* Open http://target-ip/webserver-path-to-degufs.html/debugfs.html
***Edit list** - displays all and allows to select the files of interest
***f**, **l**, **m**, **t** flags are applied on page load/refresh, also use checkboxes
***Save to persistent storage** - copies current config from tmpfs to disk of the target system
* click **Edit list** to display all files and select the files of interest
***Apply to debugfs** - applies config from the selected in web GUI files to debugfs
* click **Apply to debugfs** to apply restored config to debugfs - restored config is not applied on page load/refresh - it's just read from the stored config file.
***Switch off debug** - turns off debug of all of the files of interest
* click on a filename to expand available debug options
* Click on the filename to expand available debug options
* use checkboxes to control (command is sent on change)
* Check the checkbox next to the line number to enable line (adds **+p**) - uncheck to disable (**-p**) - the command is sent on change
* click **read lines from debugfs** if the source has changed (line numbers got shifted) to update config - checkboxes will keep their states.
***read lines from debugfs** - updates line numbers if the source has changed but the old config is loaded, the checkboxes states pattern is kept.
* use the green dropdown menu in the file's table to create and select individual configs.
* Use the green dropdown menu in the file's table to create and select individual configs.
* click **Save to persistent storage** - copies current config from *tmpfs* to the target system's persistent storage (mounted rootfs, the same dir as *debugfs.php*)
* click **Switch off debug** to turn off debug in all of the files of interest.
## Notes
**debugfs.json* stored the same dir as *debugfs.php* is the global file in *json* format. It stores all individual configs.
**jquery.ajax.queue.js* plugin is used to send ajax requests sequentially to resolve racing condition in accessing the global config file.
* On page load/refresh debugfs.php tries to restore the global config in the following order:
* from *tmpfs* (*/tmp/debugfs.json*) - is a working copy, don't not forget to save it before reboot.
* from the target system's persistent storage (*debugfs.json* - mounted rootfs, the same dir as *debugfs.php*). Copied to */tmp/debugfs.json*.
* from debugfs (*/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control*). Copied into */tmp/debugfs.json*. **Save to persistent storage** - to create persistent config.
* Depending on the number of selected files ajax requests can take some time:
* single debug message - quick
***f**,**l**,**m**,**t**, **apply to debugfs** - 100+ms - depends on the number of files.