<?php /* FILE NAME : debugfs.php DESCRIPTION: dynamic debug backend REVISION: 1.00 AUTHOR: Oleg Dzhimiev <oleg@elphel.com> LICENSE: AGPL, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt Copyright (C) 2016 Elphel, Inc. */ //globals $config = "debugfs.json"; $tmp_config = "/tmp/$config"; $DEBUGFSFILE = "/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control"; if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) $cmd = $_GET['cmd']; else $cmd = "do_nothing"; function control_records_sort($a,$b){ $ad1 = strpos($a,":"); $ad2 = strpos($a,"["); $afile = substr($a,0,$ad1); $aline = (int)substr($a,$ad1+1,($ad2-1)-$ad1-1); $bd1 = strpos($b,":"); $bd2 = strpos($b,"["); $bfile = substr($b,0,$bd1); $bline = (int)substr($b,$bd1+1,($bd2-1)-$bd1-1); if ($afile==$bfile){ if ($aline==$bline){ return 0; } return($aline<$bline)?-1:1; } return ($afile<$bfile)?-1:1; } function get_control($f){ $res = Array(); $results = trim(file_get_contents($f)); //print("<pre>"); $ress = explode("\n",$results); //filename - find first ":" //lineno - between ":" and " " //then [module] inside brackets //function from "]" to " " usort($ress,"control_records_sort"); $oldfile = ""; foreach($ress as $line){ if ($line[0]=="#") continue; $d0 = 0; $d1 = strpos($line,":"); $d2 = strpos($line,"["); $d3 = strpos($line,"]"); preg_match("/=[flmpt_]+/",$line,$matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $d4 = $matches[0][1]; $d5 = strpos($line,"\""); $subarr = Array(); $subarr['file'] = substr($line,0,$d1); $subarr['lineno'] = substr($line,$d1+1,($d2-1)-$d1-1); $subarr['module'] = substr($line,$d2+1,($d3-1)-$d2); $subarr['function'] = substr($line,$d3+1,($d4-1)-$d3-1); $subarr['flags'] = substr($line,$d4+1,1); $subarr['format'] = substr($line,$d5+1,-1); if ($subarr['file']!=$oldfile){ //echo "processing ".$subarr['file']."\n"; if ($oldfile!="") array_push($res,$sub); $oldfile = $subarr['file']; $sub = Array( "file" => $subarr['file'], "state" => 0, "configs" => Array( Array( "name" => "default", "state" => 1, "lines" => Array() ) ) ); } array_push($sub['configs'][0]['lines'],$subarr); } //last array_push($res,$sub); return $res; } function update_config($data){ global $tmp_config; // debugfs.json file_put_contents($tmp_config,$data); } function apply_config_to_control(){ global $tmp_config, $DEBUGFSFILE; $longstring = ""; $arr_config = json_decode(file_get_contents($tmp_config),true); foreach($arr_config as $v0){ if ($v0['state']==1){ foreach($v0['configs'] as $v1){ if ($v1['state']==1){ foreach($v1['lines'] as $v2){ $file = $v2['file']; $lineno = $v2['lineno']; $flag = $v2['flags']; if ($flag=="p") $sign = "+"; else $sign = "-"; $newstring = "file $file line $lineno ${sign}p;"; //there's a limit if (strlen($longstring.$newstring)>4095){ exec("echo -n '$longstring' > $DEBUGFSFILE"); $longstring = $newstring; }else{ $longstring .= $newstring; } //echo "echo -n 'file $file line $lineno ${sign}p'\n"; } } } } } exec("echo -n '$longstring' > $DEBUGFSFILE"); echo "Done"; } function apply_flag($flag){ global $tmp_config, $DEBUGFSFILE; $longstring = ""; $arr_config = json_decode(file_get_contents($tmp_config),true); foreach($arr_config as $v0){ if ($v0['state']==1){ foreach($v0['configs'] as $v1){ if ($v1['state']==1){ $newstring = "file ".$v0['file']." $flag;"; if (strlen($longstring.$newstring)>4095){ exec("echo -n '$longstring' > $DEBUGFSFILE"); $longstring = $newstring; }else{ $longstring .= $newstring; } } } } } exec("echo -n '$longstring' > $DEBUGFSFILE"); echo "Done"; } function sync_from_debugfs_to_config($config_index,$file,$line,$flags,$sign){ global $tmp_config; //$arr_debugfs = get_control("/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control"); $arr_config = json_decode(file_get_contents($tmp_config),true); $err = 0; $dc = 0; $dcc = 0; $dccc = 0; foreach($arr_config as $k => $v){ if ($v['file']==$file) { $dc = $k; $err = $err + 1; break; } } $tmp_arr1 = $arr_config[$dc]['configs']; foreach($tmp_arr1 as $k => $v){ if ($v['state']==1) { $dcc = $k; $err = $err + 2; break; } } $tmp_arr2 = $arr_config[$dc]['configs'][$dcc]['lines']; foreach($tmp_arr2 as $k => $v){ if ($v['lineno']==$line) { $dccc = $k; $err = $err + 4; break; } } if ($sign=="+") $flag = "p"; else $flag = "_"; echo "file index: $dc, config index: $dcc, line index: $dccc \n"; if ($err==7){ $arr_config[$dc]['configs'][$dcc]['lines'][$dccc]['flags'] = $flag; update_config(json_encode($arr_config)); }else{ echo "error code: $err"; } } function filter_record_by_file($a,$f){ $res = Array(); foreach($a as $k=>$v){ if ($v['file']==$f){ $res = $v; break; } } return $res; } if ($cmd=="do_nothing"){ if (isset($_GET['file'])) $file = $_GET['file']; else $file = $DEBUGFSFILE; //echo json_encode(get_control($file)); //echo "<pre>"; if (!is_file($tmp_config)) { if (is_file($config)) { copy($config,$tmp_config); $json_data = file_get_contents($tmp_config); echo $json_data; }else{ $arr = get_control($file); //print_r($arr); update_config(json_encode($arr)); echo json_encode($arr); } //echo "debugfs.json was missing, refresh page\n"; }else{ $json_data = file_get_contents($tmp_config); echo $json_data; //print_r(json_decode($json_data)); } } if ($cmd=="echo") { $file = $_GET['file']; $line = $_GET['line']; $flags = $_GET['flags']; $config_index = intval($_GET['conf']); //$config name if (strpos($flags,"p")===FALSE){ $sign = "-p"; }else{ $sign = "+"; } exec("echo -n 'file $file line $line ${sign}${flags}' > $DEBUGFSFILE"); sync_from_debugfs_to_config($config_index,$file,$line,$flags,$sign); } $debugfs_configs = "debugfs_configs"; if ($cmd=="save"){ $file = $_GET['file']; if (!is_dir($debugfs_configs)) mkdir($debugfs_configs); file_put_contents("$debugfs_configs/$file", file_get_contents($DEBUGFSFILE)); } if ($cmd=="sync"){ //list saved configs here $file = $_GET['file']; $data = file_get_contents("php://input"); update_config($data); apply_config_to_control(); } if ($cmd=="savetofs"){ copy($tmp_config,$config); } if ($cmd=="restore"){ apply_config_to_control(); } if ($cmd=="reread"){ $file = $_GET['file']; $arr = get_control($DEBUGFSFILE); $filtered = filter_record_by_file($arr,$file); echo json_encode($filtered); //echo "<pre>";print_r($filtered); } if ($cmd=="setflag"){ $flag = $_GET['flag']; apply_flag($flag); } //single line: echo -n 'file gamma_tables.c +p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control ?>