Commit e165d3e4 authored by Clement Vachet's avatar Clement Vachet

First commit

Pipeline #2707 canceled with stages
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import sys
import argparse
import time
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Concatenating layer to 3D volume')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--input', type=str, required=True,
help='3D TIFF file (multi-layer)')
required.add_argument('--layer1', type=str, required=True,
help='2D TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='Combined TIFF file (multi-layer)')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
required.add_argument('--layer2', type=str, required=True,
help='2D TIFF file (single layer)')
options.add_argument('--repeat', type=int, default=15,
help='Repeat tile number (default 15)')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
imgInput_name = args.input
imgLayer1_name = args.layer1
imgLayer2_name = args.layer2
output_name = args.output
repeatNb = args.repeat
# Read Combined image - all layers
print("\nReading input file - 3D volume...")
imgInput = imageio.mimread(imgInput_name,memtest=False)
imgInput = np.array(imgInput)
# print('\nimgInput type: ', imgInput.dtype)
print('\t imgInput shape: ', imgInput.shape)
# Read Layer1 image
print("Reading Layer1 file...")
imgLayer1 = imageio.imread(imgLayer1_name)
# print('imgLayer1 type: ', imgLayer1.dtype)
print('\t imgLayer1 shape: ', imgLayer1.shape)
# Resample layer1 (repeating values, to match input size)
imgLayer1_repeat0 = np.repeat(imgLayer1, repeatNb, axis=0)
imgLayer1_repeat = np.repeat(imgLayer1_repeat0, repeatNb, axis=1)
imgLayer1_repeat = np.expand_dims(imgLayer1_repeat, axis=0)
print('\t imgLayer1_repeat shape: ', imgLayer1_repeat.shape)
# Stack layer to imgInput, to generate one 3D volume
print("Adding 2D layer to 3D volume...")
imgAll = np.concatenate((imgInput,imgLayer1_repeat), axis = 0)
if args.layer2:
print("Reading Layer2 file...")
imgLayer2 = imageio.imread(imgLayer2_name)
# print('imgLayer2 type: ', imgLayer2.dtype)
print('\t imgLayer2 shape: ', imgLayer2.shape)
imgLayer2_repeat0 = np.repeat(imgLayer2, repeatNb, axis=0)
imgLayer2_repeat = np.repeat(imgLayer2_repeat0, repeatNb, axis=1)
imgLayer2_repeat = np.expand_dims(imgLayer2_repeat, axis=0)
print('\t imgLayer2_repeat shape: ', imgLayer2_repeat.shape)
# Stack layer to imgInput, to generate one 3D volume
print("Adding 2D layer to 3D volume...")
imgAll = np.concatenate((imgAll,imgLayer2_repeat), axis = 0)
print("Saving output volume...")
print('\t imgAll shape: ', imgAll.shape)
Time2 = time.time()
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
print("Execution Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Data analysis - density computation')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--pred', type=str, required=True,
help='Prediction TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str, required=True,
help='Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--adjtilesdim', type=int, required=True,
help='Adjacent tiles dimensions (e.g. 1, 3 or 5) to exclude NaN border')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='CSV file')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--inclusionmask', type=str,
help='save inclusion mask as output (diff < 2 pixels)')
options.add_argument('--exclusionmask', type=str,
help='save exclusion mask as output (diff >= 2 pixels)')
options.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, default = 2.0,
help='threshold for inclusion / exclusion mask')
options.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true",
help='verbose mode')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
# print(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
imgPred_name = args.pred
imgPred_basename = os.path.basename(imgPred_name)
AdjacentTilesDim = args.adjtilesdim
imgGT_name = args.groundtruth
output_name = args.output
inclusion_mask_name = args.inclusionmask
exclusion_mask_name = args.exclusionmask
threshold = args.threshold
# Read Pred and GroundTruth images
#print("Reading Pred file...")
imgPred = imageio.imread(imgPred_name)
#print("Reading GroundTruth file...")
imgGT = imageio.imread(imgGT_name)
# Remove NaN border when needed
imgPred_Crop = imgPred
imgGT_Crop = imgGT
if (AdjacentTilesDim == 3):
Border = 1
imgPred_Crop = imgPred[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
imgGT_Crop = imgGT[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
elif (AdjacentTilesDim == 5):
Border = 2
imgPred_Crop = imgPred[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
imgGT_Crop = imgGT[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
# Quality control - NaN
TestNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
TestNaN_imgGT_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgGT_Crop))
# # List indices with Nan values
# ListNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.argwhere(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
# print('ListNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', ListNaN_imgPred_Crop)
# Verbose mode
if args.verbose:
print('imgPred type: ', imgPred.dtype)
print('imgPred shape: ', imgPred.shape)
print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
print('imgGT shape: ', imgGT.shape)
print('imgPred_Crop shape: ', imgPred_Crop.shape)
print('imgGT_Crop shape: ', imgGT_Crop.shape)
print('TestNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgPred_Crop)
print('TestNaN_imgGT_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgGT_Crop)
# Compute Image difference
np_diff = np.abs(imgPred_Crop - imgGT_Crop)
print('np_diff type: ', np_diff.dtype)
print('np_diff shape: ', np_diff.shape)
# Generate output mask
np_exclusionmask = np.uint8(np.where(np_diff >= threshold, 1, 0))
np_inclusionmask = np.uint8(np.where(np_diff < threshold, 1, 0))
print('np_inclusionmask type: ', np_inclusionmask.dtype)
print('np_inclusionmask shape: ', np_inclusionmask.shape)
# Compute density
density = np.sum(np_inclusionmask) / (np_inclusionmask.shape[0] * np_inclusionmask.shape[1])
print('density: ',density)
QC_data = np.array([[imgPred_basename,density]])
Columns = ['FileName','Density']
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
if inclusion_mask_name is not None:
print('\t\t Writing output inclusion mask - imageio...')
imageio.imwrite(inclusion_mask_name, np_inclusionmask)
if inclusion_mask_name is not None:
print('\t\t Writing output exclusion mask - imageio...')
imageio.imwrite(exclusion_mask_name, np_exclusionmask)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Data analysis - NaN computation')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--disp_lma', type=str, required=True,
help='Prediction TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='Output CSV file')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true",
help='verbose mode')
options.add_argument('--mask', type=str,
help='verbose mode')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
DispLMA_name = args.disp_lma
output_name = args.output
# Read Pred and GroundTruth images
#print("Reading Pred file...")
