " fseek($file,$statInfo[\"index\"]); \n" " $numDocs = readInt($file);\n" " $docInfo = array();\n" " // read docs info + occurrence frequency of the word\n" " for ($i=0;$i<$numDocs;$i++)\n" " {\n" " $idx=readInt($file); \n" " $freq=readInt($file); \n" " $docInfo[$i]=array(\"idx\"=>$idx,\"freq\"=>$freq,\"rank\"=>0.0);\n" " $totalFreq+=$freq;\n" " if ($statInfo[\"full\"]) $totalFreq+=$freq;\n" " }\n" " // read name an url info for the doc\n" " for ($i=0;$i<$numDocs;$i++)\n" " {\n" " fseek($file,$docInfo[$i][\"idx\"]);\n" " $docInfo[$i][\"name\"]=readString($file);\n" " $docInfo[$i][\"url\"]=readString($file);\n" " }\n" " $statInfo[\"docs\"]=$docInfo;\n" " }\n" " for ($count=$start;$count<sizeof($statsList);$count++)\n" " {\n" " $statInfo = &$statsList[$count];\n" " for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($statInfo[\"docs\"]);$i++)\n" " {\n" " $docInfo = &$statInfo[\"docs\"];\n" " // compute frequency rank of the word in each doc\n" " $statInfo[\"docs\"][$i][\"rank\"]=\n" " (float)$docInfo[$i][\"freq\"]/$totalFreq;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " return $statsList;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function combine_results($results,&$docs)\n" "{\n" " foreach ($results as $wordInfo)\n" " {\n" " $docsList = &$wordInfo[\"docs\"];\n" " foreach ($docsList as $di)\n" " {\n" " $key=$di[\"url\"];\n" " $rank=$di[\"rank\"];\n" " if (in_array($key, array_keys($docs)))\n" " {\n" " $docs[$key][\"rank\"]+=$rank;\n" " $docs[$key][\"rank\"]*=2; // multiple matches increases rank \n" " }\n" " else\n" " {\n" " $docs[$key] = array(\"url\"=>$key,\n" " \"name\"=>$di[\"name\"],\n" " \"rank\"=>$rank\n" " );\n" " }\n" " $docs[$key][\"words\"][] = array(\n" " \"word\"=>$wordInfo[\"word\"],\n" " \"match\"=>$wordInfo[\"match\"],\n" " \"freq\"=>$di[\"freq\"]\n" " );\n" " }\n" " }\n" " return $docs;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function normalize_ranking(&$docs)\n" "{\n" " $maxRank = 0.0000001;\n" " // compute maximal rank\n" " foreach ($docs as $doc) \n" " {\n" " if ($doc[\"rank\"]>$maxRank)\n" " {\n" " $maxRank=$doc[\"rank\"];\n" " }\n" " }\n" " reset($docs);\n" " // normalize rankings\n" " while (list ($key, $val) = each ($docs)) \n" " {\n" " $docs[$key][\"rank\"]*=100/$maxRank;\n" " }\n" "}\n" "\n" "function filter_results($docs,&$requiredWords,&$forbiddenWords)\n" "{\n" " $filteredDocs=array();\n" " while (list ($key, $val) = each ($docs)) \n" " {\n" " $words = &$docs[$key][\"words\"];\n" " $copy=1; // copy entry by default\n" " if (sizeof($requiredWords)>0)\n" " {\n" " foreach ($requiredWords as $reqWord)\n" " {\n" " $found=0;\n" " foreach ($words as $wordInfo)\n" " { \n" " $found = $wordInfo[\"word\"]==$reqWord;\n" " if ($found) break;\n" " }\n" " if (!$found) \n" " {\n" " $copy=0; // document contains none of the required words\n" " break;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " if (sizeof($forbiddenWords)>0)\n" " {\n" " foreach ($words as $wordInfo)\n" " {\n" " if (in_array($wordInfo[\"word\"],$forbiddenWords))\n" " {\n" " $copy=0; // document contains a forbidden word\n" " break;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " if ($copy) $filteredDocs[$key]=$docs[$key];\n" " }\n" " return $filteredDocs;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function compare_rank($a,$b)\n" "{\n" " if ($a[\"rank\"] == $b[\"rank\"]) \n" " {\n" " return 0;\n" " }\n" " return ($a[\"rank\"]>$b[\"rank\"]) ? -1 : 1; \n" "}\n" "\n" "function sort_results($docs,&$sorted)\n" "{\n" " $sorted = $docs;\n" " usort($sorted,\"compare_rank\");\n" " return $sorted;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function report_results(&$docs)\n" "{\n" " echo \"<table cellspacing=\\\"2\\\">\\n\";\n" " echo \" <tr>\\n\";\n" " echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><h2>\".search_results().