# python script to generate configoptions.cpp and config.doc from config.xml
# Copyright (C) 1997-2013 by Dimitri van Heesch.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
# granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
# for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
# input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
import xml.dom.minidom
import sys
import re
import textwrap
from xml.dom import minidom, Node

def transformDocs(doc):
	# join lines, unless it is an empty line
	# remove doxygen layout constructs
	doc = doc.strip()
	doc = doc.replace("\n", " ")
	doc = doc.replace("\r", " ")
	doc = doc.replace("\t", " ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\&", "&")
	doc = doc.replace("\\c ", " ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\b ", " ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\e ", " ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\$", "$")
	doc = doc.replace("\\#include ", "#include ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\#undef ", "#undef ")
	doc = doc.replace("-# ", "\n - ")
	doc = doc.replace(" - ", "\n - ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\sa", "\nSee also: ")
	doc = doc.replace("\\par", "\n")
	doc = doc.replace("@note", "\nNote:")
	doc = doc.replace("\\note", "\nNote:")
	doc = doc.replace("\\verbatim", "\n")
	doc = doc.replace("\\endverbatim", "\n")
	doc = doc.replace("<code>", "")
	doc = doc.replace("</code>", "")
	doc = doc.replace("`", "")
	doc = doc.replace("\\<", "<")
	doc = doc.replace("\\>", ">")
	doc = doc.replace("\\@", "@")
	doc = doc.replace("\\\\", "\\")
	# \ref name "description" -> description
	doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +[^ ]* +"([^"]*)"', '\\1', doc)
	# \ref specials
	# \ref <key> -> description
	doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +doxygen_usage', '"Doxygen usage"', doc)
	doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +extsearch', '"External Indexing and Searching"',
	doc = re.sub('\\\\ref +external', '"Linking to external documentation"',
	# fallback for not handled
	doc = re.sub('\\\\ref', '', doc)
	#<a href="address">description</a> -> description (see: address)
	doc = re.sub('<a +href="([^"]*)" *>([^<]*)</a>', '\\2 (see: \\1)', doc)
	# LaTeX name as formula -> LaTeX
	doc = doc.replace("\\f$\\mbox{\\LaTeX}\\f$", "LaTeX")
	# Other forula's (now just 2) so explicitely mentioned.
	doc = doc.replace("\\f$2^{(16+\\mbox{LOOKUP\\_CACHE\\_SIZE})}\\f$",
	doc = doc.replace("\\f$2^{16} = 65536\\f$", "2^16=65536")
	# remove consecutive spaces
	doc = re.sub(" +", " ", doc)
	# a dirty trick to get an extra empty line in Doxyfile documentation.
	# <br> will be removed later on again, we need it here otherwise splitlines
	# will filter the extra line.
	doc = doc.replace("<br>", "\n<br>\n")
	# a dirty trick to go to the next line in Doxyfile documentation.
	# <br/> will be removed later on again, we need it here otherwise splitlines
	# will filter the line break.
	doc = doc.replace("<br/>", "\n<br/>\n")
	doc = doc.splitlines()
	split_doc = []
	for line in doc:
		split_doc += textwrap.wrap(line, 78)
	# replace \ by \\, replace " by \", and '  ' by a newline with end string
	# and start string at next line
	docC = []
	for line in split_doc:
		if (line.strip() != "<br/>"):
			docC.append(line.strip().replace('\\', '\\\\').
					replace('"', '\\"').replace("<br>", ""))
	return docC

def collectValues(node):
	values = []
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if (n.nodeName == "value"):
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if n.getAttribute('name') != "":
					if n.getAttribute('show_docu') != "NO":
						name = "<code>" + n.getAttribute('name') + "</code>"
						desc = n.getAttribute('desc')
						if (desc != ""):
							name += " " + desc
	return values

def addValues(var, node):
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if (n.nodeName == "value"):
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				name = n.getAttribute('name')
				print "  %s->addValue(\"%s\");" % (var, name)

def parseHeader(node,objName):
	doc = ""
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
			if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
				if (n.getAttribute('doxyfile') != "0"):
					doc += parseDocs(n)
	docC = transformDocs(doc)
	print "  %s->setHeader(" % (objName)
	rng = len(docC)
	for i in range(rng):
		line = docC[i]
		if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
			print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
			print "              \"%s\"" % (line)
	print "             );"