imgDispLMA = imageio.imread(DispLMA_name)
# Verbose mode
if args.verbose:
print('imgDispLMA type: ', imgDispLMA.dtype)
print('imgDispLMA shape: ', imgDispLMA.shape)
# print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
# Compute NaN
Bool_NaN = np.isnan(imgDispLMA)
Nb_NaN = np.count_nonzero(Bool_NaN)
Nb_NotNaN = np.count_nonzero(~Bool_NaN)
Nb_Total = imgDispLMA.shape[0] * imgDispLMA.shape[1]
NaN_Percent = Nb_NaN / Nb_Total
if args.verbose:
print('Nb_NaN: ', Nb_NaN)
print('Nb_NotNaN: ', Nb_NotNaN)
print('Nb_Total: ', Nb_Total)
print('NaN_Percent: ', NaN_Percent)
# Mask
DispLMA_Mask = np.uint8(np.reshape(~Bool_NaN, imgDispLMA.shape))
if args.verbose:
print('DispLMA_Mask type: ', DispLMA_Mask.dtype)
print('DispLMA_Mask shape: ', DispLMA_Mask.shape)
QC_data = np.array([[DispLMA_name, Nb_NaN, Nb_NotNaN, Nb_Total, NaN_Percent]])
Columns = ['FileName','Nb_NaN', 'Nb_NotNaN', 'Nb_Total', 'NaN_Percent']
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
if (args.mask is not None):
Mask_FileName = args.mask
imageio.imwrite(Mask_FileName, DispLMA_Mask * 255)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Data analysis - RMSE computation')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--pred', type=str, required=True,
help='Prediction TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str, required=True,
help='Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--adjtilesdim', type=int, required=True,
help='Adjacent tiles dimensions (e.g. 1, 3 or 5) to exclude NaN border')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='CSV file')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true",
help='verbose mode')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
imgPred_name = args.pred
imgPred_basename = os.path.basename(imgPred_name)
AdjacentTilesDim = args.adjtilesdim
imgGT_name = args.groundtruth
output_name = args.output
# Read Pred and GroundTruth images
#print("Reading Pred file...")
imgPred = imageio.imread(imgPred_name)
#print("Reading GroundTruth file...")
imgGT = imageio.imread(imgGT_name)
# Remove NaN border when needed
imgPred_Crop = imgPred
imgGT_Crop = imgGT
if (AdjacentTilesDim == 3):
Border = 1
imgPred_Crop = imgPred[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
imgGT_Crop = imgGT[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
elif (AdjacentTilesDim == 5):
Border = 2
imgPred_Crop = imgPred[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
imgGT_Crop = imgGT[Border:-Border,Border:-Border]
# Quality control - NaN
TestNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
TestNaN_imgGT_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgGT_Crop))
# # List indices with Nan values
# ListNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.argwhere(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
# print('ListNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', ListNaN_imgPred_Crop)
# Verbose mode
if args.verbose:
# print('imgPred type: ', imgPred.dtype)
print('imgPred shape: ', imgPred.shape)
# print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
print('imgGT shape: ', imgGT.shape)
print('imgPred_Crop shape: ', imgPred_Crop.shape)
print('imgGT_Crop shape: ', imgGT_Crop.shape)
print('TestNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgPred_Crop)
print('TestNaN_imgGT_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgGT_Crop)
# Compute RMSE
rmse = mean_squared_error(imgGT_Crop, imgPred_Crop, squared=False)
print('rmse: ',rmse)
QC_data = np.array([[imgPred_basename,rmse]])
Columns = ['FileName','RMSE']
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Data analysis - RMSE computation')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--pred', type=str, required=True,
help='Prediction TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str, required=True,
help='Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--confidence', type=str, required=True,
help='Confidence TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--disp_lma', type=str, required=True,
help='LMA disparity TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--adjtilesdim', type=int, required=True,
help='Adjacent tiles dimensions (e.g. 1, 3 or 5) to exclude NaN border')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='CSV file')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, default = 0.15,
help='threshold on confidence map')
options.add_argument('--output_mask', type=str,
help='output mask image (TIFF file)')
options.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true",
help='verbose mode')
return parser
# Remove NaN border
def cropping(img, border):
if border == 0:
return img
img_cropped = img[border:-border,border:-border]
return img_cropped
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
imgPred_name = args.pred
imgPred_basename = os.path.basename(imgPred_name)
AdjacentTilesDim = args.adjtilesdim
imgGT_name = args.groundtruth
imgDispLMA_name = args.disp_lma
imgConfidence_name = args.confidence
output_name = args.output
outputmask_name = args.output_mask
threshold = args.threshold
# Read images
#print("Reading Pred file...")
imgPred = imageio.imread(imgPred_name)
#print("Reading GroundTruth file...")
imgGT = imageio.imread(imgGT_name)
#print("Reading Confidence file...")
imgConfidence = imageio.imread(imgConfidence_name)
#print("Reading DispLMA file...")
imgDispLMA = imageio.imread(imgDispLMA_name)
# Remove NaN border when needed
if (AdjacentTilesDim == 3):
Border = 1
elif (AdjacentTilesDim == 5):
Border = 2
Border = 0
imgPred_Crop = cropping(imgPred, Border)
imgGT_Crop = cropping(imgGT, Border)
imgConfidence_Crop = cropping(imgConfidence, Border)
imgDispLMA_Crop = cropping(imgDispLMA, Border)
# Quality control - NaN
TestNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
TestNaN_imgGT_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgGT_Crop))
# # List indices with Nan values
# ListNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.argwhere(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
# print('ListNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', ListNaN_imgPred_Crop)
# Verbose mode
if args.verbose:
# print('imgPred type: ', imgPred.dtype)
print('imgPred shape: ', imgPred.shape)
# print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
print('imgGT shape: ', imgGT.shape)
print('imgPred_Crop shape: ', imgPred_Crop.shape)
print('imgGT_Crop shape: ', imgGT_Crop.shape)
print('TestNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgPred_Crop)
print('TestNaN_imgGT_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgGT_Crop)
# Define sample_weight using Confidence and DispLMA maps
imgDispLMAMask_Crop = np.uint8(np.reshape(~np.isnan(imgDispLMA_Crop), imgDispLMA_Crop.shape))
imgConfidenceMask_Crop = np.uint8(np.where(imgConfidence_Crop >= threshold, 1, 0))
imgSampleWeight_Crop = np.uint8(np.logical_and(imgDispLMAMask_Crop, imgConfidenceMask_Crop))
if outputmask_name is not None:
imageio.imwrite(outputmask_name, imgSampleWeight_Crop * 255)
# Compute RMSE
rmse = mean_squared_error(imgGT_Crop, imgPred_Crop, sample_weight=imgSampleWeight_Crop, squared=False)
print('rmse: ',rmse)
QC_data = np.array([[imgPred_basename,rmse]])
Columns = ['FileName','RMSE']
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
print('Saving CSV file...')