\"</h2></td>\\n\";\n" " echo \" </tr>\\n\";\n" " $numDocs = sizeof($docs);\n" " if ($numDocs==0)\n" " {\n" " echo \" <tr>\\n\";\n" " echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\">\".matches_text(0).\"</td>\\n\";\n" " echo \" </tr>\\n\";\n" " }\n" " else\n" " {\n" " echo \" <tr>\\n\";\n" " echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\">\".matches_text($numDocs);\n" " echo \"\\n\";\n" " echo \" </td>\\n\";\n" " echo \" </tr>\\n\";\n" " $num=1;\n" " foreach ($docs as $doc)\n" " {\n" " echo \" <tr>\\n\";\n" " echo \" <td align=\\\"right\\\">$num.</td>\";\n" " echo \"<td><a class=\\\"el\\\" href=\\\"\".$doc[\"url\"].\"\\\">\".$doc[\"name\"].\"</a></td>\\n\";\n" " echo \" <tr>\\n\";\n" " echo \" <td></td><td class=\\\"tiny\\\">\".report_matches().\" \";\n" " foreach ($doc[\"words\"] as $wordInfo)\n" " {\n" " $word = $wordInfo[\"word\"];\n" " $matchRight = substr($wordInfo[\"match\"],strlen($word));\n" " echo \"<b>$word</b>$matchRight(\".$wordInfo[\"freq\"].\") \";\n" " }\n" " echo \" </td>\\n\";\n" " echo \" </tr>\\n\";\n" " $num++;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " echo \"</table>\\n\";\n" "}\n" "\n" "function main()\n" "{\n" " if(strcmp('4.1.0', phpversion()) > 0) \n" " {\n" " die(\"Error: PHP version 4.1.0 or above required!\");\n" " }\n" " if (!($file=fopen(\"search.idx\",\"rb\"))) \n" " {\n" " die(\"Error: Search index file could NOT be opened!\");\n" " }\n" " if (readHeader($file)!=\"DOXS\")\n" " {\n" " die(\"Error: Header of index file is invalid!\");\n" " }\n" " $query=\"\";\n" " if (array_key_exists(\"query\", $_GET))\n" " {\n" " $query=$_GET[\"query\"];\n" " }\n" " echo \"<input class=\\\"search\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"query\\\" value=\\\"$query\\\" size=\\\"20\\\" accesskey=\\\"s\\\"/>\\n\";\n" " echo \"</span>\\n\";\n" " echo \"</form>\\n\";\n" " echo \"</div>\\n\";\n" " $results = array();\n" " $requiredWords = array();\n" " $forbiddenWords = array();\n" " $foundWords = array();\n" " $word=strtok($query,\" \");\n" " while ($word) // for each word in the search query\n" " {\n" " if (($word{0}=='+')) { $word=substr($word,1); $requiredWords[]=$word; }\n" " if (($word{0}=='-')) { $word=substr($word,1); $forbiddenWords[]=$word; }\n" " if (!in_array($word,$foundWords))\n" " {\n" " $foundWords[]=$word;\n" " search($file,$word,$results);\n" " }\n" " $word=strtok(\" \");\n" " }\n" " $docs = array();\n" " combine_results($results,$docs);\n" " // filter out documents with forbidden word or that do not contain\n" " // required words\n" " $filteredDocs = filter_results($docs,$requiredWords,$forbiddenWords);\n" " // normalize rankings so they are in the range [0-100]\n" " normalize_ranking($filteredDocs);\n" " // sort the results based on rank\n" " $sorted = array();\n" " sort_results($filteredDocs,$sorted);\n" " // report results to the user\n" " report_results($sorted);\n" " fclose($file);\n" "}\n" "\n" "main();\n" "\n"