def prepCDocs(node):
	type = node.getAttribute('type')
	format = node.getAttribute('format')
	defval = node.getAttribute('defval')
	adefval = node.getAttribute('altdefval')
	doc = "";
	if (type != 'obsolete'):
		for n in node.childNodes:
			if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
				if (n.getAttribute('doxyfile') != "0"):
					if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
						doc += parseDocs(n)
		if (type == 'enum'):
			values = collectValues(node)
			doc += "<br/>Possible values are: "
			rng = len(values)
			for i in range(rng):
				val = values[i]
				if i == rng - 2:
					doc += "%s and " % (val)
				elif i == rng - 1:
					doc += "%s." % (val)
					doc += "%s, " % (val)
			if (defval != ""):
				doc += "<br/>The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (defval)
		elif (type == 'int'):
			minval = node.getAttribute('minval')
			maxval = node.getAttribute('maxval')
			doc += "<br/>%s: %s, %s: %s, %s: %s." % (" Minimum value", minval, 
					 "maximum value", maxval,
					 "default value", defval)
		elif (type == 'bool'):
			if (node.hasAttribute('altdefval')):
			  doc += "<br/>%s: %s." % ("The default value is", "system dependent")
			  doc += "<br/>%s: %s." % ("The default value is", "YES" if (defval == "1") else "NO")
		elif (type == 'list'):
			if format == 'string':
				values = collectValues(node)
				rng = len(values)
				for i in range(rng):
					val = values[i]
					if i == rng - 2:
						doc += "%s and " % (val)
					elif i == rng - 1:
						doc += "%s." % (val)
						doc += "%s, " % (val)
		elif (type == 'string'):
			if format == 'dir':
				if defval != '':
					doc += "<br/>The default directory is: <code>%s</code>." % (
			elif format == 'file':
				abspath = node.getAttribute('abspath')
				if defval != '':
					if abspath != '1':
						doc += "<br/>The default file is: <code>%s</code>." % (
						doc += "<br/>%s: %s%s%s." % (
							"The default file (with absolute path) is",
					if abspath == '1':
						doc += "<br/>The file has to be specified with full path."
			else: # format == 'string':
				if defval != '':
					doc += "<br/>The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (
		# depends handling
		if (node.hasAttribute('depends')):
			depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
			doc += "<br/>%s \\ref cfg_%s \"%s\" is set to \\c YES." % (
				"This tag requires that the tag", depends.lower(), depends.upper())

	docC = transformDocs(doc)
	return docC;

def parseOption(node):
	# Handling part for Doxyfile
	name = node.getAttribute('id')
	type = node.getAttribute('type')
	format = node.getAttribute('format')
	defval = node.getAttribute('defval')
	adefval = node.getAttribute('altdefval')
	depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
	setting = node.getAttribute('setting')
	docC = prepCDocs(node);
	if len(setting) > 0:
		print "#if %s" % (setting)
	print "  //----"
	if type == 'bool':
		if len(adefval) > 0:
			enabled = adefval
		elif defval == '1':
			enabled = "TRUE"
			enabled = "FALSE"
		print "  cb = cfg->addBool("
		print "             \"%s\"," % (name)
		rng = len(docC)
		for i in range(rng):
			line = docC[i]
			if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
				print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
				print "              \"%s\"," % (line)
		print "              %s" % (enabled)
		print "             );"
		if depends != '':
			print "  cb->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends)
	elif type == 'string':
		print "  cs = cfg->addString("
		print "              \"%s\"," % (name)
		rng = len(docC)
		for i in range(rng):
			line = docC[i]
			if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
				print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
				print "              \"%s\"" % (line)
		print "             );"
		if defval != '':
			print "  cs->setDefaultValue(\"%s\");" % (defval)
		if format == 'file':
			print "  cs->setWidgetType(ConfigString::File);"
		elif format == 'dir':
			print "  cs->setWidgetType(ConfigString::Dir);"
		if depends != '':
			print "  cs->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends)
	elif type == 'enum':
		print "  ce = cfg->addEnum("
		print "              \"%s\"," % (name)
		rng = len(docC)
		for i in range(rng):
			line = docC[i]
			if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
				print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
				print "              \"%s\"," % (line)
		print "              \"%s\"" % (defval)
		print "             );"
		addValues("ce", node)
		if depends != '':
			print "  ce->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends)
	elif type == 'int':
		minval = node.getAttribute('minval')
		maxval = node.getAttribute('maxval')
		print "  ci = cfg->addInt("
		print "              \"%s\"," % (name)
		rng = len(docC)
		for i in range(rng):
			line = docC[i]
			if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
				print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
				print "              \"%s\"," % (line)
		print "              %s,%s,%s" % (minval, maxval, defval)
		print "             );"
		if depends != '':
			print "  ci->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends)
	elif type == 'list':
		print "  cl = cfg->addList("
		print "              \"%s\"," % (name)
		rng = len(docC)
		for i in range(rng):
			line = docC[i]
			if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
				print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
				print "              \"%s\"" % (line)
		print "             );"
		addValues("cl", node)
		if depends != '':
			print "  cl->addDependency(\"%s\");" % (depends)
		if format == 'file':
			print "  cl->setWidgetType(ConfigList::File);"
		elif format == 'dir':
			print "  cl->setWidgetType(ConfigList::Dir);"
		elif format == 'filedir':
			print "  cl->setWidgetType(ConfigList::FileAndDir);"
	elif type == 'obsolete':
		print "  cfg->addObsolete(\"%s\");" % (name)
	if len(setting) > 0:
		print "#else"
		print "  cfg->addDisabled(\"%s\");" % (name)
		print "#endif"