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Data analysis - RMSE computation')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--pred', type=str, required=True,
help='Prediction TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str, required=True,
help='Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--adjtilesdim', type=int, required=True,
help='Adjacent tiles dimensions (e.g. 1, 3 or 5) to exclude NaN border')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='CSV file')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, default = 2.0,
help='threshold on image difference')
options.add_argument('--output_mask', type=str,
help='output mask image (TIFF file)')
options.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true",
help='verbose mode')
return parser
# Remove NaN border
def cropping(img, border):
if border == 0:
return img
img_cropped = img[border:-border,border:-border]
return img_cropped
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
imgPred_name = args.pred
imgPred_basename = os.path.basename(imgPred_name)
AdjacentTilesDim = args.adjtilesdim
imgGT_name = args.groundtruth
output_name = args.output
outputmask_name = args.output_mask
threshold = args.threshold
# Read images
#print("Reading Pred file...")
imgPred = imageio.imread(imgPred_name)
#print("Reading GroundTruth file...")
imgGT = imageio.imread(imgGT_name)
# Remove NaN border when needed
if (AdjacentTilesDim == 3):
Border = 1
elif (AdjacentTilesDim == 5):
Border = 2
Border = 0
imgPred_Crop = cropping(imgPred, Border)
imgGT_Crop = cropping(imgGT, Border)
# Quality control - NaN
TestNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
TestNaN_imgGT_Crop = np.any(np.isnan(imgGT_Crop))
# # List indices with Nan values
# ListNaN_imgPred_Crop = np.argwhere(np.isnan(imgPred_Crop))
# print('ListNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', ListNaN_imgPred_Crop)
# Verbose mode
if args.verbose:
# print('imgPred type: ', imgPred.dtype)
print('imgPred shape: ', imgPred.shape)
# print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
print('imgGT shape: ', imgGT.shape)
print('imgPred_Crop shape: ', imgPred_Crop.shape)
print('imgGT_Crop shape: ', imgGT_Crop.shape)
print('TestNaN_imgPred_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgPred_Crop)
print('TestNaN_imgGT_Crop: ', TestNaN_imgGT_Crop)
# Define sample_weight, where absolute difference is below threshold (2 pixels), to remove outliers
imgAbsDiff_Crop = np.absolute(imgPred_Crop - imgGT_Crop)
imgSampleWeight_Crop = np.uint8(np.where(imgAbsDiff_Crop < threshold, 1, 0))
if outputmask_name is not None:
imageio.imwrite(outputmask_name, imgSampleWeight_Crop * 255)
# Compute RMSE
rmse = mean_squared_error(imgGT_Crop, imgPred_Crop, sample_weight=imgSampleWeight_Crop, squared=False)
print('rmse: ',rmse)
QC_data = np.array([[imgPred_basename,rmse]])
Columns = ['FileName','RMSE_WithThreshold']
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
print('Saving CSV file...')
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
- Pillow 5.1.0. Version 4.1.1 throws error (VelueError):
~$ (sudo) pip3 install Pillow --upgrade
~$ python3
>>> import PIL
from PIL import Image
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import time
# Added by Clement
import imageio
#import tifffile
import argparse
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[38;5;214m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
BOLDWHITE = '\033[1;37m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
# Data cropping (border of specific size)
def crop_border(image, size):
List_FirstRows = list(range(0,size))
List_LastRows = list(range(image.shape[0]-size,image.shape[0]))
List_Rows = List_FirstRows + List_LastRows
#print('ListRows: ', List_Rows)
List_FirstCols = list(range(0,size))
List_LastCols = list(range(image.shape[1]-size,image.shape[1]))
List_Cols = List_FirstCols + List_LastCols
#print('List_Cols: ', List_Cols)
CroppedImage = np.delete(image,List_Rows,axis=0)
CroppedImage = np.delete(CroppedImage,List_Cols,axis=1)
return CroppedImage
# 2D Corr data cropping
def delete_tile_splits(image, tile_size):
List_RowSplit = list(range(tile_size-1,image.shape[0],tile_size))
List_ColSplit = list(range(tile_size-1,image.shape[1],tile_size))
#print('List_RowSplit: ', List_RowSplit)
#print('List_ColSplit: ', List_ColSplit)
CroppedImage = np.delete(image,List_RowSplit,axis=0)
CroppedImage = np.delete(CroppedImage,List_ColSplit,axis=1)
return CroppedImage
def save_metadata_layer(image, filename, index, is_cropping, verbose):
#metadata_layer = tiles_meta[0,:,:,index]
metadata_layer = image.getMeta(index = index, layer = 0)
if is_cropping:
metadata_layer = crop_border(metadata_layer, 1)
if verbose:
print('\metadata_layer shape: ', metadata_layer.shape)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):
imageio.imwrite(filename, metadata_layer)
# reshape to tiles (e.g. 16x16)
def get_tile_images(image, width=8, height=8):
_nrows, _ncols, depth = image.shape
_size = image.size
_strides = image.strides
nrows, _m = divmod(_nrows, height)
ncols, _n = divmod(_ncols, width)
if _m != 0 or _n != 0:
return None
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
shape=(nrows, ncols, height, width, depth),
strides=(height * _strides[0], width * _strides[1], *_strides),
# TiffFile has no len exception
#import imageio
#from libtiff import TIFF
Reads TIFF files with multiple layers that were saved by imagej
returns np.array, layers are stacked along depth - think of RGB channels
@items - if empty = all, if not - items[i] - can be layer index or layer's label name
returns np.array of a single layer
@items - if empty = all, if not - items[i] - can be layer index or layer's label name
class imagej_tiff:
# imagej stores labels lengths in this tag
# imagej stores labels contents in this tag
# init
def __init__(self,filename, layers = None, tile_list = None):
# file name
self.fname = filename
tif =
# total number of layers in tiff
self.nimages = tif.n_frames
# labels array
self.labels = []
# infos will contain xml data Elphel stores in some of tiff files
self.infos = []
# dictionary from decoded infos[0] xml data
self.props = {}
# bits per sample, type int
self.bpp = tif.tag[258][0]
# Extract and parse header information
self.nan_bug = self.props['VERSION']== '1.0' # data between min and max is mapped to 0..254 instead of 1.255
self.nan_bug = False # other files, not ML ones
# image layers stacked along depth - (think RGB)
self.image = []
if layers is None:
# fill self.image
for i in range(self.nimages):
a = np.array(tif)
a = np.reshape(a,(a.shape[0],a.shape[1],1))
#a = a[:,:,np.newaxis]
# exclude layer named 'other'
if self.bpp==8:
_min = self.data_min
_max = self.data_max
_MIN = 1
_MAX = 255
if (self.nan_bug):
_MIN = 0
_MAX = 254
if self.labels[i]!='other':
a = a.astype(float)
if self.labels[i]!='other':
a = (_max-_min)*(a-_MIN)/(_MAX-_MIN)+_min
if i==0:
self.image = a
# stack along depth (think of RGB channels)
self.image = np.append(self.image,a,axis=2)
if tile_list is None:
indx = 0
for layer in layers:
a = np.array(tif)
if not indx:
self.image = np.empty((a.shape[0],a.shape[1],len(layers)),a.dtype)
self.image[...,indx] = a
indx += 1
other_label = "other"
# print(tile_list)
num_tiles = len(tile_list)
num_layers = len(layers)
tiles_corr = np.empty((num_tiles,num_layers,self.tileH*self.tileW),dtype=float)
# tiles_other=np.empty((num_tiles,3),dtype=float)
tif = tif,
for nl,label in enumerate(layers):
layer = np.array(tif) # 8 or 32 bits
tilesX = layer.shape[1]//self.tileW
for nt,tl in enumerate(tile_list):
ty = tl // tilesX
tx = tl % tilesX
# tiles_corr[nt,nl] = np.ravel(layer[self.tileH*ty:self.tileH*(ty+1),self.tileW*tx:self.tileW*(tx+1)])
a = np.ravel(layer[self.tileH*ty:self.tileH*(ty+1),self.tileW*tx:self.tileW*(tx+1)])
#convert from int8
if self.bpp==8:
a = a.astype(float)
if np.isnan(tiles_other[nt][0]):
# print("Skipping NaN tile ",tl)
a[...] = np.nan
_min = self.data_min
_max = self.data_max
_MIN = 1
_MAX = 255
if (self.nan_bug):
_MIN = 0
_MAX = 254
a[a==0] = np.nan
a = (_max-_min)*(a-_MIN)/(_MAX-_MIN)+_min
tiles_corr[nt,nl] = a
self.corr2d = tiles_corr
self.target_disparity = tiles_other[...,0]
self.gt_ds = tiles_other[...,1:3]
# init done, close the image
if (self.props['VERSION']== 2.0):
# self.tileH = self.image.shape[0]//self.props['tileStepY']
# self.tileW = self.image.shape[1]//self.props['tileStepX']
self.tileH = self.props['tileStepY']
self.tileW = self.props['tileStepX']
# label == tiff layer name
def getvalues(self,label=""):
l = self.getstack([label],shape_as_tiles=True)
res = np.empty((l.shape[0],l.shape[1],3))
for i in range(res.shape[0]):
for j in range(res.shape[1]):
# 9x9 -> 81x1
m = np.ravel(l[i,j])
if self.bpp==32:
res[i,j,0] = m[0]
res[i,j,1] = m[2]
res[i,j,2] = m[4]
elif self.bpp==8:
res[i,j,0] = ((m[0]-128)*256+m[1])/128
res[i,j,1] = ((m[2]-128)*256+m[3])/128
res[i,j,2] = (m[4]*256+m[5])/65536.0
res[i,j,0] = np.nan
res[i,j,1] = np.nan
res[i,j,2] = np.nan
# NaNize
a = res[:,:,0]
a[a==-256] = np.nan
b = res[:,:,1]
b[b==-256] = np.nan
c = res[:,:,2]
c[c==0] = np.nan
return res
# 3 values per tile: target disparity, GT disparity, GT confidence
def gettilesvalues(self,
res = np.empty((len(tile_list),3),dtype=float)
layer = np.array(tif) # 8 or 32 bits
tilesX = layer.shape[1]//self.tileW
for i,tl in enumerate(tile_list):
ty = tl // tilesX
tx = tl % tilesX
m = np.ravel(layer[self.tileH*ty:self.tileH*(ty+1),self.tileW*tx:self.tileW*(tx+1)])
if self.bpp==32:
res[i,0] = m[0]
res[i,1] = m[2]
res[i,2] = m[4]
elif self.bpp==8:
res[i,0] = ((m[0]-128)*256+m[1])/128
res[i,1] = ((m[2]-128)*256+m[3])/128
res[i,2] = (m[4]*256+m[5])/65536.0
res[i,0] = np.nan
res[i,1] = np.nan
res[i,2] = np.nan
# NaNize
a = res[...,0]
a[a==-256] = np.nan
b = res[...,1]
b[b==-256] = np.nan
c = res[...,2]
c[c==0] = np.nan
return res
# get ordered stack of images by provided items
# by index or label name. Divides into [self.tileH][self.tileW] tiles
def getstack(self,items=[],shape_as_tiles=False):
a = ()
if len(items)==0:
b = self.image
for i in items:
if type(i)==int:
a += (self.image[:,:,i],)
elif type(i)==str:
j = self.labels.index(i)
a += (self.image[:,:,j],)
# stack along depth
b = np.stack(a,axis=2)
if shape_as_tiles:
b = get_tile_images(b,self.tileW,self.tileH)
return b
# Trim stack to correlation data (e.g 15x15 instead of 16x16)
def trimStack (self, stack, radius = 0):
if (radius == 0):
corr_side = 2*radius+1
return stack[:,:,:,:corr_side,:corr_side]
# get np.array of a channel
# * do not handle out of bounds
def channel(self,index):
return self.image[:,:,index]
# extract 2D corr data
def get2DCorr(self):
im_2DCorr = crop_border(self.image, self.tileH)
#print('im_2DCorr shape', im_2DCorr.shape)
im_2DCorr = delete_tile_splits(im_2DCorr, self.tileH)
#print('im_2DCorr shape', im_2DCorr.shape)
# Delete last 2 layers
# im_2DCorr = np.delete(im_2DCorr,im_2DCorr.shape[2]-1,axis=2)
im_2DCorr = np.delete(im_2DCorr,[120,121],axis=2)
return im_2DCorr
# Retrieve specific meta image defined by index & layer
def getMeta(self, index, layer = 0):
_, meta = self.getCorrsMeta(items=[layer])
meta = np.squeeze(meta)
return meta[:,:,index]
# Retrieve correlation information (tiles) and meta-data
def getCorrsMeta(self,items=[]):
stack0 = self.getstack(items,shape_as_tiles=True)
stack = np.moveaxis(stack0, 4, 0) # slices - first index
corr_side = 2*radius+1
corr_tiles = stack[:,:,:,:corr_side,:corr_side]
meta = stack[:,:,:,-1,:num_meta]
return corr_tiles, meta/self.props['tileMetaScale']
# display images by index or label
def show_images(self,items=[]):
# show listed only
if len(items)>0:
for i in items:
if type(i)==int:
elif type(i)==str:
j = self.labels.index(i)
# show all
for i in range(self.nimages):
# display single image
def show_image(self,index):
# display using matplotlib
t = self.image[:,:,index]
mytitle = "("+str(index+1)+" of "+str(self.nimages)+") "+self.labels[index]
fig = plt.figure()
fig.canvas.set_window_title(self.fname+": "+mytitle)
# display using Pillow - need to scale
# remove NaNs - no need
# scale to [min/max*255:255] range
#t = (1-(t-np.nanmax(t))/(t-np.nanmin(t)))*255
#tmp_im = Image.fromarray(t)
# puts etrees in infos
def __parse_info(self):
infos = []
for info in self.infos:
self.infos = infos
# specifics
# properties dictionary
pd = {}
if infos:
for child in infos[0]:
pd[child.tag] = child.text
self.props = pd
file_version = float(self.props['VERSION'])
if (file_version < 2.0):
# tiles are squares (older version
self.tileW = int(self.props['tileWidth'])
self.tileH = int(self.props['tileWidth'])
self.data_min = float(self.props['data_min'])
self.data_max = float(self.props['data_max'])
ints = ['metaGTConfidence','tileMetaSlice','indexReference','metaLastDiff',
'metaGTDisparity','metaFracValid', 'numScenes','metaTargetDisparity',
'disparity_steps','tileStepX', 'tileStepY', "corrRadius","numMeta"]
for key in pd:
val = pd[key]
if key in bools:
if (val == '1') or (val == 'true') or (val == 'True'):
pd[key] = 1
pd[key] = 0
elif key in ints:
pd[key] = int(pd[key])
elif key in floats:
pd[key] = float(pd[key])
pd['corrRadius'] = pd['corrRadius'] # not yet exists
pd['corrRadius'] = 7
pd['numMeta'] = pd['numMeta'] # not yet exists
pd['numMeta'] = 6
# makes arrays of labels (strings) and unparsed xml infos
def __split_labels(self,n,tag):
# list
tag_lens = tag[self.__TIFF_TAG_LABELS_LENGTHS]
# string
tag_labels = tag[self.__TIFF_TAG_LABELS_STRINGS].decode()
# remove 1st element: it's something like IJIJlabl..
tag_labels = tag_labels[tag_lens[0]:]
tag_lens = tag_lens[1:]
# the last ones are images labels
# normally the difference is expected to be 0 or 1
skip = len(tag_lens) - n
self.labels = []
self.infos = []
for l in tag_lens:
string = tag_labels[0:l].replace('\x00','')
if skip==0:
skip -= 1
tag_labels = tag_labels[l:]
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract images from specific multi-layer tiff file')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, required=True,
help='input TIFF file (specific multi-layer)')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--crop_border', action="store_true",
help='Crop image border (removing NaN border)')
options.add_argument('--corr', type=str,
help='Save 2D Corr TIFF file (multi-layer)')
options.add_argument('--targetdisp', type=str,
help='Save Target Disparity TIFF file (single layer)')
options.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str,
help='Save Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
options.add_argument('--confidence', type=str,
help='Save ground truth confidence image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--disp_lma', type=str,
help='Save LMA disparity image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--frac_valid', type=str,
help='Save fraction valid image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--last_diff', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--disp_bg', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--confidence_bg', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--disp_lma_bg', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--last_diff_bg', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--disp_fg', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--disp_bg_all', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--blue_sky', type=str,
help='Save image (single layer')
options.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true",
help='verbose mode')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
print('Reading Tiff image...')
ijt = imagej_tiff(args.input)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Reading Time: "+str(TimeDiff)+bcolors.ENDC)
# Image header info
rough_string = ET.tostring(ijt.infos[0], "utf-8")
reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
print('\n Image Header info:')
print("\n TIFF stack labels: "+str(ijt.labels))
print("TIFF stack labels length: "+str(len(ijt.labels)))
# Image shape information and tiles information
print("\nImage shape: ",ijt.image.shape)
print("Image size: ",ijt.image.size)
print("Image strides: ",ijt.image.strides)
# needed properties:
print("Tiles shape: "+str(ijt.tileW)+"x"+str(ijt.tileH))
print("Data min: "+str(ijt.data_min))
print("Data max: "+str(ijt.data_max))
print("Data min/max are not provided")
# tiles,tiles_meta = ijt.getCorrsMeta(['0-1','1-2','2-3','3-4'])
# nrows, ncols, height, width, depth
tiles,tiles_meta = ijt.getCorrsMeta([])
print("Corr stack shape: "+str(tiles.shape))
print("Meta stack shape: "+str(tiles_meta.shape))
# Reorder numpy array
# img_reordered = np.transpose(ijt.image, axes=[2,0,1])
# print('img_reordered shape',img_reordered.shape)
# imageio.mimwrite('test_imageio.tiff',img_reordered)
# #tifffile.imwrite('test_tifffile.tiff',img_reordered)
# Extract and crop 2d correlation data
if (args.corr is not None):
Corr_FileName = args.corr
im_2DCorr = ijt.get2DCorr()
im_2DCorr = np.moveaxis(im_2DCorr, 2, 0)
if args.verbose:
print("\nImage shape: ",ijt.image.shape)
print('im_2DCorr shape', im_2DCorr.shape)
print('\nSaving 2DCorr image... ')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(Corr_FileName)):
imageio.mimwrite(Corr_FileName, im_2DCorr)
# Extract and crop target disparity
if (args.targetdisp is not None):
#TargetDisparity = tiles_meta[0,:,:,0]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.targetdisp, 0, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving targetdisp layer...')
