Commit 6b97d107 authored by Dimitri van Heesch's avatar Dimitri van Heesch

VHDL-2008 and arrays on unconstrained elements

parent d65f3313
......@@ -1652,7 +1652,9 @@ static const char virtualScope[] = { 'v', 'i', 'r', 't', 'u', 'a', 'l', ':' };
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace(const QCString &s)
static bool cliSupport = Config_getBool("CPP_CLI_SUPPORT");
if (s.isEmpty()) return s;
static bool vhdl = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
if (s.isEmpty() || vhdl) return s;
static GrowBuf growBuf;
//int resultLen = 1024;
//int resultPos = 0;
......@@ -2019,9 +2019,9 @@ void VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol,
bool bRec,bUnit;
QCString ltype(mdef->typeString());
ltype=ltype.replace(reg," ");
// ltype=ltype.replace(reg," ");
QCString largs(mdef->argsString());
largs=largs.replace(reg," ");
// largs=largs.replace(reg," ");
//ClassDef * plo=mdef->getClassDef();
......@@ -382,14 +382,14 @@ t_ToolDir
%type<qstr> sel_wavefrms_1 sel_wavefrms_2 gen_stat1 block_declarative_part end_stats inout_stat
%type<qstr> selected_signal_assignment comp_inst_stat
%type<qstr> conditional_signal_assignment selected_variable_assignment conditional_variable_assignment
%type<qstr> subprog_decltve_item subprog_body_3 subprog_body_1 procs_stat1_2
%type<qstr> subprog_decltve_item subprog_body_3 subprog_body_1 procs_stat1_2 gen_assoc
// for debugging set yydebug=1
%initial-action { yydebug=0; }
%expect 2
%expect 3
// minimum bison version
//%required "2.2"
......@@ -875,13 +875,18 @@ association_list: t_LeftParen association_element association_list_1 t_RightPa
association_list_1: /* empty */ { $$=""; }
association_list_1: association_list_1 association_list_2 { $$=$1+" "+$2; }
association_list_2: t_Comma association_element { $$=", "+$2; }
// VHDL '93 range_constraint ::= range range
gen_association_list : gen_assoc gen_assoc { $$=$1+$2;}
gen_association_list : t_LeftParen gen_association_element gen_association_list_1 t_RightParen
gen_association_list : gen_assoc { $$=$1; }
gen_assoc: t_LeftParen gen_association_element gen_association_list_1 t_RightParen
QCString str="( "+$2+$3;
str.append(" )");
QCString str="("+$2+$3;
gen_association_list: t_LeftParen error t_RightParen { $$=""; }
gen_association_list: t_LeftParen t_OPEN t_RightParen { $$=" ( open ) "; }
......@@ -1073,7 +1078,7 @@ type_decl: t_TYPE t_Identifier type_decl_1 t_Semicolon
type_decl: t_TYPE error t_Semicolon { $$=""; }
type_decl_1: /* empty */ { $$=""; }
type_decl_1: t_IS type_definition { $$=" is "+$2; }
type_decl_1: t_IS type_definition { $$=" "+$2; }
type_definition: enumeration_type_definition { $$=$1; }
type_definition: range_constraint { $$=$1; }
......@@ -2541,10 +2546,10 @@ static void addVhdlType(const QCString &name,int startLine,int section,
if (current->args.isEmpty())
current->args.replace(reg,"%"); // insert dummy chars because wihte spaces are removed
// current->args.replace(reg,"%"); // insert dummy chars because wihte spaces are removed
current->type.replace(reg,"%"); // insert dummy chars because white spaces are removed
// current->type.replace(reg,"%"); // insert dummy chars because white spaces are removed
if (!lastCompound && (section==Entry::VARIABLE_SEC) && (spec == VhdlDocGen::USE || spec == VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY) )
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