def parseGroups(node):
	name = node.getAttribute('name')
	doc = node.getAttribute('docs')
	print "%s%s" % ("  //-----------------------------------------",
	print "  cfg->addInfo(\"%s\",\"%s\");" % (name, doc)
	print "%s%s" % ("  //-----------------------------------------",
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:

def parseGroupCDocs(node):
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
			type = n.getAttribute('type')
			name = n.getAttribute('id')
			docC = prepCDocs(n);
			if type != 'obsolete':
				print "  doc->add("
				print "              \"%s\"," % (name)
				rng = len(docC)
				for i in range(rng):
					line = docC[i]
					if i != rng - 1:  # since we go from 0 to rng-1
						print "              \"%s\\n\"" % (line)
						print "              \"%s\"" % (line)
				print "          );"

def parseOptionDoc(node, first):
	# Handling part for documentation
	name = node.getAttribute('id')
	type = node.getAttribute('type')
	format = node.getAttribute('format')
	defval = node.getAttribute('defval')
	adefval = node.getAttribute('altdefval')
	depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
	setting = node.getAttribute('setting')
	doc = ""
	if (type != 'obsolete'):
		for n in node.childNodes:
			if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
				if (n.getAttribute('documentation') != "0"):
					if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
						doc += parseDocs(n)
		if (first):
			print " \\anchor cfg_%s" % (name.lower())
			print "<dl>"
			print ""
			print "<dt>\\c %s <dd>" % (name)
			print " \\anchor cfg_%s" % (name.lower())
			print "<dt>\\c %s <dd>" % (name)
		print " \\addindex %s" % (name)
		print doc
		if (type == 'enum'):
			values = collectValues(node)
			print ""
			print "Possible values are: "
			rng = len(values)
			for i in range(rng):
				val = values[i]
				if i == rng - 2:
					print "%s and " % (val)
				elif i == rng - 1:
					print "%s." % (val)
					print "%s, " % (val)
			if (defval != ""):
				print ""
				print ""
				print "The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (defval)
			print ""
		elif (type == 'int'):
			minval = node.getAttribute('minval')
			maxval = node.getAttribute('maxval')
			print ""
			print ""
			print "%s: %s%s%s, %s: %s%s%s, %s: %s%s%s." % (
					 " Minimum value", "<code>", minval, "</code>", 
					 "maximum value", "<code>", maxval, "</code>",
					 "default value", "<code>", defval, "</code>")
			print ""
		elif (type == 'bool'):
			print ""
			print ""
			if (node.hasAttribute('altdefval')):
				print "The default value is: system dependent."
				print "The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (
					"YES" if (defval == "1") else "NO")
			print ""
		elif (type == 'list'):
			if format == 'string':
				values = collectValues(node)
				rng = len(values)
				for i in range(rng):
					val = values[i]
					if i == rng - 2:
						print "%s and " % (val)
					elif i == rng - 1:
						print "%s." % (val)
						print "%s, " % (val)
			print ""
		elif (type == 'string'):
			if format == 'dir':
				if defval != '':
					print ""
					print "The default directory is: <code>%s</code>." % (
			elif format == 'file':
				abspath = node.getAttribute('abspath')
				if defval != '':
					print ""
					if abspath != '1':
						print "The default file is: <code>%s</code>." % (
						print "%s: %s%s%s." % (
							"The default file (with absolute path) is",
					if abspath == '1':
						print ""
						print "The file has to be specified with full path."
			else: # format == 'string':
				if defval != '':
					print ""
					print "The default value is: <code>%s</code>." % (
			print ""
		# depends handling
		if (node.hasAttribute('depends')):
			depends = node.getAttribute('depends')
			print ""
			print "%s \\ref cfg_%s \"%s\" is set to \\c YES." % (
				"This tag requires that the tag", depends.lower(), depends.upper())
		return False