# Extract and crop Ground Truth disparity
if (args.groundtruth is not None):
#GroundTruth = tiles_meta[0,:,:,1]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.groundtruth, 1, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving groundtruth layer...')
# Extract and crop ground truth confidence
if (args.confidence is not None):
#Confidence = tiles_meta[0,:,:,2]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.confidence, 2, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving confidence layer...')
# Extract and crop LMA disparity image
if (args.disp_lma is not None):
#DispLMA = tiles_meta[0,:,:,3]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.disp_lma, 3, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving disp_lma layer...')
# Extract and crop frac_valid
if (args.frac_valid is not None):
#FracValid = tiles_meta[0,:,:,4]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.frac_valid, 4, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving frac_valid layer...')
# Extract and crop last_diff
if (args.last_diff is not None):
#LastDiff = tiles_meta[0,:,:,5]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.last_diff, 5, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving last_diff layer...')
# Extract and crop disp_bg
if (args.disp_bg is not None):
#DispBg = tiles_meta[0,:,:,6]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.disp_bg, 6, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving disp_bg layer...')
# Extract and crop confidence_bg
if (args.confidence_bg is not None):
#ConfidenceBg = tiles_meta[0,:,:,7]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.confidence_bg, 7, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving confidence_bg layer...')
# Extract and crop disp_lma_bg
if (args.disp_lma_bg is not None):
#DispLMABg = tiles_meta[0,:,:,8]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.disp_lma_bg, 8, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving disp_lma_bg layer...')
# Extract and crop last_diff_bg
if (args.last_diff_bg is not None):
#LastDiffBg = tiles_meta[0,:,:,9]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.last_diff_bg, 9, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving last_diff_bg layer...')
# Extract and crop disp_fg
if (args.disp_fg is not None):
#DispFg = tiles_meta[0,:,:,10]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.disp_fg, 10, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving disp_fg layer...')
# Extract and crop disp_bg_all
if (args.disp_bg_all is not None):
#DispBgAll = tiles_meta[0,:,:,11]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.disp_bg_all, 11, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving disp_bg_all layer...')
# Extract and crop blue_sky
if (args.blue_sky is not None):
#BlueSky = tiles_meta[0,:,:,12]
save_metadata_layer(ijt, args.blue_sky, 12, args.crop_border, args.verbose)
print('Saving blue_sky layer...')
Time3 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time3 - Time1
print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Execution Time: "+str(TimeDiff)+bcolors.ENDC)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import sys
import argparse
import time
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Combine images to generate 3D volume')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--corr', type=str, required=True,
help='2D Corr TIFF file (multi-layer)')
required.add_argument('--targetdisp', type=str, required=True,
help='Target Disparity TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str, required=True,
help='Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--confidence', type=str, required=True,
help='Confidence TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--disp_lma', type=str, required=True,
help='LMA Disparity TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='Combined TIFF file (multi-layer)')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--repeat', type=int, default=15,
help='Repeat tile number (default 15)')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
img2DCorr_name = args.corr
imgTargetDisp_name = args.targetdisp
imgGT_name = args.groundtruth
imgConfidence_name = args.confidence
imgDispLMA_name = args.disp_lma
output_name = args.output
repeatNb = args.repeat
# Read 2dcorr image - all layers
print("Reading 2dcorr file...")
img2DCorr = imageio.mimread(img2DCorr_name,memtest=False)
img2DCorr = np.array(img2DCorr)
# print('\nimg2DCorr type: ', img2DCorr.dtype)
# print('img2DCorr shape: ', img2DCorr.shape)
# Read TargetDisp and GroundTruth images
print("Reading TargetDisp file...")
imgTargetDisp = imageio.imread(imgTargetDisp_name)
# print('imgTargetDisp type: ', imgTargetDisp.dtype)
# print('imgTargetDisp shape: ', imgTargetDisp.shape)
print("Reading GroundTruth file...")
imgGT = imageio.imread(imgGT_name)
# print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
# print('imgGT shape: ', imgGT.shape)
print("Reading Confidence file...")
imgConfidence = imageio.imread(imgConfidence_name)
# print('imgConfidence type: ', imgConfidence.dtype)
# print('imgConfidence shape: ', imgConfidence.shape)
print("Reading DispLMA file...")
imgDispLMA = imageio.imread(imgDispLMA_name)
# print('imgDispLMA type: ', imgDispLMA.dtype)
# print('imgDispLMA shape: ', imgDispLMA.shape)
# - - - - - - - - - - -
print("Generating combined image...")
# Resample TargetDisp and imgTG (repeating values, to match img2DCor size)
imgTargetDisp_repeat0 = np.repeat(imgTargetDisp, repeatNb, axis=0)
imgTargetDisp_repeat = np.repeat(imgTargetDisp_repeat0, repeatNb, axis=1)
imgTargetDisp_repeat = np.expand_dims(imgTargetDisp_repeat, axis=0)
imgGT_repeat0 = np.repeat(imgGT, repeatNb, axis=0)
imgGT_repeat = np.repeat(imgGT_repeat0, repeatNb, axis=1)
imgGT_repeat = np.expand_dims(imgGT_repeat, axis=0)
# print('imgTargetDisp_repeat shape: ', imgTargetDisp_repeat.shape)
# print('imgGT_repeat shape: ', imgGT_repeat.shape)
imgConfidence_repeat0 = np.repeat(imgConfidence, repeatNb, axis=0)
imgConfidence_repeat = np.repeat(imgConfidence_repeat0, repeatNb, axis=1)
imgConfidence_repeat = np.expand_dims(imgConfidence_repeat, axis=0)
print('\t imgConfidence_repeat shape: ', imgConfidence_repeat.shape)
imgDispLMA_repeat0 = np.repeat(imgDispLMA, repeatNb, axis=0)
imgDispLMA_repeat = np.repeat(imgDispLMA_repeat0, repeatNb, axis=1)
imgDispLMA_repeat = np.expand_dims(imgDispLMA_repeat, axis=0)
print('\t imgDispLMA_repeat shape: ', imgDispLMA_repeat.shape)
# Stack layers to img2dCorr, to generate one 3D volume
imgAll = np.concatenate((img2DCorr,imgTargetDisp_repeat), axis = 0)
imgAll = np.concatenate((imgAll,imgGT_repeat), axis = 0)
imgAll = np.concatenate((imgAll,imgConfidence_repeat), axis = 0)
imgAll = np.concatenate((imgAll,imgDispLMA_repeat), axis = 0)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
print("Reading Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Quality control')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--confidence', type=str, required=True,
help='2D confidence TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='CSV file')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
imgConfidence_name = args.confidence
imgConfidence_basename = os.path.basename(imgConfidence_name)
output_name = args.output
# Read confidence image - all layers
#print("Reading confidence file...")
