// objective: test the \defgroup, \addtogroup, and \ingroup command.
// check: group__g1.xml
// check: group__g2.xml
// check: group__g3.xml

/** \defgroup g1 First Group
 *  Text for first group.

/** A function in the first group.
 *  \ingroup g1
void func_g1();


/** \defgroup g2 Second Group
 *  Text for second group.
/// \{

/** A function in the second group */
void func_g2();

/// \}

/** \defgroup g3 Third Group
 *  Text for third group.
 *  \ingroup g2
 *  \{


/** A function in the third group */
void func_g3();

/** \} */

/** \addtogroup g3
 *  \{ 

/** Another function added to the third group */
void func_g3_add();

/** \} */