def parseGroupsDoc(node):
	name = node.getAttribute('name')
	doc = node.getAttribute('docs')
	print "\section config_%s %s" % (name.lower(), doc)
	# Start of list has been moved to the first option for better
	# anchor placement
	#  print "<dl>"
	#  print ""
	first = True
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
			first = parseOptionDoc(n, first)
	if (not first):
		print "</dl>"

def parseGroupsList(node, commandsList):
	list = ()
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
			type = n.getAttribute('type')
			if type != 'obsolete':
				commandsList = commandsList + (n.getAttribute('id'),)
	return commandsList

def parseDocs(node):
	doc = ""
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
			doc += n.nodeValue.strip()
		if n.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
			doc += n.nodeValue.rstrip("\r\n ").lstrip("\r\n")
	#doc += "<br>"
	return doc

def parseHeaderDoc(node):
	doc = ""
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
			if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
				if (n.getAttribute('documentation') != "0"):
					doc += parseDocs(n)
	print doc

def parseFooterDoc(node):
	doc = ""
	for n in node.childNodes:
		if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
			if (n.nodeName == "docs"):
				if (n.getAttribute('documentation') != "0"):
					doc += parseDocs(n)
	print doc

def main():
	if len(sys.argv)<3 or (not sys.argv[1] in ['-doc','-cpp','-wiz']):
		sys.exit('Usage: %s -doc|-cpp|-wiz config.xml' % sys.argv[0])
		doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(sys.argv[2])
	except Exception as inst:
		print >> sys.stderr
		print >> sys.stderr, inst
		print >> sys.stderr
	elem = doc.documentElement
	if (sys.argv[1] == "-doc"):
		print "/* WARNING: This file is generated!"
		print " * Do not edit this file, but edit config.xml instead and run"
		print " * python configgen.py -doc config.xml to regenerate this file!"
		print " */"
		# process header
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "header"):
		# generate list with all commands
		commandsList = ()
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "group"):
					commandsList = parseGroupsList(n, commandsList)
		print "\\secreflist"
		for x in sorted(commandsList):
			print "\\refitem cfg_%s %s" % (x.lower(), x)
		print "\\endsecreflist"
		# process groups and options
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "group"):
		# process footers
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "footer"):
	elif (sys.argv[1] == "-cpp"):
		print "/* WARNING: This file is generated!"
		print " * Do not edit this file, but edit config.xml instead and run"
		print " * python configgen.py -cpp config.xml to regenerate this file!"
		print " */"
		print ""
		print "#include \"configoptions.h\""
		print "#include \"config.h\""
		print "#include \"portable.h\""
		print "#include \"settings.h\""
		print ""
		print "void addConfigOptions(Config *cfg)"
		print "{"
		print "  ConfigString *cs;"
		print "  ConfigEnum   *ce;"
		print "  ConfigList   *cl;"
		print "  ConfigInt    *ci;"
		print "  ConfigBool   *cb;"
		print ""
		# process header
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "header"):
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "group"):
		print "}"
	elif (sys.argv[1] == "-wiz"):
		print "/* WARNING: This file is generated!"
		print " * Do not edit this file, but edit config.xml instead and run"
		print " * python configgen.py -wiz config.xml to regenerate this file!"
		print " */"
		print "#include \"configdoc.h\""
		print "#include \"docintf.h\""
		print ""
		print "void addConfigDocs(DocIntf *doc)"
		print "{"
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "header"):
		for n in elem.childNodes:
			if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if (n.nodeName == "group"):
		print "}"

if __name__ == '__main__':