imgConfidence = imageio.imread(imgConfidence_name)
print('\nimgConfidence type: ', imgConfidence.dtype)
print('imgConfidence shape: ', imgConfidence.shape)
Bool_NaN = np.isnan(imgConfidence)
Nb_NaN = np.count_nonzero(Bool_NaN)
imgConfidence_NotNaN = imgConfidence[~np.isnan(imgConfidence)]
print('\nNb_NaN: ', Nb_NaN)
print('\nimgConfidence_NotNaN type: ', imgConfidence_NotNaN.dtype)
print('imgConfidence_NotNaN shape: ', imgConfidence_NotNaN.shape)
# Compute Image info: mean,min,max values
imgConfidence_mean = np.mean(imgConfidence_NotNaN)
imgConfidence_min = np.min(imgConfidence_NotNaN)
imgConfidence_max = np.max(imgConfidence_NotNaN)
print('\nimgConfidence_mean : ', imgConfidence_mean)
print('imgConfidence_min : ', imgConfidence_min)
print('imgConfidence_max : ', imgConfidence_max)
# Save information to CSV file
QC_data = np.array([[imgConfidence_basename,imgConfidence.shape[0],imgConfidence.shape[1], \
Nb_NaN, imgConfidence_mean, imgConfidence_min, imgConfidence_max]
Columns = ['FileName','imgConfidence_Shape0','imgConfidence_Shape1', \
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import argparse
import time
import os
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Quality control')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--corr', type=str, required=True,
help='2D Corr TIFF file (multi-layer)')
required.add_argument('--targetdisp', type=str, required=True,
help='Target Disparity TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--groundtruth', type=str, required=True,
help='Ground Truth TIFF file (single layer)')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='CSV file')
return parser
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
img2DCorr_name = args.corr
img2DCorr_basename = os.path.basename(img2DCorr_name)
imgTargetDisp_name = args.targetdisp
imgGT_name = args.groundtruth
output_name = args.output
# Read 2dcorr image - all layers
#print("Reading 2dcorr file...")
img2DCorr = imageio.mimread(img2DCorr_name,memtest=False)
img2DCorr = np.array(img2DCorr)
# print('\nimg2DCorr type: ', img2DCorr.dtype)
#print('img2DCorr shape: ', img2DCorr.shape)
# Read TargetDisp and GroundTruth images
#print("Reading TargetDisp file...")
imgTargetDisp = imageio.imread(imgTargetDisp_name)
# print('imgTargetDisp type: ', imgTargetDisp.dtype)
#print('imgTargetDisp shape: ', imgTargetDisp.shape)
#print("Reading GroundTruth file...")
imgGT = imageio.imread(imgGT_name)
# print('imgGT type: ', imgGT.dtype)
#print('imgGT shape: ', imgGT.shape)
# Compute Image info: mean,min,max values
img2DCorr_mean = np.mean(img2DCorr)
img2DCorr_min = np.min(img2DCorr)
img2DCorr_max = np.max(img2DCorr)
imgTargetDisp_mean = np.mean(imgTargetDisp)
imgTargetDisp_min = np.min(imgTargetDisp)
imgTargetDisp_max = np.max(imgTargetDisp)
imgGT_mean = np.mean(imgGT)
imgGT_min = np.min(imgGT)
imgGT_max = np.max(imgGT)
# print('\n img2DCorr pixel info:')
# print('\t img2DCorr_mean: ', img2DCorr_mean)
# print('\t img2DCorr_min: ', img2DCorr_min)
# print('\t img2DCorr_max: ', img2DCorr_max)
# Compute image difference between TargetDisp and GroundTruth images
Diff = np.abs(imgTargetDisp - imgGT)
Diff_mean = np.mean(Diff)
Diff_min = np.min(Diff)
Diff_max = np.max(Diff)
# print('Image difference:')
# print('\t Diff_mean:',Diff_mean )
# print('\t Diff_min:', Diff_min)
# print('\t Diff_max:', Diff_max)
# Save information to CSV file
QC_data = np.array([[img2DCorr_basename,img2DCorr.shape[0],img2DCorr.shape[1], img2DCorr.shape[2], \
imgTargetDisp.shape[0], imgTargetDisp.shape[1], imgGT.shape[0], imgGT.shape[1], \
img2DCorr_mean, img2DCorr_min, img2DCorr_max, \
imgTargetDisp_mean, imgTargetDisp_min, imgTargetDisp_max, \
imgGT_mean, imgGT_min, imgGT_max, \
Diff_mean, Diff_min, Diff_max]
Columns = ['FileName','img2DCorr_Shape0','img2DCorr_Shape1','img2DCorr_Shape2',\
df = pd.DataFrame(QC_data,columns=Columns)
df.to_csv(output_name, index=False)
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
#print("Computing Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
This project contains various python scripts used for disparity map analysis
## 1. Data pre-processing stage
Note: Data preprocessing stage to generate input files for AI analysis via ir-tp-net
### 1.1. Extracting images of interest from multi-layer 3D TIFF files
python3 ./ --crop_border --input $i --targetdisp $TargetDispImage \
--groundtruth $GroundTruthImage --confidence $ConfidenceImage --disp_lma $DispLMAImage --corr $CorrImage --verbose
- Input file is a special multi-layer TIFF file
- Output CorrImage is a 3D TIFF file with 120 layers
- Other output files are 2D images
### 1.2. Generating 3D TIFF files as direct input files to neural network ir-tp-net
python3 ./ --corr $CorrImage --targetdisp $TargetDispImage \
--groundtruth $GroundTruthImage --confidence $ConfidenceImage --disp_lma $DispLMAImage --output $CombinedImage
- Output file is a 3D image with 124 layers
- scaled to the size of the correlation image
## 2. AI analysis stage
Please see "ir-tp-net" project for neural network training and testing to generate predicted disparity map
## 3. Data post-processing stage
Note: Data postprocessing stage to analyze outputs from AI analysis
### 3.1. Density analysis
python3 ./ --pred $i --groundtruth $GroundTruthImage --adjtilesdim 1 --output $Density_CSVFile --inclusionmask $InclusionMask_File --exclusionmask $ExclusionMask_File --threshold 2.0 --verbose
Note: input file is the predicted disparity map
### 3.2. RMSE analysis
python3 ./ --pred $i --groundtruth $GroundTruthImage --adjtilesdim $AdjTilesDim --threshold $RMSE_Threshold --output $RMSE_CSVFile
python3 ./ --pred $i --groundtruth $GroundTruthImage --confidence $ConfidenceImage --disp_lma $DispLMAImage --adjtilesdim 1 --threshold $Threshold --output $RMSE_CSVFile --output_mask $RMSEFiltering_MaskFile
Note: input file is the predicted disparity map
## 4. Data Quality control
Quality control stage generating multi-layer 3D tiff file
python3 ./ --pred $i --groundtruth $GroundTruthImage --targetdisp $TargetDispImage --mask $DataFilteringMask --threshold 2.0 --output $InferenceQC_File --verbose
- input file is the predicted disparity map
- output file includes predicted disparity map, ground truth map, target disparity map and mask map
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import imageio
import numpy as np
import sys
import argparse
import time
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate combined image with random noise level')
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required')
required.add_argument('--template', type=str, required=True,
help='Combined TIFF file (multi-layer)')
required.add_argument('--offsetTemplate', type=float, required=True,
help='Template noise offset level')
required.add_argument('--noiseLevel', type=float, required=True,
help='Noise offset level')
required.add_argument('--output', type=str, required=True,
help='Output combined TIFF file (multi-layer)')
options = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options.add_argument('--tileSize', type=int, default=15,
help='Tile Size')
options.add_argument('--outputTargetDisp', type=str,
help='Output TargetDisp (2D image)')
options.add_argument('--outputGroundTruth', type=str,
help='Output GroundTruth (2D image)')
return parser
# Steps
# Option to define offset noise level
# Assess offset images based on noise level
# Load all images as list
# for each tile, pick among available images
# Save image
def main(args=None):
args = arg_parser().parse_args(args)
Time1 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time1: "+str(Time1)+bcolors.ENDC)
template_name = args.template
offset_template = args.offsetTemplate
noise_level = args.noiseLevel
output_name = args.output
tile_size = args.tileSize
output_TargetDisp = args.outputTargetDisp
output_GroundTruth = args.outputGroundTruth
# Offsets
List_AvailableOffsets = np.array([-5.000, -4.003, -3.116, -2.341, -1.676, -1.122, -0.679, -0.346, -0.125, -0.014, \
0.014, 0.125, 0.346, 0.679, 1.122, 1.676, 2.341, 3.116, 4.003, 5.000])
# Filter offsets based on offsetLevel
List_Offsets = List_AvailableOffsets[np.logical_and(List_AvailableOffsets >= -noise_level,List_AvailableOffsets <= noise_level)]
print('\n List_Offsets',List_Offsets)
# Nb images
nb_images = len(List_Offsets)
# Read template combined image
print("\n Reading template file...")
imgTemplate_layerList = imageio.mimread(template_name,memtest=False)
imgTemplate = np.stack(imgTemplate_layerList, axis=0)
print('\t imgTemplate type: ', imgTemplate.dtype)
print('\t imgTemplate shape: ', imgTemplate.shape)
print("\n Creating image stack...")
image_stack = np.zeros((nb_images, imgTemplate.shape[0], imgTemplate.shape[1], imgTemplate.shape[2]), dtype = imgTemplate.dtype)
# print('image_stack type: ', image_stack.dtype)
# print('image_stack shape: ', image_stack.shape)
# List_ImageNames
List_ImageNames = []
for i, offset in enumerate(List_Offsets):
print('\t Reading Image {} with offset {:.3f} ...'.format(i,offset))
offset_string = "{:.3f}".format(offset)
FileName_current = template_name.replace(str(offset_template),offset_string)
img_current_layerList = imageio.mimread(FileName_current,memtest=False)
img_current = np.stack(img_current_layerList, axis=0)
image_stack[i,...] = img_current
# Generating image stack
# image_stack = np.stack(List_Images, axis=0)
print('\t image_stack type: ', image_stack.dtype)
print('\t image_stack shape: ', image_stack.shape)
# Output image
print("\n Generating output image by random input patch selection...")
imgOutput = np.zeros(imgTemplate.shape, dtype = imgTemplate.dtype)
print('\t imgOutput type: ', imgOutput.dtype)
print('\t imgOutput shape: ', imgOutput.shape)
i = j = 0
for i in range(0,imgTemplate.shape[1], tile_size):
for j in range(0,imgTemplate.shape[2], tile_size):
random_selection = np.random.randint(nb_images)
#print('i j rnd: {} {} {}'.format(i,j,random_selection))
#imgOutput[:,i:i+tile_size,j:j+tile_size] = tile_size * patchNb
imgOutput[:,i:i+tile_size,j:j+tile_size] = image_stack[random_selection,:,i:i+tile_size,j:j+tile_size]
imgOutput_TargetDisp = imgOutput[-2,:,:]
imgOutput_TargetDisp = imgOutput_TargetDisp[::tile_size,::tile_size]
print('\t imgOutput_TargetDisp shape: ', imgOutput_TargetDisp.shape)
imgOutput_GroundTruth = imgOutput[-1,:,:]
imgOutput_GroundTruth = imgOutput_GroundTruth[::tile_size,::tile_size]
print('\t imgOutput_GroundTruth shape: ', imgOutput_GroundTruth.shape)
# Write output combined image (multi-layer)
print("\n Writing output file - combined image...")
# Write output TargetDisp image (2D)
if (output_TargetDisp is not None):
print("\nWriting output file - TargetDisp image...")
# Write output GroundTruth image (2D)
if (output_GroundTruth is not None):
print("\nWriting output file - GroundTruth image...")
Time2 = time.time()
#print(bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"Time2: "+str(Time2)+bcolors.ENDC)
TimeDiff = Time2 - Time1
print("Reading Time: "+str(TimeDiff))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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